2020版高考英语一轮复习 Book 7 Unit 1 Living well语境运用 新人教版

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1、Book 7Unit 1Living well语境运用语境词汇运用词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的适当形式变化)1.Senior citizens 65 years old and older and (残疾的) customers may ride for half the regular fare. 2.I am an (外向的) boy who has rich experience in organizing school activities. 3.William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his (视力) was begin

2、ning to fail.4.The suggestion that further negotiations are to take place to produce an “acceptable” report suggests that the (政治) of the coalition government are doing the country harm in a certain way.5.As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time when he should be able

3、 to be (自立的).6.But conscientiousness in the (缺席) of social skills can lead to problems.7.The man (辞职) from the Hope Project because, he said,he was not content with the systems monitoring the charity organizations.8.My older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my (笨

4、拙的) walk.9.During my first quarter, I spoke directly to the Chancellor(校长),asking him for support towards my initiatives(提议), (遇到) the Vice Chancellors, and cooperated with my teaching assistants to begin my undergraduate research project.(2016浙江)10.Would you like to be my close friend?Of course!Let

5、s share our troubles (和) our joys.11.I was (上气不接下气)after arriving at the top of the mountain.12.Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard;(换句话说), you failed.13.Its bad manners to (取笑) the disabled.14.(总而言之), her condition is greatly improved.15.My doctor says I must (停止)smokin

6、g for the sake of health.16.To remain competitive, the company has to be able (适应)the changing marketplace.17.From my point of view, Toms lifestyle is similar to yours (在很多方面).18.We (闲坐着)most of the evening, waiting for Jake and drinking beer.19.Im sorry I lost the wallet you gave me.(不要紧), I can ea

7、sily buy you another one.答案1.disabled2.outgoing3.eyesight4.politics5.independent6.absence7.resigned8.clumsy9.met with10.as well as11.out of breath12.in other words13.make fun of14.All in all15.cut out16.to adapt to17.in many ways18.sat around19.Never mind单句填空(注意所填词汇的适当形式变化)1.He had some difficulties

8、(adapt) to the local culture.2.As we all know,fresh air is to our health and the new park us all, so we should keep it clean. (benefit)3.I beg you not to of my choice because your means a great deal to me. (approve) 4.The boss felt very when he heard the news. (annoy) 5.It moved me much that theboy

9、swam well in spite of his .(disable)6.Tom is now working as a volunteer in a remote Indian village school, which is only by boat. Whats worse, people there have no to clean water. (access)答案1.adapting2.beneficial;benefits3.disapprove;approval4.annoyed;annoying5.disabled;disability6.accessible;access

10、经典句型仿写1.在毕业典礼上,正如她预料的那样,她非常自豪地和一个有爱心、有礼貌和有自信的班级站在一块。(be proud to do)At the graduation ceremony, just as she expected, she with a class of love, manners and confidence.2.他太固执了,你说服不了他跟我们一起去帮助残疾人。(too.to.)He is to help the disabled with us.3.我爸爸站在远处,朝我们挥手。(分词作伴随状语)My father stood in the distance, .4.尽管残疾,杰克却和身边的每个人一样过着正常的生活。(as+adj.+不定冠词+n.+as)In spite of his disability, Jack can live everybody else.5.不遵守交通规则的话,你一定会被惩罚的。(be to do)You if you disobey traffic rules.答案1.was very proud to stand2.too stubborn for you to persuade him3.waving to us4.as normal a life as5.are to be punished1



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