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1、2023年湖北教师招聘考试考试模拟卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.普通中小学教育的性质是_。A做人教育B职业教育C基础教育D专业教育2.They were()to hear the()news.A.surprised;surprisedB.surprising;surprisingC.surprised;surprisingD.surprising;surprised3.威特金将人的认知方式分为()。A场依存型和场独立型B反思型和冲动型C整体型和系列型D内倾型和外向型4.教

2、学原则反映了_。A教育现象B教学规律C教学现象D师生关系5.The lawyer listened with full attention,()to miss any point.A. not tryingB. trying notC. to try notD. not to try6.Lets learn to use the problem we are facing()a stepping-stone to future success.A. toB. forC. asD. by7.The new librarian still doesnt know()the out of date

3、newspapers and magazines.Awhat to deal withBhow to deal withChow to do withDwhat to do away with8.In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never()of great.AfareBpaymentCworthDexpense9.()do you visit your grandparents before Every winter.AHow longBHow oftenCHow s

4、oonDHow much10.In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a()for everyone to stand up.AsignalBchanceCmarkDmeasure11.Please make my excuse at tomorrows meeting. Ive got too much work()Ato do to comeBdoing comingCto do comingDdoing to come12.I was just going to cut my ros

5、e bushes, but someone()it. Was it youA. has doneB. had doneC. would doD. will do13.He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found()of them again.A. neitherB. eitherC. eachD. all14.She didnt see me come and went on()her newspaper.Ato readBreadingCwith readingDread15.There is an incr

6、easing()to make movies describing violence.A. strengthB. directionC. traditionD. trend16.She couldnt help, even though she tried not to,()at the strange clothes her friend was wearing.A. to laughB. laughC. laughingD. laughed17.You havent been to Beijing, have you (). And how I wish to go there again

7、!AYes, I haveBYes, I haven'tCNo, I haveDNo, I haven't18.The citizens didnt feel safe at all after several families had their house()sat night and a lot of things stolen.Abroken inBbroken intoCto be broken intoDbreak in19.His MP3 is the same as(),but it is more expensiveAhimBmineCmyDher20.Dut

8、y is an act or a course of action that people()you to take by social customs, law or religion.A. persuadeB. requestC. instructD. expect21.()new buildings will be built in my hometown.AA great deals ofBA lots ofCA plenty ofDA great number of22.Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conve

9、rsation as()else.A. anythingB. somethingC. anywhereD. somewhere23.Does the TV say()happened in Iraq every dayAterrible somethingBsomething terribleCterrible anythingDanything terrible24.The meaning of the sentence is(); you can interpret it in several ways.AskepticalBintelligibleCambiguousDexclusive

10、25.Is()here No, Bob is ill at home.AanybodyBsomebodyCeverybodyDnobody二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.以“对数函数及其性质”为内容撰写一份说课稿。 2.“生命活动的主要承担者蛋白质”是人民教育出版社高中生物必修1中第二章第二节的内容。请针对此课设计一个说课稿。 3.何谓数学模型举例说明构造数学模型的一般步骤。 4.简述初中数学新课程的教学内容的特点。 5.探究性学习的基本特点有哪些 6.先化简分式再从不等式组的解集中取一个合适的值代入,求原分式的值。 7.袋中有20个大小相同的球,其中

11、记上0号的有10个,记上n号的有n个(n=1,2,3,4)。 现从袋中任取一球,表示所取球的标号。 (1)求的分布列、期望和方差; (2)若=a+b,E=1,D=11,试求a,b的值。 8.如图,四棱锥P-ABCD的底面ABCD是边长为1的菱形,BCD=60,点E是CD的中点,PA底面ABCD,。 (1)求证:平面PBE平面PAB: (2)求二面角A-BE-P的大小。 9.抛物线C的方程为y=ax2(a0),过抛物线C上一点P(x0,y0)(x00)作斜率为k1,k2的两条直线分别交抛物线C于点A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)两点(P,A,B三点互不相同),且满足k2+k1=0(0且-1)。

12、 (1)求抛物线C的焦点坐标和准线方程; (2)设直线AB上一点M,满足,证明:线段PM的中点在y轴上。 10.Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition entitled save water. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1水对一切生物的重要性: 2云南持续三年干旱情况; 3我们应该怎样节约用水。 写作要求: 1结构完整,衔接自然,行文流畅,句式多样,覆盖要点,适当发

13、挥。 2不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 11.教育者在完成某一门课程的教学时,希望受教育者达到的要求或产生的变化结果指的是A教育目的B培育目标C教学目标D课程目标 12.理想的师生关系有哪些基本特征 13.简述桑代克提出的三大学习定律。 14.简述课程的理论流派。 15.简述教育行政执法的原则。 16.简述教育法律责任的归责要件。 17.阅读案例材料,根据材料分析问题。(1)张晓是来自农村的一名高三学生。父母都是老实的农民,他们每天含辛茹苦地劳作,想尽最大的努力为张晓提供好一点的学习条件。张晓非常懂事,学习刻苦,成绩优异,他想考上一所好大学,以回报父母。但是,随着高考的临近,



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