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1、意 向 书Letter of Intent出租方 :Landlord : 地址 :Address : 承租方 :Tenant :地址 : Address :甲、乙双方经友好协商,就乙方租赁甲方管理的商铺,达成如下意向书。After a mutual negotiation, Party A and Party B hereby enter into following Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with regard to the lease of the premises managed by Party A to Party B.1. 商铺Premises 甲方向乙

2、方出租的商铺(以下简称“该商铺”)位于下列城市的购物中心(以下简称“购物中心”)内,具体如下:。 The leased premises by Party A to Party B (hereinafter referred to as “the Premises”) are located at Party A shopping centers (hereinafter referred to as “the Centers”). The details are as follows.省份Province城市City地址Address商铺号Premises可出租面积(平方米)Gross Le

3、asable Area(m2)山东 Shandong济南 Jinan济南经十路经七路纬十二路围合本意向书附件一平面图仅作该商铺位置示意之用,甲方保留对该平面图规划设计修改和解释的权利。若因政府部门要求对购物中心布局进行调整致使该商铺面积变更的,双方同意按照政府部门要求作相应的变更或调整,而不构成任何一方的违约行为。双方确认按照变更或调整后的面积执行本意向书条款。该商铺的可出租面积以商铺所在地市房屋测量机构的测绘结果为准。The Lease Outline Drawing (“LOD”) appended hereto is for the purpose of identification o

4、f the location and Party A reserves the right to modify and interpret LOD of the Centers. If leasable area shall be changed due to shopping mall layout for government requirement, both parties agree to complete the governments decision and confirm the new sizes. The gross leasable area (GLA) of the

5、Premises is subject to the final measurement by local mapping institutions when the building completes.2. 用途Permitted Use 该商铺仅供乙方用于经营/ 销售 品牌 类别,未经甲方书面同意乙方不得擅自改变用途。The Premises shall be occupied and used by Party B solely for selling and operating (, ). Without a written consent by Party A in advance

6、, Party B shall not change the above use of the Premises.3. 租期Lease Term: 该商铺的租赁期限为 年,自购物中心开业日起计算。The lease term of the Premises shall be year(s) commencing upon Grand opening date of the Center. 4. 开业日Opening Date 购物中心的开业日初步预计如下: The Centers are respectively expected to open on following dates.购物中心

7、Centers预计开业日Expected Grand Opening Date济南 Jinan2011年具体以甲方提前两个月书面通知为准。Party A will notify Party B of the exact opening date in writing three (3) months in advance.5. 租金Rent 每月租金(不包括物业管理费和其他费用)以基本租金和提成租金中较高者为当月适用租金。基本租金按该商铺的可出租面积计算;提成租金按该商铺每月含税营业额的百分比计算。The actual monthly rent for the Premises (exclus

8、ive of the management fee and other charges) shall be minimum monthly rent plus percentage rent when the gross sales in excess of natural breakpoint. Minimum monthly rent shall be calculated by GLA, and percentage rent calculated by monthly gross sales of the premise.阶段Period商铺号Premises基本租金(人民币元/平方米

9、/月)Minimum Monthly Rent (RMB/m2/month)提成租金(% )Percentage Rent (%)第1-2年第3年第4年第5-6年6. 物业管理费Management Fee 6.1该商铺按比例分摊的物业管理费预计如下:The proportionate share of the management fee is estimated at: 购物中心Centers物业管理费(人民币元/平方米/月)Management fee (RMB/m2/month)济南 Jinan6.2上述物业管理费不包含乙方自己租赁区域内产生的水、电、煤、加时空调、通讯等费用,乙方应根

10、据实际发生金额自行承担。The utilities charge of water, electricity, gas, extra air-conditioning, communication and other utilities is not included in the management fee. Party B shall pay it on a basis of actual consumption.7. 宣传推广费Marketing ContributionParty B shall monthly pay Marketing Contribution to Party

11、A for promoting and marketing of the Center.购物中心Centers宣传推广费(人民币元/平方米/月)Marketing fee (RMB/m2/month)济南 Jinan8. 装修免租期Fit-out Period自该商铺交付日起,乙方可享有 天的装修免租期,装修免租期内乙方无需交纳租金,但仍需交纳物业管理费、水、电、煤、通讯等实际发生的费用。Party B is entitled to days fit-out period commencing on delivery date of the Premises. During the fit-o

12、ut period Party B will not need to pay the rent but shall pay management fee, water, electricity, gas, communication and other utilities on a basis of actual consumption.9. 诚意金和保证金Earnest Money and Security Deposit 9.1 乙方应在签署本意向书后十五日内向甲方支付相当于一个月租金和物业管理费之和的诚意金。在双方签署正式租赁合同后,诚意金(均分部分)将转作相应租赁合同项下乙方的部分保证

13、金。若乙方逾期交纳的,甲方有权终止该意向书。Party B shall pay Party A an earnest money equal to aggregate of one-month rent and management fee within 15 days upon execution of this LOI. When both Parties reach the final lease contract, the equal distribution of the earnest money will become part of Party Bs Security Depo

14、sit to Party A under relevant lease contract. If Party B would not pay Earnest Money according to LOI, Party A should terminate this LOI.9.2 乙方应于签署正式租赁合同后十五日内,向甲方支付相当于三个月租金和物业管理费之和的保证金。 The security deposit of the formal lease contract, which is equivalent to aggregate of three (3) months rent and m

15、anagement fee, shall be paid by Party B to Party A within 15 days after signing of the formal lease contract. 9.3 乙方同意将上述诚意金和保证金汇入如下账户: Party B agree to pay Earnest Money and Security Deposit into the following account:开 户 名:开户银行:账 号:10. POS条款POS clause 乙方同意有偿使用甲方提供的POS机并承担相关费用。Party B agrees to use Party As POS and bear all relevant cost.11. 交付条件Conditions of Premises甲方将按本意向书的交付条件向乙



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