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1、2017高考英语书面表达投诉信写作A letter of complaintPassage structure:提出问题-说明具体情况-提出解决问题的办法投诉信通常包括以下几个方面的内容:说明投诉的原因并表示遗憾;实事求是地阐述问题发生的经过,切记不要夸大其词;指出问题引起的后果;提出批评及处理的意见或敦促对方采取措施,或者提出所希望的赔偿以及补救方式。组织提纲时要遵循“三步走”的写作规律:第一段:表明来信所要投诉的问题,尽可能做到客观礼貌,给读信人留下好印象。应该记住读信人不一定就是错误的责任人,他的合作对事情的最终圆满解决有着非常重要的作用。第二段:写明投诉的原因、问题的经过及产生的后果。

2、可以说具体的理由,也可以说问题的具体体现方式。第三段:提出解决方案,不需展开。这段应体现书信的礼貌原则,可以用类似“如果你能,我将十分感激”这样的表达方式。还要注意做到公平、公正。Useful sentence patterns1. I am writing to complain about I am writing to make a complaint about I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about2. There is something wrong with I bought. For one thing, .; for

3、another thing 3. I can hardly bear tolerate any more. 4. I hope you can consider my suggestions and improve the situation 5. I trust you will take this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.6. I would like to have a refund(退款) or a replacement(更换)as soon as possi

4、ble.段尾常用语:(1)It would be highly appreciated if you could(2)I believe you will take my complaints seriously and(3)I hope you will give due attention to this matter.(4)I would like to get this matter settled by the end of this month.(5)I could not be more satisfied if you can kindly(6)I would apprecia

5、te it very much if you could第一篇Samples假设你是李华,你新买的某外国品牌MP3出了故障,现你写信到其公司 反映问题:购买日期:上个月故障:一周前屏幕坏了,看不见屏幕内容已跟当地销售商家投诉,但其不能解决要求:更换一台新的,如不行则要求退货,拿回货款。Dear Sir or Madam,I am Li Hua. I am writing to complain about the cell phone produced by your company. Out of my satisfaction, the cell phone I bought last m

6、onth broke down a week ago. I cannot see anything on the screen, which has a great effect on my daily life and my work. Much to my disappointment, I have talked about this with the shop which sold me this MP3, but they couldnt do anything about it. I can hardly bear the poor service offered by your

7、companys agents. I have no choice but to turn to your help. It is required that you should make a replacement of my MP3 no later than the end of this month. Hope you can look into the matter, consider my suggestions and solve this problem as soon as possible. It would be highly appreciated if it is

8、solved as expected. If not, I would like to have a full refund or take legal action.Looking forward to your early reply.Regards Li Hua投诉信格式模板:Dear _, I am _ (自我介绍). I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about _ (抱怨的事情) The reason for my dissatisfaction is _ (总体介绍)

9、. In the first place, _ (抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, _ (抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it _ (感觉)to _ (抱怨的方面带来的后果)I appreciate it very much if you could _ (提出建议和请求), preferably _ (进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by _ (设定解决事情最后期限) Thank you for your consideration and I

10、will be looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming第二篇投诉信:汤姆在一家商店购得劣质商品,遂与营业员交涉。但该营业员对他态度粗暴,不予受理,汤姆为此向经理写一封投诉信。January 3,2003Dear Manager,Now I am writing to tell you that I bought a TV set from your shop several days ago. But when I brought it home and turned it on, I found it didnt wor

11、k properly. So I took it back to the shop and told the assistant what had happened. To my surprise, your assistant didnt help me to solve the problem. On the contrary, he shouted at me rudely and refused to examine it. I know that your shop enjoys a high reputation of good service, so I bought the T

12、V set in your shop. But today, I am sorry to find that such service should have happened in your shop and your assistant didnt seriously think of the interests of customers. I hope you will look into the matter and give me a reasonable explanation. I am waiting to know how you will deal with it. Tha

13、nk you for your consideration and I am expecting an early reply. Sincerely yours, Tom第三篇网上购物书籍投诉信书面表达范文:Dear Sir or Madam, Im a student from GuangmingMiddle School. As a faithful supporter of your website, I have enjoyed your convenience and timely service. But this time, Im writing for your help. O

14、n Dec 26th, I ordered a best-seller Twilight through your website. Unfortunately, quite a few pages were found missing when I read it afterwards, greatly affecting my understanding of the book. I was wondering whether you could solve this problem in a proper way, for instance, sending me a new book,

15、 for I really love the book. Your earliest reply will be appreciated. Thank you! 实战演练作文翻译尊敬的布朗先生,我很高兴地告诉您,我们上周日订购的冰箱fridge在9月21日收到了。但是我们很遗憾地发现这台冰箱无法正常运行。使用这台冰箱几天之后,我们发现在里面的食物很快变质了。当我们测量里面的温度temperature时,困惑地发现温度在17,明显超出了09的标准温度范围beyond the standard temperature between 0 and 9。不用说,这个问题已经影响了我们的正常生活。您能尽快派人过来维修一下吗?请即刻关注并尽快回复,不胜感激。 您忠实的顾客李华_



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