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1、Module 4 词汇篇爭*脑审操李作业完成丽爭教学目标掌握重点词汇及短语并能灵活运用。C趣味引K參知识梳珂1. need意为“需要”,既可用作实义动词,也可用作情态动词。need用作实义动词时,它的单数第三人称形式为needs,后面可跟名词、代词、带 to的不定式等作宾语。如:The boy doesn t need help.The book is useful. We n eed it.He n eeds to work hard.need用作情态动词时,后面跟动词原形。如:They needn t water the flower again.Need he come here now

2、?No, he needn t. / Yes, he must.2. In twenty year s time, maybe there won t be any schools!二十年之后,也许一所学校都没有了 “in + 一段时间”表示“一段时间之后”,常用于将来时。可以用 how soon 来提问。如 : How soon will you be back? 你多久回来? In a week. 一个月之后。3. They can ask their teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email.他们可以通过互联网、电话或电子邮件向

3、老师提问。by表示方式,意思是“用,靠,通过”。女口:Send it by air mail.用航空邮件寄吧。They want to travel by train.他们想坐火车旅行。4. Computer won t be able to do that.计算机无法胜任。be able to 的意思是“能够,会,胜任”。相当于 can, 但是可以用于更多的时态中。如:I m able to sw im. = I can swim. 我会游泳。They will be able to tell you the news soon. = They can tell you the news s

4、oon. 他们很快就能告诉你这个消息了。Mary was able to ride a bike when shes five.玛丽 5 岁时就会骑车了。5. Teachers wont use chalk on a blackboard and students wont use pen and paper, or erasers any more!老师们将不再用粉笔在黑板上写字,学生们也将不再使用钢笔、纸或橡皮!not . any more 的意思是“不再”。如:He isn t a child any more.他不再是小孩子了。I won t do that any more.我再也不

5、那样做了。6. n ot only . but also .是一个连词词组,意为“不仅;而且,连接两个并列成分。当连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词要和邻近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:He can not only dance but also sing.Not only John but also his parents are going to watch the basketball match tomorrow.7. The sea level will rise as well.海平面也会升高。as well表示也,又”,常用于句尾。如:The little girl sin gs,

6、 and plays the pia no as well.这个小女孩既会唱歌,又会跳舞。He can speak En glish, and speak Chin ese as well.他既会说英语,又会说汉语。8. job & workjob与work都可以作名词,都有工作”的意思,但用法不同。job是可数名词,特别指有报酬的具体工作,也可指临时的工作,可与不定冠词连用。如:He has a job in a bank.at workwork是不可数名词,表示比较抽象的工作概念,不能与不定冠词连用,它常用于固定短语中,意为“在工作”。如:I have much work to do ev

7、ery day.My uncle is at work.特色莎卑1. My sister has got aas a teacher in a school.A. jobB. jobsC. workD. works答案:A解析:job是可数名词,特别指有报酬的具体工作,也可指临时的工作,可与不定冠词连用。2. Do you n eed the work now?A. finishB. to finishC. finishingD. fini shes答案:Bto的不定式等作宾语。D. will be解析:need用作实义动词时,后面可跟名词、代词、带3. Mum able to come ba

8、ck tomorrow.A. wasB. isC. be答案:D解析:be able to 可以用于多种的时态中,此句为将来时。4. Will you send your homeworkthe teacheremail?Yes, I will.A. for; byB. at; with C. to; byD. by; to答案:C解析:by表示方式,意思是“用,靠,通过”。5. you study at home in 100 years?Yes, I.A. Are; amB. Will; willC. Will; doD. Are; do答案:B解析:“in + 一段时间”表示“一段时间之

9、后”,常用于将来时。6. This kin d of bread is terrible. I don t want to eat it.A. any moreB. some moreC. no Ion gerD. some Ion ger答案:A解析:n ot . any more的意思是“不再”。7. The weather gets warm and the sea level rises.A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. as well答案:D解析:as well表示“也,又”,常用于句尾。8. Not only my classmates but also my te

10、acherwatch ing football games.A. likeB. likesC. will likeD. is goi ng to like答案:B解析:not only . but also .是一个连词词组,意为“不仅;而且”,连接两个并列成分。当连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词要和邻近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。挙当堂-练可基础演练用所给词的适当形式填空1. Chinese students have a lot of homework(do)every day.2. Our life(be)different in ten years time.3. Can Tony(se

11、nd)emails by Internet?4. Betty with her mother(be)able to dance with the help of the dance teacher.5. We(not carry)the heavy things by ourselves in the future.答案 : 1. to do2. will be3. send 4. is5. won t carry巩固提高完成句子1. 我们的老师下节课要检查书写。Our teacher the writing next class.2. 李明将不能和我们一起去动物园了。Li Ming go t

12、o the zoo with us.3. 今后我不再上学迟到了。I be late for school .4. 收音机预报明天将会有强风暴雨。The radio says there will be and tomorrow.5. 也许有一天我们将进入太空旅行。 we will to travel one day.答案 : 1. will check2. won t be able to3. won t; any more4. strong wind; heavy rain 5. Maybe; go into space学当堂检莎)单选2-1-021. There will bebad we

13、ather in the spri ng and the autu mn.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. He s leavi ngBeiji ng n ext mon th.A. toB. forC. atD. in3. It s going to betomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. snowyD. snowing4. late aga in n ext time, Tom.A. Don t be B. Be not C. Not be D. Don t5. We ll get there at eight, but they.A. aren tB. d

14、idn tC. won t D. dont6. Best wishes New Year s Day and best wishesyou.A. to; forB. to; toC. for; for D. for; to7. Hurry up! The trainsoon.A. leavesB. is leavi ngC. goi ng to leaveD. leave8. They want to take some fruitthem on the trip.A. in B. to C. with D. of9. Look at these big black clouds. Itrai

15、n. Let s hurry.A. mustB. willC. wouldD. is going to10. I n eedto do my homework.A. several piece of paperB. several pieces of paperC. several piece of papersD. several pieces of papers11. Will therelots of robots in the future?A. have B. be C. has D. is12. are you going to talk with him this eve ning?



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