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1、2022年考博英语-扬州大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Popular in the UK are the older ruins at the castles edge, known as “the abbey”: Two small cells,( )with ivy, crumbling and open to the sky.问题1选项A.strewnB.loadedC.permeatedD.crammed【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项strewn“撒满的,散播的”;B选项loaded“载着重物的”;C选项permeated“弥漫的,遍布的”,多指气味弥漫或液

2、体渗透;D选项crammed“挤满的”。句意:在英国很受欢迎的是城堡边缘的古老废墟,被称为“修道院”:两个小隔间,散布着常春藤,摇摇欲坠,朝向天空。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题Investors are being encouraged to continue ploughing their savings into the stock market after shares in London recovered all the losses incurred since September 11. The advice comes despite Americas Dow Jones in

3、dustrial average tumbling on Friday after a case of anthrax was diagnosed in New York. Consumer spending in America also slumped by more than three times economists predictions in September, pushing share prices back below pre-attack levels.The FTSE 100 index of Britains largest companies closed on

4、Friday at 5,145 up 112 points on its September 10 close. The Dow in New York rallied late on to close at 9,344, down 66 points. Although most experts are predicting further volatility in the coming months, they remain cautiously optimistic that the FTSE 100 will begin a sustained, if rocky, rally to

5、wards 5,500 by the end of the year. The immediate economic outlook is still bleak. Some commentators predict that America will endure a recession lasting six months. They also expect Britain to suffer a sharp slowdown. But analysts say the market is well placed to absorb any further bad news.Sharp e

6、conomic downturns can, perversely, be good for the market because they force firms to be more cost-efficient. Therefore, any announcements about rising unemployment or corporate streamlining could have a positive effect on shares. Of more concern to private investors is the impact that another terro

7、rist attack would have on shares. If this were to happen, the market would almost certainly slump again. But history suggests that it would, once again, make up any lost ground within weeks.Experts are therefore urging private investors not to repeat their past mistakes, when they waited for a susta

8、ined rally before feeling confident enough to invest. Cross said, “Its peculiar that investors feel its safer to invest after the market has risen by 25% than when it has fallen by 25%. Common sense suggests that the opposite would be more appropriate.” Mike Lenhoff of Gerrard, the stockbroker, said

9、 that if the market hit 5 500 and remained around that level for some weeks, it would be a sign that further, sustained gains were imminent. He said, “Getting back to 5 500 would be important, because if the index stayed at that level, the psychology of the market would change substantially. Defensi

10、ve shares would become too expensive and big investors would start moving into value stocks, which are the type of firms that do well in an economic recovery.”But private investors could be forgiven for their pessimistic mood, as nearly all Isa buyers have suffered big losses. But investors can take

11、 some comfort from the fact that the next three months are traditionally the best-performing period of the year for the stock market. David Schwartz, the stock-market historian, said the index almost always rose in the period between November and April. Since 1974, the market went up on 24 occasions

12、 between November and April, by an average of 15%, and dropped only three times. Schwartz said, “Its no guarantee for this year, but history is on our side.”1.We learn from the first paragraph that( ).2.The reason why some experts remain cautiously optimistic about the FTSE is that they believe that

13、( ).3.In the present situation, corporate downsizing may( ).4.Experts advise private investors to avoid their past mistakes by( ).5.From the last sentence of the passage, we may infer that Schwartz believes that( ).问题1选项A.FTSE 100 index fell immediately after September 11B.Dow Jones industrial index

14、 is now beginning to pick upC.Consumer spending is having a positive effect on the stock marketD.Share prices in America have risen contrary to most predictions问题2选项A.the American economy will be able to resist further downturnB.the Dow Jones index in New York will stop tumbling soonC.the market wil

15、l absorb any further shock from bad newsD.the economic situation in Britain and America will take an upturn in 6 months问题3选项A.sharp economic downturnB.produce a positive effect on sharesC.cause the market to slump againD.enable the market to regain any lost ground问题4选项A.withholding any investment un

16、til the market has risen by 25%B.investing when the FTSE rallies back to 5 500C.investing only in those firms which show signs of recoveryD.investing when the stock market shows signs of upturn问题5选项A.the market will be most likely to go up between November and AprilB.the market will drop by an average of 15% betwee



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