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1、 河 南 工 业 职 业 技 术 学 院Henan Polytechnic Institute毕业设计(论文) 题 目 配合件的数控加工工艺的编制班 级 数控0803 姓 名 指导教师 毕业时间 2011年6月30日 摘要数控技术是用数字信息对机械运动和工作过程进行控制的技术,数控装备是以数控技术为代表的新技术对传统制造产业和新兴制造的渗透形成的机电一体化产品,即所谓的数字化装备。数控技术的应用不但给传统制造业带来了革命性的变化,使制造业成为工业化的象征,而且随着数控技术的不但发展和应用领域的扩大他对归计民生的一些重要行业(IT、汽车、医疗、轻工等)的发展起着越来越重要的作用,因为这些行业所需


3、写、机床的熟练操作。主要困难的是两次装夹中的水平Z向长度难以保证、切削用量的参数设定 、对刀的精度 、工艺路线的制订。 关键词:数控加工 工艺分析 编程Numerical control technique is to use the technique that the figure information carries on a control vs machinery running and the operate process, count control an equipage is with the number control technique for the repres

4、entatives new technique make the machine electricity integral whole that domain and newly arisen manufacturing permeate forming to turn a product to the tradition, namely the so-called digitize equips. The number controled technical application to not only bring traditional manufacturing business re

5、volution change, make the manufacturing business become the symbol of industrialization, but also along with number control technical not only expanding of shape and application realm his some shapes of important crafts(IT, autocar, medical treatment and light work etc.) in returning to account peop

6、les livelihoods contain more and more important action, because these crafts is already the big trend of modern shape the digitize that need to be equiped. Deveolp an our country number under the new surrounding that our country building - out WTO with outward open to deepen further control techniqu

7、e and equipage is exaltation our country importance assurance of the manufacturing business information-based horizontal and international competitive power. The number controls transform and plait distance to graduate a design is number control to constitute number to control the important composit

8、ion of processing technology professional knowledge and professional skill fraction in the professional teaching system, the design of passing the graduation makes the basic theory that we learned vs related academics basic knowledge progress synthesis usage, make at the same time the understanding

9、to have more complete system to this profession, thus hit consolidation and expand, deepen the purpose of learning the knowledge, development and exaltation comprehensive analysis problem and problem-solving capability and development the search and innovation capability of science.This time graduat

10、ions designing the problem of main settle is the packing of kit clip, tool angel of for establishing knife, craft route, the sequence tread with work of the select of curtate, tool angel, slice to pare dosage to really settle, the well-trained operation of writing of truning job program, engine bed.

11、Main difficulty of is twice pack to clip the parameter setting that the medium horizontal Z assure, slices to pare dosage toward the hard length, for establishing the accuracy, craft route of knife.Keyword: Numerical control machining、engineering analysis、progamme目录设计任务书5前言6第一章 数控机床的发展简介7第二章 数控加工工艺的

12、基本知识8 8数控加工工艺过程 8数控加工的特点 8第三章 零件数控加工前的简单分析9 9零件的技术要求101010基准的选择原则10第四章 零件数控加工工艺分析1212121216161719第五章 数控加工程序的编写2525252526模拟运行28致谢28设计小结29参考文献29设计任务书配合件的数控加工工艺的编制 一、设计条件:1、零件图如图所示:【任务引入】实具体情况:工件材料为45钢,。2、技术要求如下:(1)、以中批量生产条件编程。(2)、不准用砂布及锉刀等修饰表面。(3)、未注倒角145o,锐角倒钝0.245。(4)、未注公差尺寸按 GB1804-M。(5)、材料:45#,调质处

13、理HRC 2636二设计具体要求:1编制工艺过程卡; 2计算编程尺寸;3画出加工路线图; 4.列出数控刀具表;5编制加工工序卡;前言本次毕业设计是学院为了提高学生的数控技术及相关技能等的综合运用能力,通过毕业设计和完成毕业论文也是学院对毕业生生毕业资格的审核条件,同时也为我们以后的工作打下理论基础,本次设计是在刘志刚老师的精心指导下完成的。数控技术是数字程序控制数控机械实现自动工作的技术。它广泛用于机械制造和自动化领域,较好地解决多品种、小批量和复杂零件加工以及生产过程自动化问题。随着科技的迅猛发展,自动控制技术已广泛地应用于数控机床、机器人以及各类机电一体化设备上。同时,社会经济的飞速发展,对数控装置和数控机械要求在理论和应用方面有迅速的发展和提高。数控加工工艺毕业设计是数控专业教学体系中构成数控加工技术专业知识及专业技能的重要组成部分,通过毕业设计使我们学会了对相关学科中的基本理论、基本知识进行综合运用,同时使对本专业有较完整的、系统的认识,从而达到巩固、扩大、深化所学知识的目的,培养和提高了综合分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及培养了科学的研究和创造能力。本毕业设计内容主要是详细叙述利用数控车床来加工零件。大致



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