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1、D速度富(D speed rich)Brief introduction:The following is the d-f in the English four-level vocabulary series provided by hujiang. Include: daily (daily, daily, daily), dead, dead, dead, completely) and destination (destination; the end), diseases (disease, illness, disease), the depth (depth; deep), do

2、ubt, doubt; question; doubt), dull, dull, dull, dark), economic (economic, economics), earthquake (such as earthquake, upheaval) some common vocabulary and translation, welcome everybody to learn to download.Vocabulary: 454Return navigation: level 4Vocabulary (d-f) :Daily nDairy n. Dairy n. Dairy pr

3、oductsDam n. obstaclesDamage vtDamp. Damp. DampDance vi. Shake n. danceDanger n. Dangerous thingsDangerous a. Dangerous, unsafeDare dare vt. & aux. V.; How dareDaring. Daring. DaringDark a. blackDarling. darlingDash vt. N. splashing dashedData n. dataDate n. The date ofDaughter daughter n.Dawn. dawn

4、Day, day, day, dayDaylight n. The dawnDead a. Dead, deadDeadly. Deadly. DeadlyDeaf; Dont want to listen toDeal n. giveDear a. dear intDeath n. perishDebate/debate/debateDebt n. Debt nDecade, ten yearsVt. decayDeceit. DeceitDeceive vt. Deceive, deceive, deceiveDecember. DecemberDecent. decentDecide v

5、t. To solveDecision n. decisiveDeck n. On deck. levelDeclare vt. The statement; Show thatDecorate vt. Decoration, decoration, decorationDecrease, decrease, decrease, decreaseDeduce n., deductive inference, inferenceDeeds n. Feats. contractDeep a. deepIt is a good thing to doDeer deer n.Defeat vt. de

6、featDefect n. Defect nDefence n. Defense; defenseDefend, defend, defendDefine vt. To. Define; qualifiedDefinite a. For sureDefinitely. Definitely, definitelyDefinition n. delimitedDegree n. Degree; A degree inDelay vt. Delay; The delayDelete vt. erasedelegationDelicate a. Delicate. fragileDelicious.

7、 Delicious. DeliciousdelightDeliver vt. publishedDelivery n. Delivery; childbirthDemand vt. Needs; askDemocracy, democracyDemocratic a. democratic, democratic, democraticDemonstrate vt. Argument; showDense; strongDensity density; density. The density ofDeny vt. Refuse to believe thatTo leave, depart

8、, and depart. Set outDepartment n. Department, department, department, departmentDepart, depart, depart, departDepend on; depend on; depend on believeDependent. DependentDeposit vt. storeDepress vt. Depressed; Press theDepth n. Deep; deepderiveCome down and descend;downdipDescribe vt. Description, d

9、escriptionDE script ion n. speciesDesert vt. Leave theIts worth itDesign vt. patternIt is worth looking at. desirableDesire vt. desireDesk n. DeskDespair. DespairDesperate a. desperateHe is the man who has the power to do soDespite this, despite the factDestination n. The targetDestroy vt. Eliminate

10、; breakDestruction, destruction, destructionDetail n. Side; partsTo detect; to detect. reconnaissanceDetection n. reconnaissanceDetermination n. Decision; determineDetermine vt. Find out; Determined toDevelop vt. Formation; The development ofDevelopment n. Development; growthDevice n. designDevil, d

11、evilDevise n. Design and inventionWill devote n. Dedication and commitmentDew n. DewDiagram. Diagram. DiagramDial n. Dial vtDialect, dialect, native language, local dialectDialog n. dialogue nDiameter diameter n.Diamond n. Diamond n. The diamondDiary, diary, diaryDictate. The commandDictation, dicta

12、tion, dictationDictionary, dictionary, dictionaryDie vi. perishDiffer, varyDifference n. Poor; differencesDifferent a. All kinds ofDifficult a. Difficult to deal withDifficulty a. Too difficult; troubleDig vt. miningDigest. digestDigital a. Digital, countingHe is diligent and diligentDim a. hazyDime

13、nsion n. Dimensions, dimensions; areaDinner n. The banquetDip vt. Dip vtDirect a. The bluntDirection; directions; To guide theDirectly AD. immediatelyDirector n. Director; The directorDirt n. Dirt, dirtDirty; dirty; dirty. L XDisable vt. Disable vtdisadvantageThere is disagreement. Dont agreeDisappe

14、ar, disappear. disappearDisappoint vtDisaster n. Natural disastersDisk n. Disk, disc. diskTo abandon, abandon, abandonrelease Release n.Discipline n. Train vt.Disclose vt. Uncover, exposed; According toDiscourage n. Frustrated, frustratedDiscover vt. Exposure, displayDiscovery n. Things that are discoveredDiscuss vt. This paperDiscussion n. This paperDisease n. diseaseDisguise nDisgust. DisgustDish n. Dish n. dishesWe are not proud of ourselv


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