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1、Chief Executive Officer , Paolo ScaroniHe has been Chief Executive Officer of Eni since June 2005.He is curre ntly Non-Executive Director of Assicurazi oni Gen erali, Non-Executive Deputy Chairma n of London Stock Excha nge Group, Non-Executive Director of Veolia Environn eme nt. Besides he is in th

2、e Board of Overseers of Columbia Busin ess School and Fon dazi one Teatro alla Scala.After graduati ng in economics at the Uni versit Luigi Bocc oni, Mila n in 1969, he worked for three years at Chevr on, before obta ining an MBA from Columbia Uni versity, New York, and continuing his career at McKi

3、n sey .In 1973 he joined Saint Goba in, where he held a series of man agerial positi ons in Italy and abroad, un til his appo in tme nt as head of the Glass Divisi on in Paris in 1984. From 1985 to 1996 he was Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Techint. In 1996 he moved to the UK and was

4、 Chief Executive Officer of Pilkington until May 2002.From May 2002 to May 2005 he was Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operat ing Officer ofEn el.From 2005 to July 2006 he was Chairman of Alliance Unichem.In May 2004 he was appo in ted Cavaliere del Lavoro of the Italia n Republic.In November 2007

5、 he was decorated as an Officier of the L gion dhonneur. eChief FinancialOfficerAlessandroBerniniAlessa ndro Bernini was born in I960 in Borg onu ovo Val Tido ne, prov ince of Piace nza, Italy.Alessandro Bernini started his career in 1979 at Neutra Revisioni SaS, based in Milan, first asJunior Acco

6、untant in the Audit ing Activities Departme nt, the n as Acco untant In ChargeIn 1981 he joi ned ERNST & YOUNG, thereafter becomi ng Sen ior, Supervisor and Man ager. On the 1st January 1995 he was appo in ted Partner of the Compa ny and Chartered Acco untant Man ager for the Areas of Piace nza, Par

7、ma and Cremona and Tech ni cal Man ager for the branch based in Brescia.In the same period he was also en gaged as Lecturer for post graduate Master Degree courses in the Uni versities of Pavia and Parma.On the 1st September 1996 he joined the Eni Group in the quality of Administration Department Ma

8、n ager for Saipem S.p.A.In 2006 Alessa ndro Berni ni was appo in ted Group Chief Finan cial Officer for Saipem S.p.A. Alessa ndro Bernini has covered executive man agerial roles in many importa nt compa nies of the Saipem Group.As of the 1st August 2008 Alessa ndro Bern ini is CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER of the Eni Group.


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