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1、初中英语牛津9A词组(译林版)9A Unit 1 词组1.把报纸带给我 bring me the newspaper2.看看你的星座 read your stars3.有许多吃的和喝的东西 have lots to eat and drink4. 担心没有早饭吃 worry about not having breakfast5.对。熟悉 be familiar with6.12个动物生肖 the 12 animal signs7. 西方的人们 people in the west8. 更多地了解西方文化 learn more about Western culture9. 取乐 for fu

2、n10. 被分成12个不同的星座 be divided into 12 different star signs11. 你的出生日期 your date of birth12. 在相同星座下出生的人 people born under the same star sign13. 有相似的性格特征 share similar characteristics14.精力充沛而且很积极 be energetic and active15.喜欢当领导 like to be the leader16. 有时自私 be selfish at times17. 一个勤奋的人 a hard-working pe

3、rson18. 容易放弃 give up easily19. 一个好奇而且聪明的人 a curious and clever person20. 爱你的家庭和家人 love your home and family21. 喜欢照顾他人 like to take care of others22. 喜欢节省钱 like saving money23. 一个强壮而自信的人 a strong and confident person24.给你的朋友买好的礼物 buy your friends nice gifts25. 有时担心太多 worry too much at times26.注意细节 pa

4、y attention to details27. 一个有礼貌而公平的人 a polite and fair person28. 热爱和平 love peace29. 与他人争吵 argue with others30.精力充沛 have lots of energy31. 保密 keep secrets32. 原谅别人所犯的错误 forgive others for their mistakes33. 喜欢到不同的地方旅行 love travelling to different places34. 擅长制作东西或计划事情 be good at making or planning thin

5、gs35.长时间等待而不生气 wait for a long time without getting angry36.讨厌与别人一样 hate to be like others37. 尝试一切不同的事情 try to do everything differently38. 有创造力和想象力 be creative and imaginative39.梦想一切 dream about everything40.只关心自己 care only about oneself41.平等地对待每个人 treat everyone equally42. 有很好的幽默感 have a good sens

6、e of humour43.对自己的能力感到很自信 feel sure about ones own ability44.爱和他交朋友 love being friends with him45.喜欢讲笑话 like telling jokes46. 看起来很幸运 seem to be very lucky47. 对每个人友好 be kind to everyone48.与别人分享食物 share food with others49.考试考得好 do well in exams50.有各种各样不同的主意 have all kinds of different ideas51.花大量的时间给我

7、们作讲解 spend lots of time explaining to us52. 炫耀 show off53. 制作生日卡片 make the birthday cards54.带来各种颜色的气球 bring balloons of all colours55. 给我们每个人两个礼物 give each of us two presents56.为我们组织这个晚会 organize the party for us57.使我很不开心 make me very unhappy58. 读学校简讯 read the school newsletter59.做实验 do an experiment60.在实验室 in the laboratory61.牙疼 have got a toothache62. 看牙医 see the dentist63.收集各种的蝴蝶图片 collect pictures of all kinds of butterflies64.第一只克隆羊 the first cloned sheep65.仍然醒着


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