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1、中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院毕业论文中国地质大学(武汉)远程与继续教育学院本科毕业论文(设计)题 目:房地产开发投资风险姓 名: 准考证号:院 (系): 专 业:指导老师: 职 称: 评 阅 人: 职 称: 2012 年 月1原创性声明本人呈交的学位论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本学位论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本学位论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签字:_ 日 期: _ 摘要房地产投资是进行房地产开发


3、通过不同模型的评价可以计算得出房地产开发不同阶段风险因素的权重。模型的分析可以有助于提高房地产投资效益,减少或避免不必要的风险损失,对保证房地产投资的科学合理性和投资经济性意义重大。鉴于房地产开发投资风险的客观存在及其对房地产开发活动的重要影响,论文通过过程评价与分析提出了房地产开发风险因素基本策略,并从管理的角度提出了具体的风险控制措施。同时论文结合实例,分析某一房地产开发项目的风险度,并依据风险评价结果提出了相应的防范措施,为开发商投资决策提供了依据。关键词:房地产开发;风险因素;风险分析;风险综合评价;风险防范 AbstractReal estate investment is a fo

4、undation of carrying on development of real estate and management, in this investment activity, income and risk exist at the same timeThe risk is a kind of special incident, this kind of incident will bring a lot of uncertain resultsonce the risk takes place,may make the developer suffer enormous lo

5、sses,even it is bankrupt to causeSo,paying attention to and risk factor that study in the development of real estate is the important subject that circle of theory ,business circles face.It is numerous to influence the uncertain factor of the investment risk of the real estate, has already come from

6、 real estate investment and developed the activity,come from the economic,political environment around again, even there is lagging which consumers know ,and even the calamity of nature ,etcThis text has the product market of different real estates of our country on foundation that analyzes of risks

7、,discerning and appraising to investment risk of the real estateSet up FAHP based on AHP method and appraise models according to the uncertainty of the risk and uncertain result that it may bringThe model is made policy the early warning model and comprehensive appraisal model form, can calculate th

8、e weight of risk factor of different stages of development of real estate through the appraisal of different modelsThe analysis of the model can facilitate the improvement of benefit of real estate investment, reduce or prevent the unnecessary risk from losingOf great significance to guaranteeing sc

9、ientific rationality of real estate investment and investment economySeeing that the objective reality of the investment risk of development of real estate and important influence of moving about to the development of real estate,the thesis has proposed the basic tactics of risk factor of developmen

10、t of real estate after the appraisal model of the structure,and has put forward the concrete risk control measure in terms of managementIn order to verily of the model ,the thesis combines the embodiment, can calculate risk degree of a certain real estate development item ,and had put forward the co

11、rresponding precautionary measures according to the result of appraisal of risk ,has offered the scientific basis for developers investment decision.Key words:real estate development;risk factors; risk recovery; real estate comprehensive evaluation ;recovery measureI目 录摘要IABSTRACTII1 绪论 . 11.1 研究背景1

12、1.1.1 房地产业的产能过剩 . 11.1.2 国家政策的宏观调 . 21.2 研究目的31.3 研究意义42 房地产开发投资概述52.1 房地产开发定义52.2 房地产开发特征52.2.1 房地产不可移动性 . 52.2.2 房地产与社会经济密切相关. 52.2.3 房地产开发投资大,资金来源多样化. 62.2.4 房地产开发周期长变现速度较慢 . 62.2.5 房地产开发是一个高风险,高回报的行业. 63 风险的一般理论73.1 风险的特性83.1.1 风险的客观性. 83.1.2 风险的不确定性. 83.1.3 风险的潜在性. 83.1.4 风险的可测性. 83.1.5 风险结果的双重

13、性. 84 避免风险的决策方法94.1 期望值决策法94.2 标准差法94.3 变异系数法94.4 风险调整贴现率法94.5 肯定当量法9结束语11致 谢12参考文献1311 绪论1.1 研究背景我国从1999年以来,房地产开发投资持续高速增长,仅2003年一年,房地产开发投资额突破1万亿元大关,增速达到了297。房地产开发投资占固定资产投资的比例过高,2003年高达237,比国际通常水平1015高出近lO个百分点。有些大城市尤其高,如上海市为407,北京市为605。另外房地产开发投资增速远高于GDP增速。近三年来房地产开发投资规模平均以256的高速增长,为GDP平均增速的3倍左右;房地产投资占GDP的比重也在逐年递增,2003年高达87,年均增长约1个百分点,明显高出国际一般水平的5左右。房地产投资的增长推动了我国房地产企业的快速发展。由国务院发展研究中心、清华大学房地产研究所和中国指数研究院三家研究机构共同组成的中国房地产TOPl0研究组日前发布2006中国房地产百强研究报告称,我国房地业集中度进一步加强。百强企业在2005年实现销售额238407亿元,占全国市场份额的1806,这一比例在2004年为1349


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