北京语言大学21春《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业二满分答案_32

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1、北京语言大学21春英汉 汉英翻译在线作业二满分答案1. It is impossible for us to _ such a difficult task within the limited time.A.fuelB.frownC.fulfillD.frost参考答案:C2. He knows even _ (little)about the Olympic Games than I doHe knows even _ (little)about the Olympic Games than I doless3. 我忘了已经告诉她了。 I forgot to tell her about

2、it.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A4. Please _ yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.A.restrainB.hinderC.restrictD.prohibit参考答案:A5. Food _ is a big industry in this area.A.projectingB.promisingC.processingD.president参考答案:C6. Nobody knows his _ for helping us.A.motiveB.moti

3、onC.moodD.moral参考答案:A7. You can dress_you like, even just jeans and a T-shirtdont spend too much time and moYou can dress_you like, even just jeans and a T-shirtdont spend too much time and money on it.AwhicheverBhoweverCwhateverDwhenever正确答案:B8. What is NOT included in the three indicators of excel

4、lence in all aspects of a languaWhat is NOT included in the three indicators of excellence in all aspects of a language program?_.A. ConsistencyB. EfficiencyC. EffectivenessD. Popularity参考答案:D9. We shall be very much _ if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them toWe shall be

5、 very much _ if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.AobligatedBobligeCobligationDobligedD10. This tree is _ for its beautiful flowers.A.hookedB.stemmedC.cultivatedD.parceled参考答案:C11. The biggest difference between the

6、Chinese way of childrearing and the Australian oThe biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian one is that the former fosters dependence and the latter ( )A. referenceB. interdependenceC. independenceD. indifference参考答案:C12. 下列选项中,不能说明新石器时代农业革命历史地位的是( )A促使人类生活方式发生

7、了根本性的变下列选项中,不能说明新石器时代农业革命历史地位的是( )A促使人类生活方式发生了根本性的变化B促使人类由迁徙生活转变为定居生活C促进了商品交换的发展D促进了生产力的发展正确答案:C13. Body language can sometimes lead to ( ) since peop Je of different cultures often haBody language can sometimes lead to ( ) since peop Je of different cultures often have different forms of behavior.

8、for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal.A. effectivenessB. communicationC. agreementD. misunderstanding参考答案:D14. The room is in a terrible mess; it _ cleaned.A.cant have beenB.shouldnt have beenC.mustnt have beenD.wouldnt have been参考答案:A15. The Indian summer

9、 of village industry faded. Trade grew more competitive. 乡村手工业的印度之夏褪色了,贸易变得更加竞争激烈。( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A16. One of the seven wonders of the ancient world is a group of pyramids still (stand)_ in Egypt.One of the seven wonders of the ancient world is a group of pyramids still (stand)_ in Egypt.standing17.

10、 When Mr. Black retired , his son ( ) the business from him.A. took inB. took overC. tooWhen Mr. Black retired , his son ( ) the business from him.A. took inB. took overC. took afterD. took off参考答案:B18. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B19. Countless div

11、orced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, let alone _ one.A.gettingB.to getC.gottenD.get参考答案:C20. All the memories of his childhood had _ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.comfinedD.concerned参考答案:A21. Since there is

12、only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interSince there is only a little left, then he wouldnt have enough to pay the interest on a loan.参考答案因为所剩不多,他没有足够的钱来偿还银行的贷款利息。22. We cant _ the fact that we are still a developing country.A.ignoreB.neglectC.imagineD.impress参考答案:A23. Can you

13、 _ the man who robbed you for your watch?A.illustrateB.exhibitC.damageD.identify参考答案:D24. Some applications, such as Word, allow for severalwindows in a special mode calledMDSome applications, such as Word, allow for severalwindows in a special mode calledMDI in which you can open multiple documents

14、 within the same application.参考答案一些应用软件,例如Word,允许几个窗口同时在一个叫做MDI的模式下存在,你能够在一个软件中打开多个文挡。25. Never before that day _ the importance of the job interview. A) I felt B) had I felt C)Never before that day _ the importance of the job interview.A) I feltB) had I feltC) did I feelD) I had feltB当Never放在句首时,主谓要进行倒装。根据Never before that day这个时间状语,我们可以判定用过去完成时。26. Water and air are _ to human beings. We can not live without them.A.harbourB.functionC.definiteD.essential参考答案:D27. Our _ talks prom


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