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1、四年级英语上册期中试卷(湘少版) 班级 姓名 成绩 一、默写字母。(15分)1. 按字母表顺序默写AaZz,(注意格式)二、写出下面单词的中文意思,再用手写体抄写下列单词。(10分)tiger( ) monkey( )eleven( )beautiful( ) those( )brother( ) brid( ) thanks( )strong( )small( )coin ( ) left( ) turn( ) gusee( ) dumpling( )三、选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的单词,并将序号填入题前的括号里。(10分)( )1. A. thirty B. fifty C. four

2、 D. jam( )2. A. bread B. noodle C. book D. rice( )3. A. purse B. hat C. scarf D. big( )4. A. elephant B. bird C. policeman D. seagull( )5. A. small B. big C. strong D. milk四、选出与第一个单词类型相同的选项。( )sister A.flag B.thanks C.brother D.teapot( ) left A.whose B.rice C.purse D.right( ) dumpling A.guess B.naug

3、hty C.outing D.big( ) these A.children B.hat C.thanks Dturn( ) those A.these Bcoin C.tiger D.are( ) monkey A.strong B.beautiful C.seagull D.hungry五、选择,将答案填入题前的括号里。(10分)( )1. 当有人问你“你叫什么名字?”,你回答:A.My name is Amy.B.Her name is Amy.C.His name is Amy.( )2. 当朋友对你说“How are you?”你回答:A. Fine, thank you. B. I

4、m ten.C. How are you?( )3、你要问”那是什么”?的时候该说 A.Whats that? B.What that? C.Its a flag( ) 4.Look this bird.Its beautiful! A. at B. on C.are( )5.“我喜欢吃面条,不喜欢吃米饭。” A.I like noodles.I dont like rice. B. I like rice.I dont like noodles. C.Im hungry.( )6.Here you are. A.Yes,Its my scarf. B.Thank you. C.I dont

5、like this.( )7.Nice to meet you! A.Thank you! B.Im fine. C.Nice to meet you too!( )8.What these? A.is B.are C.an七、把下面的单词组成一句话。(开头字母注意大写)1、morning good 2、are you what doing 3、that at look elephant 4、birds eggs are those 5、nice meet you to 6、I jam and bread like 7、is whose this 8、play a game guessing

6、lets 六、选出正确的答句,将序号填入题前的括号里。(10分) A. These are ladybirds. B. Its Janes purseC. Fine, thanks. D. There are sixteen triangles.E. Its a flag. F. Its, bigG. Dont touch them. H. I like noodles. I dont like biscuits( )1.Whose is this?( )2. How are you? ( )3.How many triangles are there? ( ) 4.what is that? ( ) 5.What are these? ( )6.Look at that elephant.( ) 7.Those are eggs.( )8.I like biscuits


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