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1、Unit 6 How long have you been collection shells?Period 3 (Section B1a-4b)Class_ Name_ No._(一) 学习目标1、学习本课中出现的单词和词组 2、谈论爱好及拥有这个爱好有多久(二) 课前预习1、你课外收集东西吗?你(还)想收集什么?完成下表(47页1a的表格)。I collectI would like to collectkitesWe can collect: map, key, pen, ruler, watch,ID card, pencil, book, eraser, dictionary, ba

2、ckpack, pencil sharper, baseball, computer, ring, picture, photo, plant, alarm oclock, hat, soccer, racket, ping-pong, volleyball, basketball, furniture, dollar, clothes, movie, camera, tea, sunglasses, belt, wallet, key ring2、预习下列单词和词组,拼读并理解,在书中找到并划出词组monster globe anyone run out of store cake part

3、icularly collector by the way common 不会读或不理解的请记录_3、预习3a,找出下面问题的答案 How long has she been collecting?How many snow globes does she have now ?(三)课内导学1. 将课前预习的情况和同学进行交流2. 讨论预习中遇到的问题(教师点拨)3. 阅读48页3a的文章,不看书完成下面的短文Dear Jack,Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the _. I love it. In fact I think it is pro

4、bably my favorite. Ive been collecting snow globes _,and now I have _ of them. My mom says I have to stop,because_. They are all around our apartment. I even store them in boxes under my bed. The first one I ever got was _ on my seventh birthday. I particularly love globes with animals. I have a big

5、 one with bears in it and another one with penguins. If you know anyone who collects them,please tell me. Id like to_. By the way,what is your hobby?love,Ellen4. 采访一下同学的爱好及与之相关的一些信息,完成48页的表格。(四)当堂训练一、根据课文3a翻译下面的短语1. 因做而感谢2. 实际上3. 用完了储存它们的空间4. 在我七岁生日(那天)5. 生日蛋糕水晶球6. 里面带有动物的雪花球7. 其他任何人8. 开创一个雪花球收藏者俱乐部

6、9. 顺便问一下二、Look at activity 2a on page 47. Write an e-mail message from Bob, Marcia or Liam. Tell about his or her collection. (3b)Subject: my hobby From: Dear_, I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect _ Ive been collecting them _ love, _ Subject: my hobby From: _Dear_, I want to tell you about

7、my hobby. I collect _ Ive been collecting them _ love, _Subject: my hobby From: _Dear_, I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect _ Ive been collecting them _ love, _(五)学后反思你能根据48页的表格写一段话吗?Model: Wen Li likes flying kites. She has been doing that for about two years. She usually flies them in the

8、 park. _(六)课后作业一翻译下列句子:1自从萨姆二十岁时就收集硬币了。 Sam coins since he twenty years old. 2我们贮存雪球已用尽了空间 We room to store snow globes.3汤姆想组建个雪球收集者俱乐部。 Tom a snow globe collectors club.4你用英语写作多久了? How long in English?5. 我想告诉你关于我的业余爱好。 Id like to you my hobbies.二补全对话 A: Whats your hobby? B: I like _. A: _ you like collecting stamps? B: Because its very interesting. I can learn a lot by collecting them. A: _ you been collecting stamps? B: _ I was ten years old. A: _ did you get the first stamp from? B: My father. A: _ do you have now? B: About eighty.


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