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1、文化意识与语言教学Cultural Awareness and Language TeachingAcknowledgmentsMany people have helped me with this graduate paper, and Id like to express my gratitude to them here.This paper could not be completed without the supports of many experts, such as Falk, J. and Hymes D.H. who provides me with theoretic

2、al supports of cultural awareness. Only by standing on the shoulders of these academic giants could I gain the rational understanding of the relationship between cultural awareness and language teaching. This paper could not be successfully completed without the guidance of Professor Y, who put sinc

3、ere passion and great effort in this paper. Through her patient instructions, I have made great progress in improving reasoning, data analysis and academic writing.Id also like to thank those English majors of Institute of Technology for their participating in my interviews and questionnaire. Withou

4、t their help, I could not get the relatively direct and proper data which supports my topic firmly. 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要Abstract: This paper mainly discusses the relationship between cultural awareness and language teaching in college English teaching. It explains the definition of culture first, then brief

5、ly analyzes the interrelationships between culture and language, cultural awareness and cross-cultural awareness, culture teaching and language teaching, and finally states the relationship between cultural awareness and language teaching. It analyzes a survey of 98 English majors in Huai Hai Instit

6、ute of Technology, focusing on students attitudes towards cultural learning, and the causes that may have hindered the acquisition of cultural awareness of those students participating in the survey. The findings of this survey has shown that being lack of sufficient cultural input may be one of the

7、 main reasons why most participants have not obtained conscious cultural awareness in the process of language learning, and that most students hope to have a more communicative and interactive classroom learning environment to learn culture. Several suggestions are also provided for future applicati

8、on of cultural awareness in language teaching. Keywords: cultural awareness; language teaching; questionnaire毕业设计(论文)中文摘要摘 要:本文重点阐述高校英语教学中,文化意识与语言教学的关系。论文先从定义方面阐述“文化”的内涵,并简要分析文化与语言、文化意识与跨文化意识、文化教学与语言教学的关系,进而阐明文化意识与语言教学两者之间的关系。本文通过对淮海工学院98名英语专业学生的访谈及问卷调查,考察了学生对语言学习中文化学习的认知情况,以及影响被调查者形成文化意识的原因。调查结果表明,

9、文化输入的不足成为受调查者在过去的语言学习中未能形成有意识地文化认知的主要原因之一;此外,学生们也希望现有的课堂学习环境更加开放和互动。本文还就语言教学过程中的文化认知意识的培养提出了一些可行性建议。 关键词:文化意识 语言教学 问卷调查Contents1 Introduction 12 Culture Review 12.1 The Definition of Culture 12.2 The Relationship between Culture and Language 12.3 Cultural and Cross-cultural Awareness 22.4 Culture Te

10、aching and Language Teaching 23 The Study of a Survey 23.1 The Analysis of Interviews 33.2 The Analysis of a Questionnaire 33.2.1 Data Analysis on the Questionnaire (1) 43.2.2 Data Analysis on the Questionnaire (2) 53.2.3 Data Analysis on Cultural Curriculum 64 The Possible Ways to Develop Cultural

11、Awareness 74.1 The Necessary Cross-cultural Awareness Skills to Acquire 84.2 Instructional Strategies 85 Conclusion 9Appendix 11Bibliography 13 1IntroductionWith the development of the communications between people from different cultural backgrounds, more and more scholars or laymen have realized t

12、he importance of cross-cultural communication. How to cultivate English language learners cultural awareness and cross-cultural communicating competence has being warmly discussed in Chinas foreign language teaching world. Changes have been seen in the newest edition of syllabus for both English maj

13、or and non-English major, for the first time, stating clearly the close relationship between culture and language, and the importance to cultivate language learners cultural awareness. Unavoidably these changes would have great influence on the traditional way of language teaching. For English major

14、s who are on the advance position of cross-cultural communication, they are supposed to experience the new teaching methods and prepare themselves to be a cross-cultural communicator in the future. Though abundant essays on cultural and/or cross-cultural communication have been published, many of th

15、em focus on introducing western theory, and less of them have directed to learner-centered topics such as what chinas foreign language learners current learning situation is, or if they have not done well with it, what the possible causes that influence their cultural learning are. This paper may have a try on the above ment



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