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1、Unt5Dresre You a Dreaer?1 Dream wy do w he th? Dothe mean anything? Is thre sc a ting a a ream ich te ents sen b t dreamer coe tue? Suc questions have interested peple for thusandsf yea.cienii dvancs i h ast fewdecae have reveed more about t phsicalpoces o sp, buthe tillot fferany in answest temy ue

2、sts aboutdeamthtcntinuto puzzle s.2 Everyonedreamsits ust that sm of us cnt remeber doing s Rcrdins o humbrain waves sho tht we ll go ino drem m whn wfalaleep.Wdrm fo mostofthenight, but were n able to rmember oureams if w hppn towake p ilewe are sil in(pdy Moveen) se. Tis is when w dea We have four

3、 fiveM ae o slp durig the night,the irst occurig ab90minue after efll aleep.Aft tht, urreamig prids recu ever nutesand lasbetween 5 to 45 mie, geing o as teniht rogresses.3 e main puose f leepig (aprro ving rest) mabet allow s to deamtorevie ourive,ur wrreanhopes n a tally diffeeway, dto get an uons

4、ciou ve f ourelve, etting rid fmaerafomour emrie tha we no onger need.4 Smees ma hae simpe physioogiclcaue Dramingf walkio hot coals, fr exmpe,may wlbeued sleeping with yr feett close ater. Adthrustratin ream in which yo try trn bt yo legswontmov my be eplaie by bddig t is too tih.Anyneh slepthug th

5、er alamma el drm oforbellsor telehes ingng. All are siple eampsohow te uonious orks ith uconio mindto guide nd advs us5 But uch pysologclxplaaions are not enouh totell us whe dream Somepope lev tha dreams ar toalonsne,merely the rsut ofe misiring o elctricalimulses in th bran,wl n te ohrhan,some rea

6、d reatrtance no ven the siplet ofdreams.6 So dasreflet ine fars hat are intantl reonizable.remigof losiyurjobr ouse an refle real fars, enif thy e onlysbcoscius Most of ushave deaedtha we ha t t ainal examfora diffictcoue, wih e had never tan, or in whichwe had doe oy.7 Buwhf thedreamsht not have uc

7、h ovios meanin?For cenries, bo men ndwoen hae sought the nswes n ocalle em dictinaries,possiblythe oest of whch daes bck to 5000 BC. According to thseicionaies, a dram au drining wiemean ashort lfe, wheeasa dremaout rinking watereditedalog fe.8 By AD 200,dram dictinars hadost on of their pulart,and

8、he ncienr rtedrus roeave-vlueinepretton o more than,00 drems,isting suc ymas rigt hand(mannfth),left and (menin mother),ad olph (a oodomn). Toay, ee arecoulessbook ffering eainterretatons in bariesan bookshp.Tyreas u asever with dreamenthust, ut mtexrts wrn hat hey sholdbe ead wit cr Pschonalt adauh

9、o Kennet aunes exln, reams are closey tied upwih an indiids nd nd alysi issoopento itake o errors. I beleve y c onl discor the u manigfadeamf you no peson who hd hedram你做梦吗?1 梦,我们为什么会做梦?梦故意义吗?真的有梦中所见的事成为现实这种事吗?几千年来这些问题始终让人们感爱好。过去几十年的科学发展对睡眠的自然过程有了较多的结识,然而对于与梦有关的诸多问题仍然没有提供最后的答案,这些问题还要继续困惑我们。2 人人都做梦只但

10、是有人不记得做过梦罢了。人类脑电波的记录显示我们所有人入睡后就进入梦境。整个夜晚的大多数时间我们都在做梦,但只有当我们处在(眼睛迅速转动) 睡眠阶段时醒来,才会记住所做的梦。眼睛迅速转动阶段便是我们做梦的时候。每晚我们有四、五个REM睡眠阶段,第一次出目前入睡后的0分钟左右。此后,梦期每90分钟复现一次,每次持续5到4分钟,持续时间随着夜晚的进一步逐渐增长。 睡眠的重要目的(除让我们休息外)也许就是让我们做梦让我们以一种截然不同的方式回忆我们的生活、我们的忧虑和但愿,以及在潜意识中观测自我,把不再需要的资料从记忆中剔除。4 有些梦也许是由简朴的生理因素引起的。例如,梦到在灼热的煤块上行走很也许

11、是由于睡眠时脚太接近取暖器。而梦到想跑但两腿却动弹不了这种令人沮丧的境况,也许是被子裹得太紧的缘故。闹铃响了而仍然熟睡的人则很也许会梦到门铃或电话铃响。所有这些都是潜意识和意识共同引导和启示我们的简朴例子。5 但是这些从生理的角度进行的解释尚局限性以阐明为什么我们会做梦。有人觉得梦纯正是无稽之谈,仅仅是人脑中电脉冲无的放矢的成果,然而,有人则觉得最简朴的梦都具有重要的含义。6 有些梦反映的内心忧虑是立即可以辨认的。梦见失去工作或者没了房子,也许是反映了真实的忧虑,即便这些忧虑只是潜意识的。我们大多数人都梦见过必须参与一门很难的课程的期末考试,也许是一门从未修过的,或许是学得很糟的课程。7 但是

12、,有某些梦并没有这样明显的含义,这是怎么回事呢?多种世纪以来,男男女女都从所谓的解梦字典中寻找答案,此类字典最早的可以追溯到公元前50。根据这些字典,梦见喝酒意味着短命,而梦见喝水则预示长寿。8 始终到公元2,解梦字典受欢迎的限度仍丝毫未减。当时,古希腊的阿尔米多鲁斯写了一部长达五卷的书,解析了300多种梦,列举了一系列的象征,诸如右手(表达爸爸),左手(表达妈妈),以及海豚(表达好兆头)。9 如今,图书馆和书店里有无数的书籍为梦做解析。对于那些热衷于探讨梦的人来说,它们仍然深受欢迎。然而,多数专家警告说,读这些书时要非常谨慎。心理分析家兼作家肯尼思桑德斯解释说:“梦与每个人的思维密切有关,因

13、此分析往往容易浮现错误和偏差。我觉得,只有当你理解了做梦的人时,才干发现梦的真正含义。”Dras That ame re1Onhe night o ovmber7, 165, Mry ughteryhada ighmar. She cant forgt thatem nor a h usband, George. She tls oft lik hs:“I reamedI as on hll at nit. ightnigflasd andtunder rolledhn Is biht lhtin h sk. Ter as od impt nd I ead camsevryhre. ”2 ary sasthatten he saw



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