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1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页旅游英语教案一、课程性质、地位和任务本科层次的学生在完成基础阶段的学习任务,达到四级或六级水平后,都必须修读专业英语,一方面为保证大学生英语学习不断线,另一方面也是使学生所掌握的英语知识能够转化成为专业技能。旅游英语这门课属于专业选修课,是根据大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的要求而开展教学活动的,其目的是为了适应中国进一步扩大对外交流和发展出、入境旅游,培养更多的有扎实的英语专业知识又精通旅游理论的专业人才。二、课程基本要求通过对这门课程的学习,学生们可以拓展专业知识,掌握一定的专业英语词汇,熟悉旅游英语的常用

2、表达方法,并进一步巩固英语语言基础,提高在专业领域内综合运用英语语言的能力。本课程要求学生在学习过程中主要锻炼英语的听、说、读能力,在工作中能够顺畅的与服务对象展开交流;要求学生在一定程度上掌握写作和翻译能力,在实践中发挥专业人才的作用。三、教案内容Unit 1 Reservation教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握在酒店服务中如何使用英语帮助客人进行预订。教学基本内容: Listening Comprehension听力对话重点句型听力 Useful Expressions酒店服务英语的总体原则组织结构预定的常见形式预定的注意事项 Situational Dialogue: Alice Liu

3、is a secretary in Tokyo. She calls Hilton Hotel in Tianjin to reserve a suite for her boss from March 22 to 24. The reservation answers the phone call and accepts the booking. Reading ComprehensionText A:(1) Explain the function of the front office.(2) Use examples to describe the relationship betwe

4、en room reservation and other department. Exercises and summary 本单元重点:电话预定本单元难点:服务人员在预定过程中的引领作用教学方法:讲授Unit 2 Reception教学目的和要求:要求学生能够使用英语完成登记入住服务。教学基本内容: Listening Comprehension 听力对话重点句型听力 Useful Expressions入住登记的操作流程房态支付方式 Situational Dialogue(1) A guest comes up to the Reception Desk. He has booked

5、a double room for four nights a week ago by Ctrip. Now he wants to check-in.(2) A guest enters the hotel you served. He has no reservation. Unfortunately, all the rooms are occupied until 6:00 pm. Now it is 4 oclock. Try to make this deal successfully. Reading ComprehensionText A: (1) List differenc

6、es between Stars and Diamonds.(2) Describe the current situation of Star ratings in China.(3) Is it necessary to introduce Diamond ratings into China? Text B: (1) Explain the function of room categories. (From supplier perspective and guest perspective.)(2) What are the differences among POV, OV and

7、 OF. (Use Chinese to answer.) Which one will be the most expensive? Exercises and summary 本单元重点:登记入住流程本单元难点:团队客人的登记入住教学方法:讲授Unit 3 Answer the Calls教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握酒店接听电话的方式和类别。教学基本内容: Listening Comprehension 听力对话重点句型听力 Useful Expressions饭店总机的功能饭店总机的基本要求 Situational Dialogue(1) One guest need a morning

8、 call for his 9:00 international flight. He know nothing about the traffic condition. Please give some suggestion to the guest and confirm the morning call.(2) One guest is confused by the charges of the calls. Please give some explanation. Include: house phone, local call, long distance call and in

9、ternational call. There is a minimum charge of first three minutes for Domestic Direct Dial but not for International Direct Dial. Reading ComprehensionText A: 翻译Text B: (1) Differentiate a mobile phone and a portable phone. (2) Why cell phone can be used in different countries?(3) Estimate the effe

10、ct of digital camera in cell phone. Exercises and summary 本单元重点:接听电话后的正确操作方式本单元难点:叫早电话教学方法:讲授Unit 4 Complaint教学目的和要求:要求学生掌握应对客人投诉或抱怨的方法,以及处理措施。教学基本内容: Listening Comprehension 听力对话重点句型听力 Useful Expressions投诉处理程序处理投诉的注意事项 Situational Dialogue(1) Mrs. Brown complain that the hot water is not as hot as

11、she expected. Try to deal with it.(2) Mr. Green is very unhappy with the restaurant service in the hotel. The manager is handling the complaint. Reading ComprehensionText A: (1) If you are an employee, what is your attitude toward the customer complaints?(2) If you are the manager, what is your atti

12、tude toward the customer complaints?(3) If you are the owner of the hotel, what is your attitude toward the customer complaints?(4) How to manage customer complaints?Text B: (1) Classify all the complaints in Poor Service. Try to resolves these problems.(2) Should we inform guests some problems abou

13、t the room when they make a reservation. Exercises and summary 本单元重点:应对客人投诉的方法本单元难点:如何舒缓客人情绪教学方法:讲授Unit 5 Check-out教学目的和要求:要求学生能够使用英语完成对客人离店退宿的服务。教学基本内容: Listening Comprehension 听力对话重点句型听力 Useful Expressions结账退宿的操作流程账单上常见的缩写 Situational Dialogue(1) Mrs. Smith is in Room 2210 and she is checking out.

14、 Her bill is ¥1250. She wants to settle the bill with cash. You find that the cash is not RMB or USD but HKD. As the hotel regulation, HKD is not accepting. Try to help her to check out. (2) Miss Chen has stayed in the hotel for 4 days and she is going to check out. She finds that if she reserved by

15、 Ctrip she could get 15% discount. Now she requires the discount. But you find that she made the reservation by telephone. Try to deal with this problem. Reading ComprehensionText A: (1) What is account?(2) What is folio?(3) Differentiate account from folio. Exercises and summary 本单元重点:离店退宿的流程本单元难点:前台财务管理教学方法:讲授Unit 6 Housekeeping教学目的和要求:要求学生了解客房部的常见服务及应对措施。教学基本内容: Listening Comprehension听力对话重点句型听力 Useful Expressions客房部部结构客房迎宾服务客房清理服务的注意事项客房设施词汇



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