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1、致年轻人:20岁应该知道的20件事 难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:赫芬顿邮报 评论:7 As college doors start to swish and swing open, slurping young people back in for fall classes, I feel compelled to put my hand up and say, Wait, you forgot something.大学校园已经慢慢敞开大门,迎接那些即将在秋季入学的年轻人们,我必须举起手说:“等等,你们忘了什么事。”I have something I want to tell them

2、 before they head back up the universitys hill to walk new halls, meet new faces and make new decisions that could change their lives. What I wish I had known.在他们抬头挺胸进入大学校园,认识新朋友,做出影响一生的决定之前,有些事我想要告诉他们。一些我希望知道的事。Precious young person, before you leave, can you turn off your phone and let me share so

3、mething valuable with you? I know you think I am too old to understand you, but I promise, some days I feel closer to your age than I do my own. I havent forgotten.年轻人,在你们离开之前,能否关掉手机,让我与你们分享一些重要的事情?我知道你们认为我太老,不能理解你们,但我保证,年轻时候的事情我甚至记得比现在发生的事情还清楚。我从没忘记。What I see in front of me is a life that is valua

4、ble and worth more than you can possibly know today. I hope to save you a lot of time, pain and regret.在我面前展开的生活如此珍贵,你们难以想象。我希望帮你们节约时间,减少痛苦和悔恨。The 20 Things I Wish Someone Told Me at 20:我希望在20岁时有人告诉我的20件事:1. Hold tight to your real friends and dont forget the closeness that you feel now.珍惜你真正的朋友,别忘记

5、你们现在的亲密感觉。It is real, and over time, life will try to tease those connections away. They will mean everything.它是真实的,随着时间的流逝,生活会渐渐把这种感觉带走。他们意味着一切。2. Although youre smart . your brain isnt done maturing. Listen to your parents more than you want. REALLY.虽然你很聪明但你的大脑还不成熟。听你父母的建议,真的要听话。Your brain doesnt

6、fully connect all of the dots until youre about 23. Trust me. Trust THEM.不到23岁,你的大脑还没法把所有的信息点都结合起来理智分析。相信我。相信他们。3. Keep the joy of being in the moment.享受当下。You will have to focus on the future so much as you get older - being mindful to the moment becomes a lost gift.随着你的成长,你将不得不关注未来那时关注当下就会变成一份已经失去

7、了的礼物。4. You will miss your youthful body one day - love it and take care of it.你有一天会失去年轻的身体珍惜它,爱护它。There will come a day when you become nostalgic for all of those body parts that you dont like now. Take care of them, exercise and enjoy the freedom of your abilities.有一天,你会想念那些你现在不喜欢的身体部分。照顾好它们,常常锻炼,

8、享受行动能力。5. If someone has cut you down, that is about THEM, not YOU.如果有人反驳你,那是他们的事,不是你。Unkind words are often used to cut a strong person down to make the insecure one feel better. Dont let them stick.恶意的言语常常把一个强壮的人打倒,使那些缺乏安全感的人自我感觉不错。别让他们得逞。6. Apologize: mean it & make it better.道歉:真诚地道歉,并且让事情变得更好。S

9、ay Im sorry, drop your ego and fix things humbly, without excuses.说“对不起”,放下你的骄傲,虚心地改正错误,不要找借口。7. Education is THAT important.教育是非常重要的。With 100% certainty, you will be proud of your degrees . and you will regret it if you dont complete them.我百分之百的肯定,你会为你的学位感到骄傲如果你没有完成学业,你会后悔的。8. You can say NO to sex

10、ual contact.你可以对性行为说不。You own your body. Walking away is tough in the moment, but your spirit will thank you. And, trust me, in later years, those decisions will fill you and your partner with pride.你拥有你自己的身体。走开会是个艰难的时刻,但你的灵魂会感谢你的。还有,相信我,过几年之后,那些决定使你和你的伴侣感到自豪。9. Whatever you POST is PERMANENT.你晒出的所有

11、内容都是永久的。Envision that picture, video or comment being pushed across the desk to you as you interview for your first job.想想当你面试第一份工作时,照片、视频和评论都被从桌子对面递过来。10. Trust the calling on your heart.跟随心的召唤。Dont quiet the voice inside your spirit. DO the work to get where you are called to go . even if it is no

12、t where someone else thinks you should be going.别压制你内心的声音。跟着心指引的方向走即使如果那不是别人认为你该去的地方。11. Spirituality/Religion will be what saves you when the world goes out.当世界都疯掉时,精神或宗教将会拯救你。Always keep a personal spiritual relationship with God - this will guide you, strengthen you & bring you peace. Pray. Medit

13、ate. Listen. Every day.永远与上帝保持精神上的交流它会指引你,使你强大,带给你平静。祈祷、冥想、聆听,每一天。12. Travel.旅行。Seize any (safe) opportunity to journey to a new place, immerse in a new culture, or experience new landscape. Your mind will open in immeasurable ways.抓住每个(安全的)机会去新的地方旅行,沉浸在新的文化当中。你的眼界会变得异常开阔。13. Dont poison yourself. D

14、ont smoke. Dont take drugs. Dont drink soda.别毒害自己。不要吸烟。不要吸毒。不要喝碳酸饮料。Toxins affect your outward beauty. Treat your body as purely as possible. It will show.毒素会影响你的外在美,对待你自己的身体越纯净越好,它会表现出来的。14. Consider the other side of the story.考虑到事情的另一面。Listen to someone that you dont agree with - ask them where t

15、hey came from and why they feel the way they do, without judgment. Be OPEN.听听你反对的人的意见问问他们从哪里来,为什么这样想,不要评论。敞开心扉。15. Talk yourself out of the need to compare yourself.别和自己比较。Strive to be the best YOU, not a copy of the person next to you. Know your strengths. Dont belittle your weaknesses.努力做最好的自己,而不是一个身边人的副本。了解自己的优势,不要轻看自己的缺点。16. Talk to your educators. Ask for help. Be known and be memorable.跟你的导师谈话,去寻求帮助,让他们了解你,记住你。By being known, teachers will be more invested in you and your success. You might also gain a mentor.老师们如果了解你,就会更关注你和你的成功。你也许还会得到一位人生导师。17. Love your parents. Love your gran


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