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1、关于元旦的英语演讲稿演讲稿要求内容充溢,条理清晰,重点突出。在日新月异的现代社会中,用到演讲稿的地方越来越多,那么你有了解过演讲稿吗?以下是我帮大家整理的关于元旦的英语演讲稿,希望对大家有所帮助。关于元旦的英语演讲稿1甲方: 合同编号:乙方: 签订地点:丙方: 签订日期:一、供货产品名称、规格及数量、价格二、产品质量标准、验收方法1、根据GB/T11836-20xx级管质量标准要求。2、乙方送货到指定交货地点后,甲方应即指派专人(授权托付人) 验收,验收合格后在乙方送货单上签字生效,甲方若有异议的,在收货后5天内提出。三、交货时间、地点及供货方式1、甲方应提前向乙方提交(传真或亲自送达)书面订

2、单。订单应写明须要的产品名称、规格、数量等内容,并且由甲方法定代表人或托付代理人签字。乙方在收到订单并确认后应主动备货(常规产品),在 5 天内运输到甲方指定地点。2、交货地点:无棣县城工地3、运输方式:乙方负责运输及费用,甲方负责卸车及费用。4、标的.物全部权自交付起转移,但甲方未履行支付价款义务的,标的物属于乙方全部。四、随附义务1、随机备品、配件工具数量级供应方法:每节管配备一个橡胶圈。2、乙方应供应有关供货产品的标准图纸、产品检验报告、技术手册、产品出厂检验合格证等证件。3、甲方应根据乙方供应的技术手册规范安装管道。4、双方应对本合同所涉及内容予以保密,不得私自泄露给他人,否则,应赔偿

3、守约方损失。五、结算方式及期限1、每批管材供应到现场,甲方验收合格收货后, 7日内支付该批管材的 80 %;每批供货数量金额,双方应刚好进行对账认可。余下15%的货款在竣工后2月内付清,质保金为总货款的5%,如在保修期内未出现质量问题,则将质保金返还乙方。2、货款可以支票、电汇或双方同意的其他方式结算,货款支付到乙方(或帐户)方为有效支付。六、违约责任1、乙方供货产品质量不合格的,经乙方确认后予以退换,造成甲方损失的,甲方有权追究乙方责任。保修期一年,质保金为总货款的5%,如因产品质量导致的损失,甲方有权追究乙方责任并保留追究连带责任的权利。但因甲方保管、设计、安装运用不当等自身缘由造成供货产

4、品质量问题的,乙方不担当责任。2、甲方逾期付款的,乙方有权追究甲方责任,且乙方有权暂停供货。3、一方违约,状况严峻,导致本合同无法正常履行的,另一方有权解除本合同,并要求对方赔偿因此造成的损失。七、争议解决甲、乙双方在履行本合同的过程中发生纠纷,应主动友好协商解决,协商不成须要诉讼的,可依法向违约方对方所在地人民法院起诉。八、本合同一式叁份,甲、乙、丙双方各执壹份。本合同自双方签订盖章之日起生效,未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。甲方:乙方:丙方:年月日:关于元旦的英语演讲稿2Good afternoon, dear teachers and friends!I m happy to make a s

5、peech here. Thank you for your coming. Now, the topic for my speech today is “Western Festivals.” I would like to talk about Christmas.Christmas is originally a Christian festival, as you can see from the formation of this word, “Christ-mas.” The first part of the word refers to Jesus Christ, and th

6、e second part “mas” comes from the word “mass,” referring to a main religious ceremony in some Christian churches. At first, it was celebrated for the birth of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, although some churches still observe this festival for its religious reason, for most people, including Chinese peop

7、le, Christmas has already become a day of secular celebrations, when people exchange greetings and gifts. However, it is still a biggest festival in the West. It is as important to the Westerners as the Spring Festival is to the Chinese people.Christmas day is on the 25th of December, and Christmas

8、Eve is of course the evening of the previous day, the 24th December.Christmas holiday usually lasts for two weeks, during which most schools have a Christmas break. Many families put the Christmas tree in their house, and hang many decorations on the tree. Under the tree, they usually place many Chr

9、istmas presents. Giving out presents and receiving presents are what kids like best about this festival.On Christmas Eve, kids would put stockings at the end of their bed, wishing the Santa Claus would come and give them presents.As to the tradition of giving and receiving presents in Christmas, I t

10、hink it has something to do with the nativity story. In the nativity story, on the birthday of baby Jesus, there was a bright star shining in the East. There were three kings in the East who saw the star, and they followed the star all the way to Bethlehem where the star stopped. They came to a mang

11、er where baby Jesus was lying. They worshiped the little baby and gave him presents. I think this is a beautiful story. It shows a spirit of sharing and love.I like Christmas for the presents kids will receive and for its lovely story.Thank you very much!关于元旦的英语演讲稿3When clock is belling,my heart rip

12、ple along with it,to distant with you,transmit my missing,to be joyful!My dear friend!Please open the window,let the new years wind blow your room and the snow flying in,my warming wish flutter to your heart!Flowers are disseminationing fragrant,friendship transmissing warm,hope us to brimming in a

13、happy year,wishes you: Happy New Year! Best wishes! Does not experience the wind and rain, how can see the rainbow?nobody can casually succeed!So refuel!The same as New year!Missing are a smell of flower fragrance,inundated the mountain valley,cover your and me,and blessing are the boundless attenti

14、on,overflow the eye,until the heart.We hugging and listening the new yearclock,just like listening the breath of annual,crowding around our same dream,making the sincerly blessing with the ture love,Happy New Year!My dear friend!wish you happy usually,have the vitality continually,still have happine

15、ss and content,Im very happy to cooperate with you in the past year,hoped you best wishes in the new year!The breeze lightly strokes,the white clouds far pass,in my heart was the eternal friendship,willing my blessing is the most freshest,and you will take it to your heart!关于元旦的英语演讲稿4The Spring Fest

16、ival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West.Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper



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