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1、清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果六年级第二模块测试题班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一、 写出下列单词和短语。1各处 _ 6. 中国舞蹈 _2. 惊奇 _ 7. 许许多多 _3. 不同的_ 8. 不同于 _4. 饭馆 _ 9. 唐人街 _5周末 _ 10. 上个星期天 _二、 写出下列单词的过去式1go 2. eat 3. is 4are 5. see 6. have 7. speak 8. write 9. meet 10. do 11. say 12. like 三、 用所给单词填空。is was are were1. There _ lo

2、ts of books on the tabel .2. There _ a pen in the pencil-box.3. There_ a toy on my bed when I was a baby.4. There _ many people in the park yesterday .四、 根据实际情况回答下列问题。1 Where did you go last Sunday ?_2 What did you do ? _3 What did you eat ?_4 Who did you see ?_5 Did you have fun ?_五、 翻译句子。1. 有一个唐人街

3、在纽约。 _2. 昨天我们看见了中国舞蹈。 _3. 我们在一家中国饭馆吃了饭。 _4. 我昨天去了一个图书馆。_5. 昨天我写了三封电子邮件。 _六、 单项选择。1. ( ) Yesterday I _ a big surprise .a. have b. has c. had d. is2. ( ) The food was different _ Chinese food .a. about b. of c. in d. from3. ( ) He really _ to go to the Great Wall .a. wants b. want c. wanted d. wanting

4、4. ( ) Im going to _ some books .a. readed b. reads c. read d. reading5. ( ) Did you _ a hot dog ? a. ate b. eating c. eats d. Eat 6. ( ) I _ to see my grandma yesterday . a. go b. goes c. went d. going 7. ( ) The people _ Chinese and English . a. speaks b. spoke c. speaking d. Spoken 8. ( ) _ you s

5、ee a film yesterday ? a. Did b. Do c. Are c. Can 9. ( ) I _ ten years old last year . a. am b. do c. was d. were 10. ( ) _ did you go yesterday ? The Great Wall. a. What b. Where c. When d. How七、 连词成句1. interesting it very was _2. yesterday emails wrote I three _ _3. going am to read I books some_4.

6、 stone of animals lots there were_5. everywhere people Chinese were there _八、 阅读理解Peter is an English boy . Hes ten . His friends name is Tom . He is eleven . He is a pupil too .Peter has a big bag . Its very new . There are lots of books in his bag . Tom has a small bag . And its old . Tom doesnt l

7、ike his old bag . He wants to buy a new one .1. Peter is a _.2. Tom is _ years old .3. Toms bag is _ and _ .4. Peters bag is _ and _. 5. Tom wants to _.九、 写作: What did you do last weekend ? 请至少写出五句话。_清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供第十周教学活动安排(小学)清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供第十周教学

8、活动安排(小学)(2009)1101语文 时间:11月3日(星期二)下午1:00 李明 赵艳廷 朱健 张燕内容:名师课堂教学展示(二)四年级39.鸟的天堂执教:孙美红五年级19.天上偷来的火种执教:高菊华对象:A)各校四、五年级教师代表各一名B)各校一年期新教师地点:解放路小学(蒋莉莉、胡秀华)请以下教师于11月4日(星期三)上午到古华小学听课,安排如下:杜英华 陈玉梅 汪颍第1节9:009:35多功能厅语文四年级王 群大队辅导员第2节9:009:35多功能厅语文四年级刘 梅请以下教师于11月4日(星期三)下午到古华小学听课,安排如下:张萍 刘芳 杨玲 周究荣第6节14:1514:50多功能厅心理辅导四年级卫 霞2英语 阚瑾 付佳 戴洁 刘璐 (1)时间:11月4日(星期三)下午1:00内容:上海市中青年教师教学评比课展示执教:姚梅(阳光)姚燕燕(解放路小学)对象:A)高研班学员B)07、08、09届新教师C)各校中心组长D)五年级教师代表一名地点:解放路小学(蒋新群、马英)(2) 请


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