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1、9月1日p1-51. 有能力的ablebe able to do/can2. 事故,意外的事accidentaccident happen; by accident3. 积极的,主动的,活跃的activetake an active part in after school activities4. 活动activityafter school activities5. 忠告,劝告,建议advice(U)suggestion(s) advise sb. (not) to do6. 负担得起费用,抽得出时间afford cant afford to do7. 影响affect Smoking a

2、ffects health.8. 同意,应允agree with sb.agree to do (reach)agreementdisagree9. 空气,大气airin the open airtravel by air10. 活着的,存在的alive (表语)awake asleep11. 允许,准许allow sb. to do sth. Smoking is not allowed in our school.12. 令人惊奇的/惊喜的/惊叹的amazing (more, most) amazed at/by13. 横过,穿过acrosswalk across the street/

3、through the forest/ over the mountain14. 再一次again and again15. 违反,反对,紧靠against the law/ wall16. 行动actiontake the following actions to protect17. 关于,对于 about What about doing? _大约 (around)18. 到/在国外aboard go/travel/study abroad19. 接受accept refuse to accept20. 总是,一直 always He is always ready to help ot

4、hers. all the time总是一直at times / from time to time 有时,间或探究:time常用短语及用法(例句)补充:1. 相册,集邮簿album2. 差不多almost a month3. 虽然,尽管although4. 在中间,在(3个以上)之间among5. 援助,救护aidfirst aid急救9月2日p6-101. 生气地 (more, most) angrilybe angry withget angry easily2. 宣告,宣布announce make an announcement I have something to announc

5、e. 3. 另一,再一another two applestwo more apples An apple a day keeps the doctor away.4. 申请apply for the job5. 面积,地域,地方,区域have an area of square kilometers / hectares6. 争辩,争论viargue with sb. about sth.argument7. 军认armyold enough to join the army / be a soldier have been in the army for 8. 攻击,袭击attackIf

6、a bear is in danger, it will attack people.9. 注意,关心pay attention to sth.引起注意attract ones attention10. 迷人的,有吸引力的attractive11. 可获得的,可找到的(un)available12. 醒着的,醒来的be wide (adv) awake完全醒着 aloud adv. When you read, read aloud.13. 意识到的be aware of the danger14. 离开,远离awaykeep away(adv) from (prep.) the danger

7、远离危险15. 不好,非常,严重地badlybadgo bad变坏,变质worse, worstdo well/ badly in be badly injured in the accident16. 天平,平衡balancea good sense of humor/ keep/lose ones , the balance of17. 球,舞会ball at the ball18. 以不依据be based on (历史事实) historical facts19. 银行,岸on the south bank of the river20. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请ask sb. to

8、 do要某人做某事(语气、态度)探究:要某人做某事(语气、态度)(例句)want / would like sb. to do sth.(想让)tell sb. to do sth.(吩咐,告诉)require sb. to do (要求)ask/ invite sb. to do(邀请,请求)order sb. to do sth.(命令)9月7日p11-151. 忍受,生育bear, bore, born/bornebear having catsbe born in (the year or the place)/ on the date of birth2. 因为because con

9、j. He stayed at home because he was badly ill. / because of being badly ill.3. 开始,开端,起点beginningat/ since the beginning / end of each classin the beginning/ end=at first/ last from beginning to end*start有“使(机器)运转之意。*starting /beginning to do Its beginning/ starting to rain.4. 行为behaviorbehaveShe jus

10、t doesnt know how to behave in public.(表现得体,有礼貌) behave oneselfwell/badly-behaved children 表现好的/差的孩子5. 相信,认为believe, think truebelieve it or not信不信由你believe vt, 意为“相信(某人),信以为真,” ones word(s), what he said, it / sb. to be e.g. People used to believe the earth was flat. People believed the earth to be

11、 flat. 1)Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗? 2)I could hardly believe my eyes我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。 3)In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat古时,人们认为地球是扁平的。believe in则表示“信仰”、“信任”(to have faith in somebody or something)之意。后为有关宗教、理论、原则、概念及可信任之人,如:a religion、ghosts、 fairies、 a theory、 a friend等

12、词;1) We do not believe in ghosts我们不信鬼神。 2) He believes in getting plenty of exercise他相信多锻炼身体就会有好处。 3) In the days of the French Revolution,people believed in liberty,equality and fraternity 法国大革命时代的人们信奉自由、平等及博爱。 I believe him(=I believe what he says)我相信他(的话)。 I believe in him(=I trust him )我相信他是一个可以

13、信得过的人。(即:我信任他) 口头禅Believe me:希望对方相信自己谈话的口头语,=I bet/ Take my word for it。Believe me,you will get well very soon你一定会很快就恢复健康的。 Believe me 可以根据不同的场合,译作“真的”、“我不骗你”、“一定会”或“请相信”。 6. 属于,是的一员belong(s/ ed) to him / Kate=Kates/ his7. 在远处,超过,超越beyond ones reach / sb.8. 帐单,纸币pay(paid, paid) the billa 10-dollar b

14、ill9. 责备blame sb. forWho is to blame?是谁的责任?10. 瞎的be blind to对一无所知Hes completely to her fault/ mistake. Hes not aware of her fault.觉察/ 意识到11. 木板,寄宿的膳费a boarding school Please board the plane immediately.请马上登机。12. 骨头bone13. 无趣的,单词的,乏味的boringI am terribly bored with these boring books. 我对这些乏味的书感到厌倦极了。14. 借进borrow fromlend (lent) to Can I borrow your bike? Can you lend your bike to me?15. 底部bottomat the bottom / top of the mountain / ones voice16. 勇敢的,无罪的braveIt was brave of you to speak in front of so many people /such a crowd of people.在这么多人/一大群人面前讲话,你真勇敢。I wasn


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