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1、2016 新人教版小学英语六年级上册第四单元测试卷 .doc部分预览 Listening Part( 听力部分)I . Listen and choose( 听音,选择你所听到的单词 )更 多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网 httP:/ 课件| 视频| 试卷( ) 1. B. swimmingC. singing()2.A.musicB.matchC. puzzle()3.A.pen palB.pencilC. plane() 4.A.liveC. city()5.A.CanberraB.countryC. Chinesen . Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子)(

2、) I have a pen pal.B. I have afriend.() 2. A. What is Peters hobby?B. Whatare Peter s hobbies?) 3. A. Oliver lives in the country.B.Oliver lives on a farm.) 4. A. He likes doing kung fu and swimming.B. He likes reading stories.) 5. he like going hiking?.he like doingword puzzles?.in . Listen and cho

3、ose the right answer(听问句,选择恰当的答语 )1. A. He likes doingkung fuandswimming.B. I like doing kung fu and swimming.) 2.A. Yes, he does.B.No,she doesn t.) 3.A. Yes, he does.B.No,she doesnt.) 4., she doesnt., he doesnB. Het. He lives in Australia.) 5. like singing and dancing.likes playing football.IV . Li

4、sten and write(听音,根据听到的内容补充句子 )1.Whatarehishobbies?Helikesand2.Doeshelikeand?Yes, he does.3. HelivesinAustralia,buthe.Writing Part(笔试部分)I . Read and write(照例子写单词)更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网 httP:/ 课件| 视频|试卷例: talk-talking-talks 2.dance 3. play.cook7. do 8.live10.9. readstudy n .Read and choose( 单项选择)() 1.What

5、 yourhobbies? I like singinganddoing kung fu.A. isC.does() andmy new pen pal.A.lookB.seeC.watch()3. Do you want to?A. cookB. cookingC.cooks() write an e-mail Mike every week.A.toB.fromC. for() hobbies are A. reading storiesstoriesC.reads stories() he on the South Island?C. living) livesa farm.() hav

6、e a friend.She_ a friend, too.A. haveB.hasC. had() I alsohis pen pal?()10 She English.C. studyingm.为下列问句选择正确的答语。atC. onA.inB.1. What are your hobbies? she go to work by bus?are his hobbies? 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网 httP:/课件|视频| 试卷Jim live in Shanghai? you like listening to music?are you going to do this af

7、ternoon? does your father go to England? s your home?your mother an English teacher? you going to the Great Wall next week?A. Yes,she does.B. No,she isnis a math teacher.C. He likes swimming and playing football.D. I m going to swim.E. It s near the school.F. He goes to England by plane.G. I like re

8、ading stories and going hiking. ,we are.I. Yes,I do.J. No,he doesn tIV .根据提示补充句子。1. A: What are your hobbies?B: I like( 跳舞 ).I also like(唱歌)and( 踢足球 ).2. A: Does he live in China, too?B: No, he doesn t. Hein Australia,but he( 做中国食物 ).3. A: Does he( 喜欢 ) going hiking?B: No, he doesnt. He likesdoing w

9、ord puzzles and doingkungfu.A: Oh, I know.V .连词成句 1. his , what., hobbies, are2. live, he, does, Sydney, in 更 多 免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网 httP:/ 课件|视频| 试 卷3. reading stories, likes, he4.also,I , like ,and, doingkungfu ,singing.5.I,can, be, also,pen pal,hisW.阅读短文判断正误(F)。There are three people in my family : my

10、 father,my mother and I. Wehave different hobbies. My father likes playing football. He is busy. So he often plays football for a mother likes dancing. She says it can help her keep healthy. Do you know what my hobbies are? I like doing kungfu and doing word , I also like sleep. These are my family s hobbies. I love my family.( ) 1. There are four people in my family.( ) 2. My father and I have the same( 相同的 ) hobby.( ) 3. My father often listens to music for a rest.( ) 4. Dancing can help my mother keep healthy.() 5. I have three hobbies.vn .以hobby为题,介绍你自己和家人的爱好,不少于五句 话。



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