高中英语 Module 6 Grammar 1教案 新人教版必修1

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1、课题: Module 6 Grammar 1 总第 课时 第 4 课时 中心备课人 授课时间 授课人 教 学 目标及达成Get the students to know as many compound words as possible.Have a review of some usages of the articles they have known Try to grasp the new words and their usages.教 学 重 点compound words and articles教 学 难 点.Get the Ss to know the usage of c

2、ompound nouns.教学方法(教具)Read ,explain , practice 教学过程备课札记教 师 活 动学生活动Purpose: Enable Ss to learn the formation of compound words and deduce the meanings of the words.Step 1. (Group Work) Divide Ss into four groups and have a word contest to see which group can list more compound words by adding prefixe

3、s or suffixes. The more words they write, the higher scores they can get.Step 2. (Pair Work) Show the following words on the screen and let the Ss to discuss the characteristics of these words. (1) keyboard, hardware, software, network, newspaper (2) CD-ROM, high-speed, warm-up, baby-sitter (3)mobil

4、e phone, computer system, search engine, post officeSuggested answers:They are all formed by two words, but in different ways. The two words are joined together in different ways, some have “-“ in between, some havent and some only put two words together. (All these words belong to compound words.)S

5、tep 3. (Pair Work) Introduce how to guess the meaning of compound words. Eg Sunset means the time when the sun goes down and night begins. Sunrise means the time when the sun first appears in the morning.Step 4. (Group Work) Give more compound words and let them know how to guess the meaning of them

6、. (1) handballhandbookdaydreaming businessmanshorthandpickpocketroommate waterfall (2) sleeping pills coffee cupcomputer study reading room mobile phone student uniontomato juiceshopping list (3) good-looking easy-goinghard-working well-known kind-hearted self-satisfiedsun-bathing get-togetherSugges

7、ted answers:(1)手击球 手册 白日梦 商人 速写扒手 舍友瀑布(2)安眠药 咖啡杯 电脑学习 阅览室移动电话 学生会 西红柿酱 购物单(3)漂亮的 随和的 努力工作的著名的 仁慈的自满的 日光浴的 联欢会Step 5. (Individual Work) Ask Ss to finish Activity 2 on page 54.(Call back the answers after 2 minutes.)Step 6 Homework:1. Finish Workbook Grammar Exercises 1, 2 on page 97.2. Preview Reading and Vocabulary.Hardware ,hardboard, hard disk, keyboard, key word, website, network, notebook, notepad, softwarestep 7. The design on the blackboard.(1)手击球 手册 白日梦 商人 速写扒手 舍友瀑布(2)安眠药 咖啡杯 电脑学习 阅览室移动电话 学生会 西红柿酱 购物单(3)漂亮的 随和的 努力工作的著名的 仁慈的自满的 日光浴的 联欢会导学后记


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