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1、 课前英语演讲稿三分钟课前英语演讲稿三分钟课前英语演讲稿三分钟1 Te orldwe liv iisbeomnmreand re inoerabe bcase ofevironmentaldetuction. For xap forestdesttin results ndreas of anting land adunpleasat weat. In dditionn is fedth prlm ofaterpoltin nd ai pllution otofmeasus haebeen tak. Panti tese improvead buify the enirnment. Besid

2、eslawscocrning envirnmenta prtecionavbeen u ineffet and acieed ood reslts. Hwever te obe ofenvonmentlprocion reafa from bin olv. Ote oe hthe nvromen poluion ad detrucion are gettngwose ad wrsein the mdrn wrld. On t oherhand hak o knwlee about mportacof protectngnironmenthidersthe solving f th pblem.

3、 I aod hr i a longay to go beforewe joy a cleanadcomfoabl world. e wor we lvein is bcomn moe nd re ntolerable beause enironmntal destct. Fr exmple frest dstructionesuts idecrease plntng and an unplasant weathr.n ation ma isfacewih problems ae poluton and ai poluion.Alo of masures ha tken. laning tre

4、es helps improve abeautify e enviromnt. esides concring enionmenal potectionhave beenpt nto effect an chievdgo uls.Hwevthe prole ofenvioenal protecionreain far rm bin soled.On the onehnd th enionme olluin nd destrction e geting wore nd worseit ern orld. On thoher handte lack of kowlege abouttheimort

5、ane f protcig envioet hinde th slving o th problem.In a wordtherisa long way t g efore wejoy a clea andomrtableold.课前英语演讲稿三分钟2 good enig, hoorable jues, ldes ndgnlemen. is my great laeo stnd ere to presen y specchang the wor,chageselve.isotiable ha western hldays are ecomg icasingy oplar d y, le cin

6、ese traditio fetials r bing smewa nglected. tong eforeabot 1 otorin bejing unirsit adighua uvert nnoued tate should rject e inasion weste hldays,becaue the egdwestern holidays asn callegegains ourtrditonl fesals anultur. rnkly peakig, dont qute gee wt them.nded,we shoul nev nect even isar our tradit

7、onal festivals as cin boastsabrllianthisory an slendi raitns (eampls).but wh twe abrb e eaninfulestenoldays ad culture thre eoviourasn why some wester olidy are opopular in ci. n the onehnd, some f the westrn holdas wich wehiesedont have a rasonae andenigful,schas father day ad ari fols dayec.on the

8、 ther hd,th revalce of goalizatn enableswsternulte topreval ichin.whed byuca trend,hinee ncnsiciouly getnvoved n westrholidys an ultre ith the rthe velopn of t whle rld, te utural mmcaion tween drcountes and ntions bcoefster and e ad moe impotat e e ideed from dieren ios,butwe are thecitizensof the

9、sm word, soth ouandin culuof dferent nations is the commm eah eveyone on h earththe onlwyorso potecur traditoalcltur s torejecte forign lture? e answer is dfinitey no. wht we out odois to spae no effor to euae chiese to et to know nd treseor splendidtraditions sa o ejcting forin utu. only byedcating

10、can west ouconfene andbelief toardu cutue课前英语演讲稿三分钟3 ach of has faiyalso love teirome but yo kno we av aommn hu? - That i urlane! Earth iurcon om an is a r beatfu home then there s bl sy wt ieclods a tee it ed fowr bds onennho eatil althe ahbu hat e hae not ought u how topotec therth? cober15 20xx a

11、stroaut Yang iweadthe falytelpho sid eciedly I- se our batiul hoe which ounds fr spacehow many Chiese peple moved thnumber offories Yeah Tday wever when we aa ac te bauty o our o we cana say? Blue sk ho lif ued t a brilliant andcpe no rapped in the gy the clan air beomveryoeto esre tdream. Faced ih

12、an icasingyserousar poluton lkin a the syou sy? Kow of a smllvllae clleDeonsaton ofild do? The plceassurrounded heCastl Peareen Rir lows aeutiful pa a! Howevr he vilags are awar fth enironme no one impoant tare dfetat and reclamatin deortainfoest rdally disappeardthe re grdlly dry well ater graually wih. Tdathisno loneree themountas n nevre gen watend tevillage eol e ver lttl wter wah yourfacethen ee


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