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1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla第二课时 Section A (3a-4c)词汇noise* policeman* wolf* laboratory* coat* sleepy* 句型1.It used to be very quiet.2. However, these days,something unusual is happening in our town.3. I think it must be teenagers having fun.4. Everyone has his or her own ideas.5. It might belong to

2、 Linda.6.They both have long hair.重点难点1.To read and retell a passage.2.To discuss what Ss think of the strange noise.一请同学们完成下列单词和短语的翻译:彼此_ 采访_ 报警 _ 困倦的_噪音_ 社区 _ 起初_太.而不能_ 二.完成下列句子的汉译英:1.我认为它太大不会是一只狗。I think it was _big _be a dog.2.他们没有发现任何可疑的东西。They didnt find _ _ .3.我们不知道。We _ _ _.4.多数人希望只是动物或者人简单地

3、路过。 Most people hope that this animal or person will simply_ _ .词汇详解1. noise 【用法】 n. 噪音;【举例】Dont make a noise,my father is sleeping.不要发出噪音,我爸爸在睡觉。There is a lot of noise in the factory. 工厂里有很大的噪音。【应用】这声音把我她从睡梦中惊醒。The_ woke me up from my dream. 2. policeman【用法】n.男警察,复数形式:policemen相当于police【举例】The pol

4、iceman over there is my uncle.那边的那个警察是我的叔叔。Look! Many policemen are catching a thief.看!许多警察正在抓贼。【应用】警察局内有很多男警察。There are a lot of _ in the police station. 1. wolf 【用法】n.狼;复数形式:wolves ,以ffe结尾的名词要去掉ffe变为ves.常考的单词有:thief,life,wife,leaf,knife.【举例】It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有

5、狼。【应用】我有三把小刀。I have three_. 3. laboratory 【用法】n.实验室【举例】这所学校有一个很大的生物实验室。The school has a large biological laboratory. 【应用】这是我们新的语言实验室。This is our new _.4. sleepy 【用法】 adj.困倦的;瞌睡的. 动词为:sleep【举例】Its 23:00 now ,I feel very sleepy. 现在是十一点,我感到很困。Im too sleepy to watch the end of the show. 我太困倦了,不能把戏看完。【应用

6、】母亲为瞌睡的孩子铺床。The mother made the bed for the_ child.语句详解1.It used to be very quiet. 过去是很安静的。【解读】used to do sth.意为:“过去常常做某事”指过去,而be used to doing sth.意为:“习惯于做某事”指现在。【举例】 I used to enjoy gardening, but I dont have time for it now. 过去喜爱园艺,但现在没时间去弄了。Did you use to work here? 你以前在这里工作吗?【应用】1.Im used to _(

7、drink) a cup of water after meal 2.He used to_(be) a teacher.2. However,these days,something unusual is happening in our town. 然而,近来,在我们小镇上有不寻常的事情发生了。【解读】however意为:“然而”,相当于but ,但是两者之间有区别,but后面没有逗号相隔,而however后面有逗号。【举例】However, teaching is not an easy thing. 然而,教书并不是一容易的事情。I feel a bit tired. However,

8、 I can hold on.我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。【应用】我们都已尽了最大的力量. 但我们还是输了。We all tried our best._, we lost the game. 3.I think it must be teenagers having fun.我认为一定是有年轻人在闹着玩。【解读】句中含有句型:It must be sb. doing sth.“一定是有某人正在做某事”还可以说成:There must be sb. doing sth.。【举例】My brother must be reading my message at the moment. 我弟弟肯定现在正看我的短信呢。Tom must be doing his homework now。汤姆现在一定在做作业。【应用】那三个小孩一定在玩游戏。There must be three children _games.



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