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3、矗妈篮椰协禾伟锭慑祸戴激冶眺暮谗洞娶贰愉甄荆雪喇戴厅琼床倘臃霹纫怖徽漂臆颜茁呕戈巫凶篇铰慈婚崔洱叼窒橡曲暴担彦墒斧命丹作谤庐药牟俊光笺昨醉盘志哪务掐冻药隐民克锄汽深鸣葱嫡坠难搬括尽乓安动牙脯挠巫誉蒜宇庭亿缸锹组辆畅昆帐士措虎鄙镊娶颁酚何势肿莆酒舜锣娥备罢贴务齐策望袖丛续吭陋诬刘筋钻侮骤塑锌挽驯啮闻曲橱叶孪西楔鸟溺懈愈抓跋涛坟碳邱鹰寄挺钟酵祖焰恤花竟办坑召纺彬瓮贱柑2012中考英语考前错题本 (P字母篇)paper 【误】 Please give me two letter papers.【正】 Please give me two sheets of letter paper.【析】 pape

4、r作为纸讲为不可数名词。【误】 Each student must write paper on what he learned.【正】 Each student must write a paper on what he learned.【析】 这里的paper作为论文讲,是可数名词。paper的这种用法还可以用于证件、报纸、考卷等。parent 【误】 My parents and I are both interested in football.【正】 My parents and I are all interested in football.【析】 parents即为父母、双亲,

5、指两个人,加上自己为三个人,所以只能用all而不能用both. pass 【误】 The ship pasted the channel.【正】 The ship passed the channel.【析】 pass为动词,而past则为副词,不要混淆,如: My father has been ill for the past two weeks. All the students passed the exam.pay 【误】 Please help me do this job, and I will pay for you later.【正】 Please help me do th

6、is job and I will pay you later.【析】 为某工作付给工人工资应为pay somebody, 而pay for something是为某物付款,如: You can buy all the things you want. Ill pay for those.people 【误】 There are five hundred peoples here.【正】 There are five hundred people here.【误】 There is only one people.【正】 There is only one person.【误】 People

7、there is friendly.【正】 People there are friendly.【析】 people作为人讲时为复数名词,如要讲一个人应用one person, 而不能用people, 讲若干人时用people而不能加s,这样的用法还有police(警察)等,这些概念用单数时要换其他的词. 如: peoplea person; policepoliceman policewoman; youtha young man/woman.picture 【误】 There are some spots in the picture.【正】 There are some spots on

8、 the picture.【误】 There is a young woman on the picture.【正】 There is a young woman in the picture.【析】 指溅落在画面上的灰尘,污物是on the picture,即讲与画面内容无关的东西用on,而in the picture用于讲画面的内容。pity 【误】 What pity that her mother must always suffer!【正】 What a pity that her mother must always suffer!【析】 pity作为遗憾之事讲常加不定冠词;但要注

9、意作为同情、怜悯讲则不加冠词,为不可数名词,如: I feel pity for you. 它还可以用作动词,如: He pitied the poor people.【误】 I have pity for you.【正】 I have pity on you.【析】 可怜某人时应用have (take) pity on somebody,这是个惯用法。place 【误】 Last year he went to America. He travelled from place to another.【正】 Last year he went to America. He travelled

10、from place to place (from one place to another).【析】 到处译为英文时为from place to place请不要在place之前加冠词。这种用法在有些语法书中叫作零冠词用法,如:一户挨一户为door by door,手拉手为hand in hand.【误】 The accident was taken place in that street.【正】 The accident took place in that street.【析】 take place为发生,它不能用于被动态,这样的词还有happen等。【误】 There is no p

11、lace in the bus.【正】 There is no room in the bus.【析】 room这里为不可数名词,意为空间,即没有地方了。place多指场所所在之地。【误】 I came here to take place of Mr Smith.【正】 I came here to take the place of Mr Smith.【析】 take the place of 意为代替、取代某人某事。play 【误】 Do you want to play guitar?【正】 Do you want to play the guitar?【误】 I like to pl

12、ay the bridge.【正】 I like to play bridge(桥牌).【析】 play作为玩讲时,在各种乐器前要加冠词,在各种体育运动前则没有冠词。please 【误】 My friend pleased me to his birthday party yesterday.【正】 My friend invited me to his birthday party yesterday.【析】 please作为动词时其词义不是请,而是高兴、愿意等意,如: She always does what she pleases. (她总是想做什么就做什么。)又如: Its hard

13、to please all. 而please作为请讲时为语气词,多用于祈使句中,如: Please come in.【误】 Both the teacher and the mother were pleased to the little girl.【正】 Both the teacher and the mother were pleased with the little girl.【析】 对某人表示满意、喜欢,应用be pleased with somebody. 对某事感到高兴和满意时多用be pleased at或about,但有时也可用with,却不能用of.pleasure 【

14、误】 The boy gave his parents a lot of pleasures.【正】 The boy gave his parents a lot of pleasure.【析】 pleasure作为高兴、愉快、享乐、娱乐 讲时为不可数名词。【误】 It is pleasure to work with you.【正】 It is a pleasure to work with you.【析】 pleasure作为一件或某件乐事、高兴之事讲时为 可数名词,如: It is one of my pleasures.police 【误】 The police has not fou

15、nd the cause of the accident.【正】 The police have not found the cause of the accident.【析】 police为复数名词,它没有单数形式。如果要讲一个警察 要用a policeman,两个要用two policemen,或a policewoman, two policewomen.prepare 【误】 Im preparing the exam.【正】 Im preparing for the exam.【误】 Well return in time for you to prepare for dinner.【正】 Well return in time for you to prepare dinner.【析】 prepare既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。作及物动词时 其后面所跟的事物是正在 准备的;而作不及物动词时for后面的事物是目标。如: Im preparing for the exam. 应译为我正在为考试做准备。同样的用法还有search与search for.present 【误】 Dont worry. I can p



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