江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2016届高三英语一轮复习 专题《名词性从句》

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《江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2016届高三英语一轮复习 专题《名词性从句》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2016届高三英语一轮复习 专题《名词性从句》(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、名词性从句一. 名词性从句的分类和特征;二. 名词性从句的连接词,得如下内容:(一) that: I. 总特征:后跟完整陈述句, that在句中无词义,只起连接作用II. 在各类从句中的运用:1. 在宾语从句中的使用注意点(1) that引导动词后的宾语从句时,一般情况可省She sensed (that) she was being watched by a tall man.(2) 若主句动词后有两个或以上的宾语从句,除第一个that外,其余均不可省。(3) 若有宾语补足语,可用it作形式宾语,把真正的宾语放在补足语后面,这时that不省We think it highly probabl

2、e that he is dead. (4)有些表语形容词后可以带宾语从句:(常见的有:afraid, sure, pleased, glad)I am not sure that he will pass the exam. (5) 不能跟宾语从句的动词后面需要从句时, 必须让it先行,常见的动词有enjoy, like, dislike, resent, hate, take , help, appreciate I take it that you dont agree with me.I hate it when I have to speak French on the phone.

3、(6) that从句一般不用在介词后面的,能跟that从句的介词只有except, in, but, besides少数几个,其中except,in最常见这时that一般不省 其他介词后面需要用that从句时, 必须让it 先行He differed from his classmates in that he devoted his spare time to reading.Please see to it that you bring enough money.2. 在主语从句中的使用注意点(1) that从句位于句首时,that一定不省That we are invited to a

4、concert this evening is good news to us.(2) that从句作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而把that从句放后,这时that可省,常见的句型有: It is + adj + that从句,其中It is + adj. ( strange, necessary, important,vital, essential, desirable, appropriate, natural)+that从句,主语从句得用虚拟语气(should )+ V 原形It is certain that we will do well in the exam.It is imp

5、ortant that we should learn English well. It is + n. + that从句It is a pity that we cant go. It is +pp + that从句,其中It is suggested(建议)/ recommended/ordered+ that从句,主语从句得用虚拟语气(should )+ V 原形Its said that he has gone abroad. It is suggested that he finish it this week. It happens that-从句. sb/sth+ happen

6、to do.碰巧.It happened that he was covering the event.= He happened to be covering the event. It occurs (to sb) that-从句被想到, 出现在头脑里边It occurred (to him) that his wife was doing something stupid. It doesnt matter (to sb )that-从句It didnt matter (to me )that the weather was bad.3. 在表语从句中的使用注意点在表语从句中,that一

7、般情况不省It appeared /seemed/turned out that the meeting was a great success. The reason why he was late was that he got up late.My suggestion is that we should carry it out at once. (注意用虚拟语气)4. 在同位语从句中的使用注意点同位语从句说明其前面的名词的具体内容, that一般情况不省There is no doubt that he will come.Word came that our team had wo

8、n.There is no possibility that he will come.The suggestion that he should not go there is of great value. (注意用虚拟语气)(二) whether/if I. 总特征:有词义:是否 从句都要用陈述句语序, 注意主从句时态搭配要合理谐调II. 在各类从句中的运用:1. 在宾语从句中的使用注意点(1) 作动宾时,用whether和if均可;作介宾时,只能是whether She asked whether/if he would come this evening. It depends on

9、 whether the weather is fine. (2) discuss后用whether引导宾语从句We need to discuss whether we should go. (3)作动宾时,whetheror not= ifor not; 但whether or not if or notI dont care whether/if he comes or not.= I dont care whether or not he comes. 2. 在主语从句中的使用注意点(1)主语从句位于句首,只能用whether,不能用if引导Whether they can take

10、our advice is a question. (2)如用it作形式主语,那后置的真正的主语从句可用whether/if引导,但还是whether常见It is a question whether/if they can tale our advice. (3) 如用it作形式主语,后置的真正的主语从句中含有表选择意义的or时,必须用whether It remains to be seen whether this idea can be put into practice or not. 3. 在表语从句中的使用注意点只能用whether引导,不能用if 4. 在同位语从句中的使用注

11、意点只能用whether引导,不能用if (三)as if/as though 见5+3P94-95 添加:看情况决定是用陈述还是虚拟语气It looks as if it is going to rain. (陈述)She treated the girl as if she were her own daughter. (虚拟)(四) 连接代词 I. 总特征:连接代词在从句中充当主语,宾语或表语; 连接代词在从句中有词义, 是疑问的词义,根据其词义来选择用哪一个连接代词来引导从句; 从句要用陈述句的语序; II. 在各类从句中的使用:见5+3P95(五) 连接副词 I. 总特征:连接副词在

12、从句中充当状语; 连接副词在从句中有词义, 是疑问的词义,根据其词义来选择用哪一个连副词来引导从句; 从句要用陈述句的语序; II. 在各类从句中的使用:见5+3P95添加:(六) what/whatever.引导的名词性关系从句I.总特征:这类从句的连接词都是陈述的语气,没有疑问的色彩,what相当于the thing(s) which/that, 意思为”所.的东西”,在从句中作主语,宾语或表语;where (的地方,在从句作状语);when (的时候,在从句中作状语) ,why(的原因,在从句中作状语) whoever, whatever, whomever, whichever, 等特

13、殊疑问词ever的词,意为“ (任何的人/物=anyoneanything that.)”II. 在各类从句中的使用: I can still remember when this used to be a small village. (宾从) Whichever book he bought would be paid for. (主从) This is where our problem lies. (表从) I gave the girl a big doll, exactly what she longed to have. (同位语从句) 易混易错一. that引导的同位语从句和定

14、语从句的区别 二.名词性从句的语序 三.who/whom与whoever/whomever的区别(1) who, whom 都是“谁”的意思,表示疑问,在引导名词性从句时, 在从句中作主语时用who, 作宾语时用whom/who; Who has taken away my bag is unknown. (2)whoever, whomever是强语势无论谁,不含有疑问意味,在引导名词性从句时, 在从句中作主语时用whoever, 作宾语是用whomever/whoever.You can give it to whomever/whoever you like.Whoever wants

15、to see this film can go with us tonight.四. what/whatever与which/whichever的区别 五. because, why引导表语从句 添加:Things are not always as they seem to be. (as: 像一样;此句中的as不是“因为”的意思,当as意为“因为”时,不能引导表语从句)添加:六. think, believe, expect, imagine, suppose 宾语从句 I dont think he is right. I dont think he is right, is he? You dont think he is right, do you? What do you think he is doing? Do think he is


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