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1、2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题In the darkness, I could hear windows _. This followed by screams, shouting and laughter.问题1选项A.being openedB.to be openedC.having openedD.opening【答案】A【解析】考查hear的用法和语态。Hear后面一般接动词原形或者现在分词,因此排除B项;根据句意,窗户应该是正在被打开,所以排除C项和D项,只有A项符合句意。句意:在黑暗中,我能听到窗户被打开的声音;接着是尖叫声、

2、喊叫和笑声。因此A项正确。2. 填空题Directions: Below is a passage about climate change. Read the passage then fill in each gap with ONE word from the box below the passage. Write your answers in the spaces on the ANSWER SHEET. The first one has been done as an example.Volcanoes May Be Slowing Down Climate ChangeThe

3、 planet hasnt been warming as much as climate models predicted and it could be that sulfur emissions from volcanoes are blocking sunlight, cooling the Earth. Small volcanic eruptions might be part of the reason why the pace of global warming hasnt kept up with previous 66 a new study published in Na

4、ture. Eruptions of at least 17 volcanoes since 2000, including Kasatochi in Alaska and Merapi in Indonesia, seem to have had a cooling influence on the temperature of the Earths surface and _ 67 atmosphere. In the past, researchers observed increases in levels of greenhouse gases and in global warni

5、ng, but for the past 15 years the Earths surface temperatures have shown 68 little warming. This so-called hiatus puzzled researchers around the globe have been working to understand this phenomenon. “The hiatus is a fascinating detective story, says the lead author of the study. “What we show is th

6、at even without any computer model calculations there is a clear 69 of these early volcanic activity having effects on temperatures and on the reflected sunlight of the atmosphere,” says the lead of the study. Research shows that large volcanic eruptions inject sulfur dioxide gas into the stratosphe

7、re. The gas forms tiny droplets of sulfuric acid, also known as “volcanic aerosols,” that can block sunlight. That cooling effect has been largely 70 by climate scientists until now, but it seems to partly offset the warning from human-caused changes in greenhouse gases.【答案】66.predictions67.lower68.

8、relatively69.signal70.ignored【解析】66.考查上下文语境。根据The planet hasnt been warming as much as climate models predicted(地球并没有像气候模型预测的那样变暖)中的predicted可知此处应该是predictions. 句意:自然杂志上发表的一项新研究表明,小型火山爆发可能是全球变暖速度没有跟上之前预测的一致的部分原因。67.考查句子结构和语法。空格处应该填入一个形容词。选项中能与atmosphere搭配的形容词是lower,influence on the temperature of th

9、e Earths surface and lower atmosphere(对地球表面和低层大气的温度的影响)符合句意。68.考查句子结构和语法。空格处应该填入一个程度副词修饰little表示“相当小”。根据句子In the past, researchers observed increases in levels of greenhouse gases and in global warning, but for the past 15 years the Earths surface temperatures have shownlittle warming.(在过去,研究人员观察到温室

10、气体水平的增加和全球变暖,但在过去的15年里,地球表面的温度几乎没有显示出相当小的变暖迹象),可知应该填入relatively程度副词。69.考查句子结构和语法。前面有不定冠词a和形容词clear, 此处应该填入一个单数名词,选项里面只有signal符合。句意:我们所展示的是,即使没有任何计算机模型计算,也有明确的信号表明,这些早期的火山活动对温度和大气反射的阳光产生了影响。70.考查句子结构和语态。根据has been largely by判断,这里是一个被动语态,需要填动词的过去分词,选项里面只有ignored是过去分词。句意:到目前为止,这种降温效应在很大程度上一直被气候科学家所忽视。3

11、. 单选题The debate over the environmental crisis is not new: anxiety about industrys impact on the environment has existed for over a century. What is new is the extreme polarization of views. Mounting evidence of humanitys capacity to damage the environment irreversibly coupled with suspicions that go

12、vernment, industry, and even science might be impotent to prevent environmental destruction have provoked accusatory polemics on the part of environmentalists. In turn, these polemics have elicited a corresponding backlash from industry. The sad effect of this polarization is that it is now even mor

13、e difficult for industry than it was a hundred years ago to respond appropriately to impact analyses that demand action.Unlike todays adversaries, earlier ecological reformers shared with advocates of industrial growth a confidence in timely corrective action. George P. Marshs pioneering conservatio

14、n tract Man and Nature (1864) elicited wide acclaim without embittered denials. Man and Nature castigated Earths despoilers for heedless greed, declaring that humanity “has brought the face of the Earth to desolation almost as complete as that of the Moon.” But no entrepreneur or industrialist sough

15、t to refute Marshs accusations to defend the gutting of forests or the slaughter of wildlife as economically essential or to dismiss his ecological warnings as hysterical. To the contrary, they generally agreed with him.Why? Marsh and his followers took environmental improvement and economic progres

16、s as givens; they disputed not the desirability of conquering nature but the bungling way in which the conquest was carried out. Blame was not personalized. Marsh denounced general greed rather than particular entrepreneurs, and the media did not hound malefactors. Further, corrective measures seemed to entail no sacrifice to demand no draconian remedies. Self-interest unde


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