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1、 水手英语会话答案Chapter 1Lesson 1 Daily English 口述1、Please say something about yourself(介绍下自己的情况)1)Your name ,age, rank, working experiences, hobbies (姓名,年龄,职务,工作经验,兴趣爱好) 2)Your daily work (你的日常工作)3)Your spare time activities (你的业余时间活动)1)My name is xxx, I am 21 years old, I am from Shandong( province).I am

2、 a student( now),I like reading books, playing football (我的名字是xxx,我现在21岁,我来自山东省,现在我是一名学生,喜欢读书,踢足球)2)Every day, I get up at 6 oclock, read English (loudly for ten minutes )and have breakfast. then begin my study of a day (每天我6点钟起床并大声读英语10分钟,然后吃早餐。随后就开始了一天的学习)3)In my spare time, I like reading, watchi

3、ng TV ,playing football and so on(在课余时间,我喜欢读书,看电视,踢足球等等)2、Please say something about your family (说一下关于你家庭的情况) a、Members of your family (你的家庭成员) b、Their occupations (他们的职业) c、Their hobbies and characteristics (他们的爱好和特点)1)I have a very happy family. There are three members in my family, my parents/my

4、 mother, my father and I. We live in a small city (我有一个非常幸福的家庭,我们家有三个成员,我的父母/我的母亲,我的父亲和我,我们生活在一个小城市里)2)My father is a worker( in a factory), my mother is a teacher (in a middle school )(我父亲是一家工厂的工人,我母亲是一所中学的老师)3)My father likes watching TV, my mother likes shopping. My father is very strict ,but my

5、mother is very kind( and friendly) (我父亲喜欢看电视,我母亲喜欢购物。我父亲是非常严格的,但是我母亲非常善良和友好)3、Please say something about your hometown (说一下你家乡的情况) a、The geographical position ,population, and features of your hometown(地理位置,人口,家乡特点) b、The environment and customs of your hometown(你家乡的环境和风俗) c、The specialties of your

6、hometown (家乡的特产) 1)My hometown is a small beautiful city. It is in the Shandong (province). There are about 1million people in the city (我的家乡是一个美丽的小城市,在山东省,大概有一百万人) 2)There are(many new buildings), a lot of trees and flowers on both sides of the streets, the streets and roads very flat ,wide and str

7、aight. Most people here are good at making and flying kites (有许多新的建筑,道路两边有大量的树木和花卉,有非常平坦的街道和道路,宽且直;这里大多数人在制作和放飞风筝) 3)The specialty of my hometown is kites 4、Please say something about your responsibilities on board (说一下你在船上的职责) a、Your position on board (你在船上的位置) b、Your daily work on board (你在船上的日常工作

8、) c、Your duties on board (你在船上的职责) 1)I am an A.B. on board. I work on the deck department.(我是船上的一名水手,在甲板部工作) 2)Every morning , I go to bridge and take over the watch, and I am on the bridge to steer wheel and keep deck clean every day. 3) My duty on board is to steer wheel. When in a port, the bosun

9、 assigns work to us. We will do the maintenance work, such as: rust removing, painting, cleaning the deck, and so on. 问答1、what is your date of birth? May the first 1983 你的出生日期是什么?1983年五月一日2、Whats your Seaman book number? A/L223344 你的海员证编码是什么?A/L+6位数字3、where are you from? Shandong China 你来自哪里?我来自中国山东

10、4、whats your captains nationality? China 你们船长的国籍是什么? 中国5、what do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety 你认为在船上最重要的是什么? 安全6、which ports do you often call? Qingdao port 你经常挂靠(停靠)的港口是哪个? 青岛港7、what is your martial status? I have been married for 3 years/ I am single /Im not married 你的婚姻状

11、况是什么? 我已经结婚3年了/我单身/我还没有结婚8、How long will it take to get Entry Visa to Australia? In three weeks 获得澳大利亚的签证要花所长时间? 三周之内9、How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? Economy/first class, please 你想如何选择舱位,经济舱或头等舱? 经济舱/一等舱10、Do I have more than the duty-free allowance? Yes,you have.我能得到多一些的免税补贴吗? 当然Le

12、sson 2 Vocabulary commonly used on board 口述1、 Say something about ships manning (说一下船上配员情况)a、 The personnel for the Deck Department (甲板部人员)b、 The personnel for the Engine Department (轮机部人员)c、 The personnel for the Service Department (事务部人员)a)The personnel for the Deck Department include: chief offic

13、er, second officer, third officer, assistant officer, bosun, carpenter, able seaman(AB),ordinary seaman(OS) and deck cadet (甲板部人员包括:大副,二副,三副,驾驶员助理,水手长,木匠,一水,二水和甲板实习生)b)The personnel for the Engine Department include:Chief engineer, second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer, assistant engineer

14、, electrician ,motorman, greasers and engine cadet(轮机部人员包括:轮机长,大管轮,二管轮,三管轮,轮机员助理,电工,机工,加油工和轮机实习生)c) The personnel for the Service Department include:Purser, steward and cooks 事务部人员包括:事务长,服务员和厨师 2、Say something about maritime agencies and the staff related to the ship (说一下关于海事机构和与船舶有关的人员的情况)a、 list s

15、ome maritime agenciesb、 list some staff of maritime agenciesa) maritime agencies include: IMO ,MSA, VTS, Ship Classification Society and so on海事机构包括,国际海事组织,海事局,船舶交通管理系统,船级社等等b) staff of maritime agencies include: Customs officer ,immigration officer, quarantine officer, ship surveyor, harbor superintendent and so on海事机构人员包括海关官员,移民官员,检疫官员,验船师,港务局长等等2、 Say something about ships structural parts (说一下关于船舶结构的名称)(a) the main part of a ship(船舶的主体)(b)ships superstructure (船舶的上层建筑) a)The main body of a s


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