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1、2023年博士考试考试模拟卷(4)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.On behalf of my company, I am _ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.AsubjectedBinclinedCavailableDobliged 2.On behalf of my company, I am _ to you and your colleagues for your generous help.Asu

2、bjectedBinclinedCavailableDobliged 3.The factory has produced ten thousand color TV sets this year, as _ eight thousand last year.AforBtoCagainstDfrom 4.The advantage of these contracts is that if property is destroyed by a peril not specifically excluded the insurance is good.AmishapBwreckChazardDc

3、ollision 5.He knew that he would be punished severely because of his serious error. Therefore he _ away the day before yesterday.AcautionedBfledCchatteredDcivilized 6.If this kind of fish becomes_, future generations may never taste it at all.AminimumBshortCseldomDscarce 7.Which of the following sta

4、tements is NOT trueAGPRS offers faster access to data through network connections, so customers should pay more.BMotorola Inc. is the inventor of the cell phone.CPreviously Motorola only supplied mobile phone manufacturers with some of its chips.DMotorola Inc. is known for its high-class engineering

5、 culture. 8.Which of the following statements is NOT trueAGPRS offers faster access to data through network connections, so customers should pay more.BMotorola Inc. is the inventor of the cell phone.CPreviously Motorola only supplied mobile phone manufacturers with some of its chips.DMotorola Inc. i

6、s known for its high-class engineering culture. 9.Which of the following statements is NOT trueAGPRS offers faster access to data through network connections, so customers should pay more.BMotorola Inc. is the inventor of the cell phone.CPreviously Motorola only supplied mobile phone manufacturers w

7、ith some of its chips.DMotorola Inc. is known for its high-class engineering culture. 10.Which of the following statements is NOT trueACloning may lead to the loss of identity.BThe cloned human children may have some psychological problems.CThe psychological effects of cloning may be overlooked.DGen

8、etic Uniqueness is important. 11.Broad sanctions that _ Indian and Pakistani scientists from the West are a counterproductive response to the two nations unwelcome arrival in the nuclear club.Acould isolateBmay isolateCisolatedDisolate 12.It can be concluded from information contained in the text th

9、at the average temperature at an altitude of I kilometer above the Earth is about _.A15B-18C2.5D9 13.What point does the author want to make with this passageAWomen should drive more carefully.BWomen shouldnt be drivers.CMen are better drivers, than women.DMen should be more tolerant of women driver

10、s. 14.They made detailed investigations to _ themselves with the needs of the rural market.AadhereBacknowledgeCacquaintDactivate 15.If you consider this problem _others interest, you may change your view.Abecause ofBwithCdue toDaccording to 16.Exploratory investigations reveal that Alaska is capable

11、 (to produce) 45 to 55 percent of (its own requirements) of agricultural products, (instead of) approximately to percent, (the quantity) now produced.Ato produceBits own requirementsCinstead ofDthe quantity 17.The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked.AscoldedBchargedCaccusedDpunishe

12、d 18.People of all countries are expected to _ the principles of the United Nations and defend the peace in the world.AinspectBexpeditedCupholdDreinstall 19.While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping _ to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.AoccasionallyBsimultaneouslyCeventuallyDpromptly 20.Th

13、e preserved food should retain palatable appearance, flavor, and texture, as well as its original nutritional value.AtastyBstylishCdelicateDnotable 21.The word interim most probably means _.AintervalBhard timeCtransitional periodDemergency 22.His writing depicts this changing world and the increasin

14、g cultural diversity of the United States.AconflictBrefinementCvarietyDmovement 23.He told a story about his sister who was in a sad _ when she was ill and had no money.AplightBpolarizationCplagueDpigment 24.Whats the main idea of this passagesAHow to become a winner in small businessBHow to be a successful boss in multinational corporation


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