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1、人 教 PEP 版 英 语 五 年 级 下 学 期期 末 测 试 卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_听 力 部 分(40分)一、听录音 选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1. A. firstB. forestC. favourite( ) 2.A. JuneB. JulyC. fly( ) 3. A. dancedB. kindC. third( ) 4. A. studyB. storyC. street( ) 5. A. reportB. tieC. card二、听录音 按1、2、3、4、5的顺序给下列图片排序。(10分)( )( )( )( )( )三、听录音,选出你所听到的内容代号

2、,将短文补充完整。(10分)A. thought B. each other C. go outD. a little brown house E. began to rain Amy, Jane and Anne went to (1). after boating. The little brown house was very nice. The girls had lunch there. In the afternoon, it (2). . The girls could not (3). . They waited in the house. They told stories

3、to (4) . They enjoyed the stories very much. They (5). it was an interesting day!四、听录音, 选择正确的答句。(10分)( ) 1. A. Great. B. You are welcome. ( ) 2. A. OK. B. I am fine.( ) 3. A. He is going to reading. B. They went to the forest.( ) 4. A. It is in February. B. Lets make a card.( ) 5. A. I often watch T

4、V. B. I will watch TV. 笔试部分 (60分)五、规范书写 找出与方框中短语一致的汉语意思,并将其抄写在相对应的四线格中。(10分)Mothers Day write a report get on go straightthe second crossing get off do some research a piece of(7)(8)(1)(2)(4)(3)(5)7777(1) 笔直走 (2) 一片 (3) 下车 (4)母亲节(5) 做调查 (6) 上车 (7) 第二个十字路口 (8) 写报告(6)7777 六、选出不属于同一类的单词。(5分)( )1. A. on

5、e B. third C. seventh( )2. A. serious B. active C. question( )3. A. read B. weekC. write( )4. A. tomorrowB. hospitalC. home( )5. A. DecemberB. AprilC. Tuesday七、单项选择。(5分)( )1. Alices father is_ English teacher.A. aB. an C. the( )2. We can see an old man _the picture.A. in B. up C. out( )3. I played f

6、ootball with my friends _.A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. every day( )4. - _ , canIborrowyourpencil?- Yes, hereyouare.A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuseme( )5. I want to buy some books. Where is the _? A. shoe store B. bookstore C. cinema八、读句子,从方框中选择合适的答语。(5分)A. I went to the museum. B. Yes, I did.C. Were goin

7、g to play basketball. D. Tom. E. You can go along this road and then turn left at the third crossing.( )1. What are we going to do today? ( )2. Excuse me, can you show me the way to the bank?( )3. Who was first in the 200-metre race? ( )4. Did you go home at 5:00 yesterday?( )5. Where did you go las

8、t Sunday? 九、根据图片及句意提示,将单词补充完整。(5分)1. She is cutting the p p r.3. Dont talk in the l br ry.2. The boy is very sm t.4. Yang Meimei is making n t s.5. Can you tell me the way to the a rp rt?十、情景反应。通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文用方框里所给的句子补全对话。 将正确答案的字母代号写在题后的横线上,其中一项多余。(5分)A. OK!B. What are you doing?C. Thats a good id

9、ea.D. What about a nice dress?E. When is her birthday?F. Why are you looking so sad?A: Hi, Lily. (1). _ B: I dont know what to give to my sister on her birthday?A: You can buy her a present. (2). _ B: I don t have enough(足够的) money to buy one.A: (3). _ B: Next Tuesday.A: You can make her a nice card

10、 with coloured(彩色的) paper. B: (4). _ Can you please help me to make the card?A: Sure. Lets go and get some coloured paper.B: (5). _ 十一、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(5分)1. a kite lets make ( . ) _ 2. to are read we stories going ( . ) _ 3. the dont on draw wall ( . ) _ 4. you now are better ( ? ) _ 5. you where yesterday were ( ? ) _ 十二、 阅读理解。(20分)(A)One day, Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a shop. They buy many things from the shop. And the things are very heavy, so they want to put them in their car. But Mr.


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