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1、Unit 7 The Birthday PartyTOPIC 3 Everyone had a good timeSection A 教案I Aims and demands目 标要求1. Lear n some new words and phrases:recite, poem, magic, enjoy on eself, himself, yesterday2. Lear n the past simple ten se.Did you sing a song at the party? Yes, I did.(2)What did Sally do? She dan ced.(3)W

2、hat about Tom? He performed some magic tricks.3. Master the sentences about express ing praise and en courageme nt.You speak Chin ese very well.II Teaching aids教具图片/录音机皿Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)复习动词短语,引入1a。1. (教师呈现图片,复习动词短语。)(教师手拿图片,将图片背对学生,叫一名学生到前面来做图片上的动作,让其他学生猜出其动

3、作。)T: Good morning, boys and girls. I d like to ask some students to do actions according to thepictures. The others guess the actions like this: Do you often? Yes, I do. / No, I don t.S1:(手拿话筒作唱歌状)Ss: Do you ofte n sing a song?S1: Yes, I do.S1:(做跳舞状)Ss: Do you often ?S1: No, I don t.(板书句型)Do you of

4、ten ? Yes, I do. / No, I don t.(接着板书句型并讲解yesterday,仿照上面例子学习新句型。)Did you yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, Ididn t.Si:(手拿话筒作唱歌状)S2: Did you sing a song yesterday?Si: Yes, I did.(练习四张图片,让学生初步了解did的用法,然后与同桌互相问答。)T: OK! You did very well. We know Kan gka ng had a birthday party last Wedn esday. Can you guess

5、 what the children did at Kangkang s birthday party?(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)呈现1a和2,回答有关的问题,了解行为动词的过去式。1. (学生猜孩子们在康康的生日聚会上做了什么,教师呈现2中更多的动词短语。教学生词。)(板书动词短语,掌握recite, poem, magic;理解 trick, kung fu。)sing an En glish songsing a Chin ese songrecite a Chin ese poemperform magic trickspla

6、y the pia nodance to discoplay the guitarperform Chin ese kung fu2. (设置并板书听力任务,放1a录音。)(1)Did Jane recite a Chin ese poem at the party?(2)What did Sally do?(3)What did Tom do?(4)How was Kan gka ng at the party?T: Lets liste n to 1a and an swer the questi ons on the blackboard.(听完录音,回答问题,并核对答案。用彩色粉笔将原

7、来板书的动词短语中的动词变成过去式。)3. (让学生看70页2中的节目单,了解演出情况,然后听2的录音,完成2。)T: Now let turn to page 70. First please look at the program list, then circle the programs you hear in A and fill in the bla nks with proper forms of the verbs in B.(让六名学生回答所填答案,每人一句。注意动词过去式的读音变化。)T: Let check the answers. Ill ask six of you

8、to answer the questions.S1: Hele n recited a poem.S2: Jane playedS3:sang T: Very good!(表扬学生,让学生感到学习的快乐。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:15分钟)巩固1a,掌握语音和语调。进一步理解对话。1. (再放1a录音,学生跟读并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: Now liste n to the tape aga in and mark the stress and inton ati on with your pen cil.(板书生词和短语。理解certa in ly

9、;掌握enjoy on eself。)certa inly, enjoy on eself2. (先自读一遍对话,然后跟录音机一起读。)(大声朗读并根据黑板上的关键词理解整个对话。)T: First, read the dialog aloud. And the n try to un dersta nd the dialog accord ing to the key words on the blackboard.T: Follow the tape.3. (人机对话。然后交换角色再对话一遍。)T: OK. Now let make a conversation with the tape

10、. Suppose the tape is Ben and you are Jane.4. (学生阅读1a,完成1b中的A。教师在已板书的动词短语旁加上施动者的人名。)(板书)Jane Hele n Sally Tom MichaelKan gka ngJack Maria5. (根据板书,两人一组表演1a,需要记的部分可自己组织语言。)T: Work in pairs, close your books and look at the blackboard, the n act out the dialog.Si: How was Kangkang s birthday party?S2:

11、It was very nice.6. (根据板书,结合1a和2,复述康康的生日聚会,完成1b的B部分。强调动词过去式的运用。)Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)巩固2,掌握规则动词的过去式。1. (让学生根据2的节目单,两人一组对话。进一步掌握句型Did you?T: Now let sdo oral work in pairs. Look at the program list in 2 and make conversations withyour part ner like this:(示意两名学生作示范。)S1:Hi, Maria. Did you go t

12、o Kan gka ng s party?S2:Yes, I did.S1:Did you play the guitar?S2:No, I didn S. I played the piano.T: Ready? Go!2. (教师板书一些变化规则的动词,让学生试着写出它们的过去式。)play miss wash use like dance carry tryshoppla nStep 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)通过游戏巩固一般过去式,同时联系实际加以运用。1. (完成3。)T: Let s play this game. Suppose you are one

13、of Kangkang s friends. Act and let your partnerguess what you did at Kangkang s party.2. (家庭作业。)(1)(注意观察、总结动词过去式有什么变化规则,然后写出下列动词的过去式:dance, recite,perform, play, like, sing 。)(2)(根据自己过生日的情景,做一个报告。)T: Write a report about your birthday party. You can begi n like this:Here is a report about how I s pent my birthday IV 疑点探究做节目单时,一般用guitar playing而不说playing the guita。此时,guitar playing为复合名词。


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