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1、10大写作常用句型五10大写作常用句型 这10大常用句型: 1.定语从句 2. 宾语从句 3.原因状语从句 4.让步状语从句 5. 条件状语从句 6.时间状语从句 7.并列句 8.并列谓语 9.动名词短语 10.被动句式 以上10个句型是雅思写作中最常用的, 每个考生必须熟练掌握。在学习每个句型的时候,仔细研读,最好背诵一些例句,然后做后面的翻译句子练习。每个句型给的例句比较多,有的简单一些,有的复杂一些,大家根据自身情况选择使用。 定语从句 定语从句通常由who, that, which来引起的。如果修饰人,一般用关系代词who。如果修饰物,用关系代词that和which都可以。当这个代词在

2、定语从句中用作宾语时,在绝大多数情况下都是省略掉的。 例句: The main reason that everyone can see is that television presents a vivid world in front of us. 每个人都能看到的主要原因是电视在我们面前展现了一个生动形象的世界。 Another factor we must consider is that television plays an educational role in our daily life. 我们必须考虑的另一个因素是电视在我们的日常生活中起到了教育作用。 定语从句前面省略了t

3、hat或which There are many other factors that bring about the problem. 有很多导致这个问题的其他因素。 It offers many conveniences to the people who live here. 它提供给住在这儿的人许多的便利。 Those who receive higher education have more opportunities. 那些受过高等教育的人会有更多机会。 Other careers, such as that of an artist or musician, attract p

4、eople who find their work personally fulfilling no matter what the monetary reward. 还有一些职业,如艺术家、音乐家,吸引了一些人,这些人可以从工作中实现自己的理想,而不在乎金钱上的报酬。 A person who considers his pet a child or sibling might have trouble accepting this fact. 把宠物视为孩子或兄弟姐妹的人可能不大能接受这种事实。 练习: 翻译下列句子,注意使用定语从句。 1 还有一些人认为我们应该与朋友一起去旅行。 2 强

5、烈反对这个作法的人声称它侵犯了人们基本的工作权利。 3 他们相信他们所看到的暴力是自然的和可接受的。 4 在短假期里,我唯一能做的一件事就是待在家里,睡、吃、使自己越来越胖。 5 赞成internet的人认为它给我们带来了很大的方便和效率。 6 人口爆炸和淡水短缺是当今人们面临的两大棘手问题。 7 传统学校提供一些文化和体育活动,是在家接受教育的小孩所没有的。 参考答案 1. There are still some people who hold that we should travel with friends. 2. Those people who strongly oppose t

6、he practice claim that it violates peoples basic rights of working. 3. They believe the violence they see is normal and acceptable. 4. In a short vacation, the only thing I can do is to stay at home, sleeping, eating and making myself fatter and fatter. 5. Those who welcome the internet hold that it

7、 brings us great convenience and efficiency. 6. Overpopulation and fresh water shortage are two thorny problems that people are confronted with today. 7. Traditional schools offer cultural and sports activities that the home-schooled child will miss out on. 宾语从句 在这类从句前的连词that,有些情况下可以不用。例如在believe, t

8、hink, suppose, presume等动词后连词that常不用,在say, see, know, hear, propose, understand, be told等动词后,连词that有时用有时不用。在大多数情况下还是以不省为好,特别是在写作中,这样更正式一些。 例句: In our fastpaced and competitive society, many people feel that they must do things as quickly as possible or they will fall behind. 在这一生活步调快速而且竞争激烈的社会里,很多人都认

9、为做事情必须越快越好,否则就会落后。 They believe that by traveling to the moon and other planets, we can make great scientific advances and perhaps find an alternate place to live before our own planet becomes too crowded or uninhabitable. 他们认为,通过登陆月球及其他行星,我们可以在科学上有重大的进步,或许在地球过度拥挤或变得再也不能居住之前可以先找到可供替代的住所。 However, in

10、 order to have fun, it is important to remember that winning is not always the most important goal of a game. 然而,为了要获得乐趣,我们必须牢记获胜并非比赛最重要的目标,这一点是很重要的。 Many adversaries of cultural globalization fear that Western influences will infiltrate and dominate other cultures, creating a kind of Western hegemo

11、ny throughout the world. 许多文化一体化得反对者担心西方势力将渗透和支配其他文化,这样一来将在全球形成所谓的西方霸权。 Advocates of legalization hold that if government regulates drugs such as cocaine and marijuana by imposing taxes, then the black market will be eliminated. 合法化的支持者认为,如果*通过征税的方法对可卡因和大麻等毒品加以监管,黑市就会不复存在。 练习: 翻译下列句子,注意使用宾语从句。 1.人们认

12、为英国的警察应该佩枪巡逻。 2.有些专家建议鼓励人们穿传统服装来保护我们的传统。 3.基于以上理由,我认为减轻压力最好的方法就是和别人在一起。 4.毒品合法化的支持者认为吸食毒品合法化,犯罪和暴力将减少。 5.研究表明,在吸烟和一些严重的疾病如肺癌和心脏病之间,有确定的联系。 6.他们认为审查的做法应该被废除。 7.一些人认为,与父母相比,学校更应负责孩子的教育。 参考答案: 1. People believe that the British police should patrol with guns. 2. Some experts suggest that we should enco

13、urage people to wear traditional costumes in order to preserve our tradition. 3. For of these reasons, I believe that the best way to reduce stress is to spend time with others. 4. Supporters of drug legalization believe that crime and violence would decrease if drug use were legal. 5. Studies revea

14、l that there is a definite link between smoking and some serious diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease. 6. They insist that the practice of censorship should be abolished. 7. Some think that the school should be more responsible for childrens education compared with the parents. 原因状语从句 表示原因

15、的状语从句可以由because, since, as等词引起。 例句: Some old people are willing to live in a nursing home because they can enjoy better living environment and have professional care and treatment. 有些老人愿意去敬老院住,因为在那里他们可以享受更好的居住环境,得到专业的照料和治疗。 Deforestation should be stopped because it may lead to soil erosion and the

16、destruction of animal habitats. 应该停止砍伐树木,因为毁林可能导致水土流失和动物栖息地遭到破坏。 Tourism may give rise to conflicts because tourists usually do not know much about the local language and culture. 旅游业可能导致冲突,因为游客往往对当地语言和文化知之甚少。 Many people are opposed to animal testing because it deprives animals of the right of subs



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