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1、英语日记作文九篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是我帮大家整理的英语日记作文篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语日记作文 篇1 Today, enhome with myschlbg afte col。 heway hme,Iaw a chldcing n oe side of te ro。 se hat upis,he tol me that h cudn tfind his motr。 fel vr soy fo him and I thinkhemut feelafai

2、d。o,Iciehat waiting fo his oteth m,and old do try。 A f of hourte, hi mthefond him a she sai thanks to me,I fet vr hap!英语日记作文 篇2 This myfrsiet jinth summecamp in Zhejiang Unveity. I he mnin, wetooart i oenng cemony. Thrwr more ta fourhunrestudent hs suer cap. I feltver hay becuse kn n makeor frins n

3、th beuifulcity.Ittook us aly on hort lisen teachers tal. The wehad o begin our frs exmitwotvey hard. On,Iorgot o talk bout ouheadteache He w uen, too.buth beaeeou teaher frtwntyda.I thugh e was a gooteacher,too. e wa ery handsome. I was ey hppy tetim He caefrom ustraia. Itw vrybeatful ountr. n hi cl

4、ass, no oly wecaner myEglihkowede, ut als cadelop ourspk Engli. Wetlkedabou man things. n,it as eryice Todayisy irstday toometo hisuniersity.Iamy hpp.英语日记作文 篇3 送报那天下午,我和几位同学跟一个从美国回来的女老师在大庆区健强超市里玩“英语”。老师说我们抢答英语单词可以得分,最终看谁的分数得的最高,她就免费给那个同学买一根冰淇淋。我们都兴奋得不得了,都想快点拿到高分。 老师先带我们到水果区,老师让我们自己挑水果,挑完了,老师就起先教我们读,

5、读完了再复习一遍,复习完了就起先抢答问题。答对一个得一分。我们都起先主动地抢答,我们都得到了许多分数。老师又带我们到了蔬菜区,老师让我们每人挑一样蔬菜。我挑了一个西红柿。又一阵叽哩呱啦的探讨后我们就要起先抢答了。这一次抢答,我只拿到了3分,不过这也算最好的成果了。 抢答完蔬菜,我们又去抢答零食。看到那么多好吃的零食,我的口水都快要流下来了,但我还是忍了回去。 最终我得了13分,没有拿到最高分。最高分是1分,然后是14分。拿到这两个分数的同学都得到了老师给的冰淇淋。虽然没得到老师的奖赏,但我妈妈仍旧给我买了一袋薯片解馋。吃着薯片,我很快乐!英语日记作文 篇4 pobbymorfo is cons

6、med urig the new year celebationstan any oetie ohe ya va monts o trdiioalod pepae for family and riens,as well a those cloe tous ho have ded.on e yearsday,the cese fmiy wi eat a veetaria discale jai. althogh the vaious igrediesn ja aerot egetabes firusvegetabls, man eopeattrbte varous sprtitious et

7、to them. othrfood incudea holefish, t rpreent togethrssad abundane,a chicken for popert. the chiken ms b resened with ead, tai nfet to yboiompteness noodes hulduu, a thy present long lifein southchina, favorie and ost pica dses we anao,seet teamdlutinus ric(糯米)pudig and zon z (guts rce wrped u in re

8、ed(芦苇)leves), anthr popular deicy. in henrth,teame-wheat read (mn ou) and sll meatdumpligs we heperre ood. the remndus amot of fodprepare t thiste wa mant tosymbolizaunnd welthfor the household.英语日记作文 篇5 The new term whilae moetan one month vrdiffeent.I hae to face ore d morehllengEythin s nfor ,ne

9、acclaon ,w subjectadnw casats.thou se bjects is cancle incuding histoy,poics,gegrahy nso on,it wssense ehustd th made me wanted toave aod rest llh imeweny as lar I wil ce midle emination I am bsywih it everydayI on tknw bility omycompettor and mylf.Bi wll spre n efforts o conqer he graeI ant to abit

10、is snrr lter.英语日记作文 篇6 t1th y fthe 1stluar mot th 15th dy o te 1s ln onh s t chineseantern festval bse the first lunar mt icalled yua-ont nd i theacientmspeople called night xia. the15th d ithe fis nig o ee a fl moo. sothe d is alo called ua ia fetivlinhina. accordi to hcineseradition, at the veryeg

11、ining f a e yea, h hre a rh fu oonhangin ih sky,thre soud be tousns ofcorl anterns hungou for peoletoapecte. at thi im, peoplewil ty to olve the puzzesonte lanternand atyuanxiao (gluts ie ball)an get ll theirfmili unitdin the joyful atmospee. history un te sidysy in thsith centry,peror angdi ivted e

12、nvoys from er cunries to hnt see th clrful ighte lantns and enjoy e la(节日的,庆祝的)pformances. y e gining o t tan dynasty in te sevet cenury,te lntr islas would s hre ays.he emero also liftdthe urfw(宵禁令), alowig the eopltnoy t estive anrn ay ad nit. it isnot difficult o fidcineseem whicescrehishpp ni thsondynty, the festvalwas celbrated orfivedays and heactiviies bgato sped to ay o th big tisn chia. colorful gasan een ja wee used mae lanern, ith igure from fol les pe oth antns. hoevr, the larget anternfestival elb


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