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1、北京语言大学21秋高级写作在线作业二答案参考1. Our sleep influences our mood. Our mood _, affects our performance.A.by turnB.turn overC.in turnD.after turn参考答案:C2. She came into the room quietly _ wake her friends.A.so as not toB.in order to notC.not toD.so she does not参考答案:A3. Tom _ China for 3 years.A.has beenB.has bee

2、n inC.has been toD.has been at参考答案:B4. She misinterpreted the _ of his letter and thus misunderstood his intentions.A.implicationB.feelingC.significanceD.sense参考答案:A5. Neither of the young men who had applied for a position in the university _.A.has been acceptedB.have been acceptedC.was acceptedD.w

3、ere accepted参考答案:C6. She turned_early to work this morning.A. inB. onC. upShe turned_early to work this morning.A. inB. onC. up参考答案:C7. They _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their plan Avisited Bwere visiting CwerThey _ the factory, but a heavy downpour spoiled their planAvisitedBwere vis

4、itingCwere to have been visited Dwere to have visitedDwere/was to have done表示“本来打算,本来要(而结果没做到)”。8. Hurry up, or the tickets ( ) by the time we get there.A.will have been sold outB.will sell outC.have sold outD.have been sold out参考答案:A9. John seems a nice person, _ I dont trust him.A.Even thoughB.Eve

5、n soC.ThereforeD.Though参考答案:B10. The car _ halfway for no reason.A.broke offB.broke downC.broke upD.broke out参考答案:B11. Scientists will have to _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply.A.come outB.come up forC.come intoD.come up with参考答案:D12. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the p

6、assage?AInternet is a source of learningWhich of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AInternet is a source of learning for teens.BOutside classroom learning is equally valuable.CTeens need to learn more effectively online.DParents should also learn to use Internet.正确答案:DA、B、C三个选项都可在文中找到证据,

7、只有D选项未提及。13. She was not (permitted) to visit either her sisters or her mother-in-law.选择能代替括号里的选项( )A.favoredB.grantedC.supportedD.allowed参考答案:D14. The lecture _, he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speaker.A.beganB.beginningC.having begunD.being beginni

8、ng参考答案:C15. ( ) that happen, what ( ) we do?A.IfshallB.SupposeshallC.ShouldwouldD.Hadshould参考答案:C16. Most Americans, when they are free, concern themselves with their _ at home.A.actsB.actingC.actionsD.activities参考答案:D17. The enemy air force dropped bombs _ all over the city, causing many deaths tog

9、ether with great destruction&39;s.A.scarcelyB.carelesslyC.randomlyD.hardly参考答案:C18. Einstein had (genius).选择能代替括号里的选项A.skillB.abilityC.talentD.capacity参考答案:C19. I wont believe you _ I have seen it with my own eyes.A.beforeB.untilC.afterD.when参考答案:B20. Joe is not good at sports, but when it _ mathema

10、tics, he is the best in the class.A.comes up toB.comes around toC.comes toD.comes on to参考答案:C21. The secretary and headmaster of the school _ present at the meeting.A.wasB.wereC.areD.be参考答案:A22. _ there were only five soldiers left at the front, _ they went on fighting.A.Because; soB.If; andC.Though

11、; butD.Though; /参考答案:D23. ( ) hat is that?A.whosB.whoseC.whoD.whom参考答案:B24. He promised that he would ( ) at least two hours on his English study every day.A.put downB.put onC.put awayD.put in参考答案:D25. Im sorry I have made so many mistakes. I wish I ( ).A.didntB.hadntC.wouldntD.wont参考答案:B26. There w

12、ere (approximately) half a billion people.选择能代替括号里的选项( )A.roughlyB.more thanC.less thanD.the same as参考答案:A27. She might have been at the meeting, but nobody _ her there.A.lookedB.noticedC.remarkedD.commented参考答案:B28. A: Would you like me ( ) the radio a bit? B: No, its all right. Im used to ( ) with

13、 the radio on.A.to turn up; workB.to turn down; workC.turning up; workingD.to turn down; working参考答案:D29. They are ( ) the causes of the accident.A.searchingB.probingC.seekingD.ransacking参考答案:B30. Which sport has the most expenses _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms?A.in pl

14、ace ofB.in terms ofC.by means ofD.by way of参考答案:B31. Under good treatment, Linda is going to beginning to _and will soon recover.A.pick upB.pick outC.turn upD.show up参考答案:A32. Another subway has been ( ) operation since last December.A.underB.inC.onD.with参考答案:B33. Its one thing to make a promise, but it is quite _ to carry it out.A.other thingB.the


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