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1、(教研室提供)江西省赣州地区七年级下学期期末测试英语试卷学校: 班级: 姓名: 座号: 一、听力测试(20分)A. 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1. Where is the man from?A. America.B. Britain.C. China.2. What time will the speakers meet tonight? A. At seven.B. At seven thirty.C. At eight.3. What does th

2、e man look like? A. He is heavy.B. He is strong.C. He is thin.4. What does the woman like to eat for dinner? A. Rice.B. Meat.C. Fruit.5. What animals did the girl see on the farm? A. Cows.B. Horses.C. Sheep.B. 请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对

3、话读两遍。请听第1段对话,回答第6、7小题。6. What does the man want to do?A. Buy a hat for his father. B. Buy a shirt for himself.C. Buy a hat for his brother.7. Where is the shopping center?A. Behind the library. B. Near the subway station.C. Near the bus stop.请听第2段对话,回答第8、9小题。8. How many sisters does the girl have?A.

4、 One. B. Two.C. Three.9. What does Mary look like?A. She has small eyes. B. She has long hair.C. She has short hair.请听第3段对话,回答第10至第12小题。10. When is the boys birthday?A. This Monday. B. This Saturday.C. This Sunday.11. What can the girls brother do?A. He can play the guitar. B. He can play the violin

5、.C. He can sing and dance.12. What is the weather like on the boys birthday?A. Sunny. B. Windy.C. Cloudy.请听第4段对话,回答第13至第15小题。13. How many kinds of butterflies are there in the park?A. More than 100. B. More than 200.C. More than 300.14. What kind of the butterflies do the woman like?A. The red ones.

6、 B. The yellow ones.C. The purple ones.15. What can we get from the conversation?A. The woman went to the butterfly park last week.B. The woman felt a little tired after the trip.C. The guide only told them the names of the butterflies.C. 请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。听独白前你将有20秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。

7、16. It was sunny and _ last weekend.17. We all felt very _ to camp by the river.18. Near the bridge, Jane saw a(n) _.19. In the afternoon, we _ in the river.20. At night, Jane and I swam in the pool for _.二、单项选择(5分)21. Can Bob play basketball with us?Not now. He _ a shower.A. takes B. tookC. is taki

8、ngD. take22. _ do you _ the teachers in your school?They are friendly.A. What; think B. How; think ofC. What; think ofD. How; like of23. There_some soup and some hamburgers for you on the table.A. have B. hasC. areD. is24. Is there a pay phone _the neighborhood?A. in B. onC. toD. off25. Do you like

9、watching English movies? Yes, I think its a good to learn English.A. problem B. day C. dream D. way三、完形填空(20分)A. 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分)Our school has a party day every June. It is on the first Friday of the month. Everyone has to 26 .Gary, Emma and I are good 27

10、 . We are all 14 years old. Our job for this years party day was to make our classroom look 28 and special. Gary thought of a great 29 . He wanted to make our classroom 30 an underwater(海底) world. He got two big old fishing nets(网) from 31 father. We put up the nets first. Then we cut out fishes fro

11、m paper and put them in the nets.The big day 32 . Everyone was very happy to see the special classroom. 33 we were talking happily, the fishing nets fell down. We were all caught 34 the fishing nets.It was so funny.We truly felt “under the 35 ”!What an exciting party we had!26. A. helpB. leaveC. stu

12、dyD. sing27. A. teachersB. workersC. doctorsD. friends28. A. dirtyB. beautifulC. farD. slow29. A. ideaB. wayC. movieD. message30. A. look forB. look likeC. look atD. look after31. A. herB. hisC. theirD. its32. A. cameB. leftC. spokeD. went33. A. AfterB. BeforeC. BecauseD. When34. A. inB. onC. toD. f

13、or35. A. waterB. deskC. bedD. bagB. 请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分)went vegetable feed sports so really buy breakfast busy computerIt was Sunday yesterday. Laura had a relaxing weekend. On Sunday morning. She had some noodles for 36 at home. They were delicious. In the afternoon, she 37 sho

14、pping with her mother because she would like 38 a pair of shoes. Her size of shoes is 36. Her mother also bought some 39 . In the evening, she watched the movie Night at the Museum on the 40 . It was very popular, 41 many people watched it. Amy had a 42 weekend, she never stopped working. Her mother had a farm. On Sunday morning, she helped her mother 43 chickens, horses and sheep. Then she did her homework. In the afternoon she went to the 44 club. She taught some children to play badminton. In


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