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1、形容词的比较级和最高级详解 与练习般有三个口比牧级好的啊t 壁髀 favorite1构成万耳 Dimpossible 不可能 round 圆的 golden匕较等级的构成:mi寐瞄履等瀑 m错误的st一的east东方-esttaU youngtaller youngertallestfounges以e缩 加-rnice large happybusynicer larger happier busiernicest largestnappies busiest口Bi more / less刀口 -er 戏-est跟thinthinnerbiggest hottest thinnestusefu

2、l - careful difficult expensiv emore us efulmore ca reful more difficult less expe nsivemost use ful most car eful most dif ficult least exp ensive注:0appyunhappierunhappiest,untidyuntidieruntidiest.元不规则的副词要在前面加more, most,如:过来的形容词(包括不规 more 或 most 来表示匕 、词*尾加ger, -est.比较级级D 1y,皿叫,bus early, pretty, la

3、z (5)3slow,ngry, easy, happy, 母hr;腰的是长betterworsemorebestworstmost最高级little fOrlessfarther/f urther older/elder good/ well ill/bad/4eastfarthest/ furthest ldest/elde-和最高级形I、 education1、只有少曰撤son以蕴距离更远further study(进 further information(进词和副词晶种比较级 耕不棋er(哥哥),sis网藏年纪定者: elU昼用于可数名词manymore the mostFewfew

4、er the fewest子;older 则不比较表示“多” 表示“少” 等级的用法:10名于词不可数- muchmore the most littleless the least示+ as +较像等构用 笥,艮用a哭se+ as+形容 n is as tall as his brother.级。用原级进行比较 :娃尚“匕一样气.e.g.as much help as we can.2.方 义* We 妆业=Youre as good a boy as 形容词原级表示比较级含,意为“不如”,表示“前者A + be + not as + 形 e.g. John is not as his br

5、other.01 . -4 z _i She isnt as(so)active in sports as before.John is not so stupid as Mike. =John isless stupid ihan Mike. =John is cleverer than Mike.约翰不象迈克那么 奏。表示A是B的多少倍:A+be+倍数+as.as+B.如:The earth is 49 times as big as the moon. My ruler is twice as long as yours.形把词较是个人或物比较时,就需要用到A+、be +7Eithan

6、+ B.这金. Jackie isthan Alex, but Alex is heavier than,较级文用连的情况Ob词比比较的人独,than后面要用that或thoseler is very long,but that one is longer.口 /I、H 7 -T-l 。 )H:In Ymmer在th|季,重重庆的天气比宜宾的天气er热“皿thatuu1.fespnrk翩花园里的花!比那个公园里的rl=J特殊用级:+than+any other+单数名词,或者,A+be+比较级+than+the other+复数名词He is taller than any other stu

7、dent in the class. _=H& is the other students in the class.他比班上其他的A+the+比较级+of the air/twins:He is the cleverer of the two.the two boys, he is the clever.他是这两个中比较聪2.i表比较级,而不是 该说:get, become (变得) e is getting more and more handsome It is becomi ng cgeapera cheaper* The mOT?匚希e more注:此处的more和上面一样, 代表比

8、较级。如:ne richer you are, the happier you will be.多少ou舞版P高多少等脚囊脚an+B.t r_is two years older than me 她比我大两岁.6* A+be+数词 +times+形容 词比较级+than+B _ nQurroom. is twice larger than theirs. 我们的 mre than戴而不是相蛰?鑫; less than 少于,苒注: rer and cleverer.He is more than(over) 80 years old I have less than five yuan.1,m

9、餐he looks more younger than I. oks much younger than I.,many, still, even 等,much可以用来加强比较(x)Shemuch,a bit, , very,more,quite, too,o 等.一卧 I feel much better now.我现在感觉好 is box i ittle heavier than that oneHittle heavier than that oneI出现错误。误:He is 正y student子比那只北京的天气涸或ng.(x)京)of Beijing.除MBWHWW,他班的任何一个学

10、生都高。any student in his class.(he 包括在He is taller than any other student in his class.(any other 羿t这醐除了髀表中最好的。正:一is watch js thebst述all the other watches.(all the oth er watches 不包含前面的 this watch)is the best of all the watches.(all the watches比亚洲曜何别的国家都大。.isJargerlhan any. country in Asia.(现了的主卡上海比*o

11、ther)国国匕many other country in Asia.窣同工范围内,比较级就不必把前面r than any city in Australia.澳大利亚,所以city前不必加 比较: in China.上海比中任何一|蹒辫凹other city三者最高级以上的人或物进行比较,表示其中程度最高=J跑雷最高+化其结构是注:形 通常要加定寇词the)e is the tallest in our class. or Jackie is fall the students.或oliiJ比较形式需容词i=j中身彳身体最China .黄河长江是2iiiJ一通场是预人何些事物,而世普e is

12、 the strongest of the three.他是二个人 e strongest in our class.他是我们班里前通常要加定冠词the,而以下几种冠割吼g、,指示代词或 k 、/ IJ the o 如口:e second longest river inRiver is the longest river in China.iS o!:be、明确稗容词最瞄!髀他臂留二 e youmestandtallest boy in his class.他是班上年 居海e、示“最.之一”,$ne of the+形容词最高蠡名词 复数。如:one of the ltcountries最大的

13、国家之一, if最高级前常e稣之- 个曜比较主口只有1*而后iWWIW The man was too angry to be able to speak. = The man w as so angry that he wasnt able to speak.The milk was too hot to drink. =The milk was so hot thaI=Jt we cant drink it.The boy is too young to go to school. =The boy is soyoung that he cant go to to school. = He is such a young boy that he cant go to school. , (2) too.to与not enough to句型的转换:He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to g et married.



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