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1、六年级英语复习试卷福田河小学 刘义志听力部分 (30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词的序号填入题前的括号内。每题听一遍。(5分)( )1.A five B fifteen C fifty D fifth( ) 2 A better B letter C matter D ladder( ) 3 A short B shirt C shirt D bird( ) 4 A match B catch C watch D glad( ) 5 A present B parent C pear D pear二、根据你所听到的句子将下列图片排序。每题听两遍。(5分)三、听录音,选择适当的答语并将问句的

2、序号填入题前的括号内。每句听两遍 (10分)( )1 She is 164cm tall. ( ) 2 I feel tired. ( ) 3 Im 45kg ( ) 4 I like the yellow one. ( ) 5 My nose hurts.四、听短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F). 短文听两遍。(10分) ( )1 I am going to the sea. ( ) 2 I like swimming. ( ) 3 I have many classmates. ( ) 4 If I am not careful enough,some big fish are goin

3、g to kill me. ( ) 5 Mother and I love each other.笔试部分 (70分)五 找出各题不属于同一类的一项。(5分) ( ) 1 A aunt B brother C father D uncle ( ) 2 A zebra B monkey C zoo D snake ( ) 3 A girl B quiet C thin D strong ( ) 4 A bread B hamburger C chicken D milk ( ) 5 A heavy B big C smaller D long ( ) 6 A face B desk C eye

4、D nose ( ) 7 A yellow B young C green D pink ( ) 8 A Friday B Thursday C week D Sunday ( ) 9 A who B which C how D water ( ) 10 A fresh B food C tasty D sweet六 看谁找得快哟!将图片序号填入相应单词或短语前的括号内。(5分) ( )1 rainy ( ) 2. right turn ( ) 3 take pictures ( ) 4 plant trees ( ) 5 eggplant七 读一读,选择最佳答案。(10分) ( )1 - d

5、o you go to school? -At 6:30. A How B When C Where D What ( ) 2 -When is ? -Its June 1. A Womens Day B Teachers Day C New Years Day C Childrens Day ( ) 3 -Where does the rain come from? -It comes from the . A clouds B vapour C stream D river ( ) 4 -Whats sister? -My sister is a university student. i

6、s young and smart. A your,She B his,He C her,She D your,He ( ) 5 -How many rulers does your brother ? -He three. A has,have B have,has C have,have D has.has ( ) 6 - you have a cup of tea? -No,thank you. A Did B Do C Would D Can ( ) 7 I usually get to school 6:30 the morning Monday. A in,on,at B on,i

7、n,at C at,in,on D on,at,in ( ) 8 -How is the ? -Its cloudy and windy. A weather B whether C A hobby D day ( ) 9 My ruler is 10 long. A mm B kg C m D cm ( ) 10 -Is he a doctor or a teacher? - . A Yes,he is B No,he isnt C A teacher D A nurse八、填空。按要求完成下列句子,每空限填一词。(10分) 1 There were some animals on the

8、farm. (就划线部分提问) animals on the farm? 2 This is a monkey.(变为复数句子)_ _ _ 3 comes,school,to,morning,the,in,early,he,usually,very (连词成句)_ 4 My brother made a mistake in last exam. (变为一般疑问句) your brother a mistake in last exam? 5 Whats your favourite food? (变为同义句) food you like ?九、根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。只

9、填序号。(10分) - A.much is it?B. Can I help you?C. Here you are.D. Goodbye!E. Oh,I dont like it. -I want to buy a kite. - How about this one? - .Can you show me another one? -OK.,its very nice. -Its ten yuan. - -Thank you. - -Bye.十、完型填空。选择合适的单词完成下列短文。(10分) Mike 1 a dog. He and Mike are good friends.He fo

10、llows Mike everywhere. Mike 2 hiking with his dog last week. They played football. They had 3 lots of fun. Then Mike read a book. His dog sat with him and 4 at the book,too.Mike 5 fishing,his dog sat with him again. They 6 and waited.Mike went to 7 . He was tired. Suddenly his dog barked at him. Mik

11、e woke up.There it was. A big fish! Mike went back home with his dog.He showed the fish to his mother.”What a big fish!” said his mother.They 8 the fish together. Dinner was 9 .Mike gave some fish to his dog and said “ Thank you very much, my friend.” His dog shook his head. Mike understood.” Oh, I forgot! He doesnt like it! He likes 10 . Here is one from you.”( ) 1 A. has B isC have( ) 2.A. go B.went C. Is going to go( ) 3 A had


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