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1、校园文化演讲稿(共15篇) 第1篇:校园文化演讲稿The Nature of University Culture Ladies and gentleman, my name is SB, today Im going to talk about university culture with you follows.The university nowadays in china is currently undergoing dramatic change, which is challenging the traditional values upon which universitie

2、s are based.These traditional values include:An Interest in Knowledge for its Own Sake The fundamental product of universities is knowledge.Universities function on the basis of innate curiosity seeking knowledge on iues regardle of whether that knowledge has any clear practical application or use.A

3、lthough often criticised as impractical, this trait is actually the basis for most real innovation as important disciplines such as computer science, biotechnology and nuclear physics all arose from pure research for which practical applications were not obvious when that research was commenced.Spec

4、ialized Knowledge Modern scholars typically specialize in a particular area of knowledge which can sometimes be particularly narrow indeed for example, becoming a specialist in the wing structure of a particular species of fly.Scholars are often described as people who know a lot about a little.This

5、 depth of knowledge is neceary to position scholars to add new knowledge to their own area of expertise and forms the basis for humanity moving ever forward in its understanding of things.Disputation Advances in academic disciplines occur through people putting forward different opinions or theories

6、 to explain things and then seeing which holds up best.This proce is called disputation.If you have a point of view that differs from someone elses you are encouraged to put it forward AS LONG AS it is supported with good arguments or evidence.Theories are constantly being introduced, amended and mi

7、xed together this is how our overall understanding of things improves.Openne Universities rely on the free flow of ideas and continuous debate.Ideas will stand or fall on the strength of the arguments and evidence that support them, but there must always be opportunities for existing ideas to be cha

8、llenged and for different points of view to be put forward.This should occur in a constructive way, never maliciously.Honesty The work of scholars has little value unle it is honest.Scholars must ae evidence on its merits, even if it serves to go agat their own ideas or beliefs.Scholars must never f

9、ake or distort evidence to suit a particular point of view but interpret evidence objectively and without bias.Scholars must consider all sides of an argument.Scholars must also ensure that they give proper credit to people whose work or ideas they are using in their own work Academic Freedom The no

10、tion of academic freedom arose in times when putting forward new ideas and challenging conventional wisdom could result in the individuals concerned being persecuted, imprisoned or worse.Academic freedom contends that academics should be allowed to pursue scholarly activities without fear of reprisa

11、l and without direction from authority.第2篇:校园文化演讲稿校园文化演讲稿真善校园,奋进源泉尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!今天我演讲的题目是“真善校园,奋进源泉”。 大家都知道,我们下两小学有一座至善楼,我们六年级的学生都在至善楼里刻苦学_。所谓“至善”,乃取“人性至真至善”之义。这也是我国小学生思想品德的最终目的。真善是我国传统文化中具有代表性的观念,是任何事物存在的最佳状态,也是一切美好事物的共同特点。实现真善,是古往今来人类孜孜以求的美好愿望。而构建真善文明的校园环境也将是一个永恒的主题。让我们畅想一下:日升日落、春往秋来,为何如此自







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