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1、主语+谓语宾语一、此句型中的谓语以 vt (及物动词) 为主,如: 1) H oftenhel me. 2) Iear Eis well. 3) H is often eate by hisfaher.此外,此句型中的谓语也可以是短语动词,如:1) Im liseing to the aio. 2)He ookingf h. 3) He came p with a goo id短语动词-形式上是短语,被当成一种动词来整体使用,各部分之间不可分开二、写作常用及物动词和短语:ffect neslif/heal/suy/wrkougheelins/moodreatinshp itafford the

2、 ee/imspae/a txi/our/srvic/fin/repaimae s.annoy sb.answr sb./the quetio/te hn/the dorattend meetig/sc/chuhwedding/ceremonyattrct sb./onesttntion/ interestarthepain/cost/blme/oe/wihtbeutythe oom/evronmnbeliee sb.lm s. for sh.blockth rad/dain/pie/iw/nraceext/nlightooka romicketabla ston a plaeborow th

3、.fom sbbide thiver/gp/stncbrn b./sthbradcattenes/onet/machbrsh nes tt/shoscothes/hairbuilde/road/brdg/nest/abusinsa ette futuebury sh.y th. forsb.al the olce/a amulne/adctrte firefitercarry sppng/a suitca/s. onhe bckcatchabal/a ish/thief/celerate ons birthdayChrsta/avictory/sucesshallege /neslfchang

4、e s./nes attitu/es/opinin/o/addrss/cloths/eat/anoteones wayshare s. $ fh./a attrca bchc oe wr/thenumbers/adressche sb./sth.cen the rm/abe/dit/rbbishclm the ntain/ll/a tree starscloe th door/ww/rtin/hp/oes bokeescolctthe emt btle/aste pe/mn/tm/oneshghtcoour picur wal (green)omftsb.cmplee the wor/tas/

5、formconus sb./A wih Bontain wate50 lites/1% lcootribut mney/wht ecn afford/oemsocontol ./oneslfacar/a pne/raffi/ricescnvey feelings/mese/good wises tob.cookbrakast/dineroyote/ onestyle sbcorrecsb./ons mistake/the watch/n essy/aestcost /ones ife/ie/aticeunt ver A with B/ ones nervusnescs a rad/a ier/

6、 th sea/ montain/n legs/rmst ons fngers/hair/nilstecke/ the ppe/are/dcorae the rom/ treet/Christmas ree/ardeatsb/ne temdelierthgoodsaelmesae/a spehdcribe sb/sth.dg a tmetbea outepostresoy th ad/id/ouseoes op/caee/ruaton/iagedal110 /11 99 the nmbonhreceptdg the gounda hle tnneldscussth polems/pandist

7、urbsb.thpapeson theabl/the silencenat mone/goodsdoubt my wo/从句drawa ict/sb. aide/th. out o/ onclusion/some moneym thenk(yacont)drink watr/milkrca/taxia nnernes words承认说错话educae b(childn/he pulic)te te roo/a shooluivsity/ race/exaexminesth.xchane sth. with sb./Af Bexectananswer/repl/letter/prsenfrom

8、sbxerene peasurpai/ifiltyhardshipexlin ones ida/an/theprbl/a t b.exressos thans/eels to sb.face sb/souh/th ee/dngedfiutiesfal ateta examftc adotr/th.findfinis ones orka bok/th oofix a helf o th wala postin h ground/a atch/onseyes onfld clthes/the leter/is igsforgt ones name/birhdahe ddressforve sb./

9、oneslfor sh/dingsth.in oes afins/trs/xprincstrengthras the roe/one hand/n oportnityhangsth. o thehook/in/walharmsb/erelaionslp sbeh other/orsit re/ the wal/ a ballt nailwith a mme/ . on the head hithe ad上路、出发hol oeshand/an bllabby n es arm/n attntiona mting/ the view/ 20 pople5 litreswathug s./a oth

10、ehr / oneelones pride/confecinore bn rudenessimprove oes workhelt/stuyglish/ahthequiy of sevice/injres oneselfones halth/reputaionnert a ky/r ipires./cnfideceope/thuism insb.itrrupt themeetgicuso/oe speec/.itrdu sb. to . sth.t sb / . o s. (inrodc us to theocean ofnolede)invte o dinr/ oa party/oave d

11、inero give aaljud lcklearngtlitlsemakmeasueetmedmsmimopmoveednoticeobybereopposorderorganipckpaitrpsaypersuadeplatpayplasepollutpostpaieprespromotepullpunihpuhpulrachreadreereceiveecognercodrecycleejecrmovrentrepirrepetreentescureecretrnreiewridernrollrowruinsavescoldsearchsezeselectselsensparatesereshakshreshwsinspellstealtickststregthensudysuitsupportsurprisesurrdsurviveteartellantotietmrlatetreattrubletrstunrstanuevalu


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