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1、必修二 UNIT 4 教师用知识点理解及背诵:1. decrease侧重“稳定性、逐渐地、不断地”减少例如:失败是信心减弱。Failure decrease confidence.Reduce侧重“数量、大小、程度或强度方面”下降或减少例如:工人们降低了他们在工资方面的要求。The workers reduced their wage demands.Decrease to减小到 decrease by减少了On the decrease在减小中2. die out灭亡;逐渐消失 例如:结果,这些濒危的动物甚至可能要灭绝。As a result these endangered animals

2、 may even die out.die down减弱;平息 die off(家族等)相继死去 die of / from be dying for渴望;很想要3. at a loss不知所措 word came that.4. in danger 例如:为什么他们面临消失的危险?Why are they in danger of disappearing?out of danger5. respond to回应;对。做出反应 in response to响应;反应(通常做状语)例如:这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。The product was developed in respon

3、se to customer demands.6. in relief如释重负;松了口气例如:黛西如释重负,突然笑了起来。In relief Daisy burst into laughter.To ones relief使某人欣慰的是7. burst into laughter = burst out laughing burst into tears = burst out cryingBurst into flames突然着火了8. protectfrom / against保护。不受。(危害)例如:我这样做可以防止蚊虫叮咬。Im protecting myself from mosqu

4、itoes.复习:stop / prevent(from) doing sth. keepfrom doing sth.9. have an effect on10. pay attention to catch / attract / draw ones attention引起某人的注意Devote ones attention to专心于 fix / focus ones attention on集中注意力于Turn ones attention to 将注意力转向11. I would appreciate it if Appreciate (ones ) doing sth.感激或欣赏

5、某人做某事In appreciation of作为对。的感谢;为感谢。12. succeed in doing sth. = manage to do sth.Succeed to sth.继承 succeed sb. as继某人之后担任13. out of employ = in unemployment失业=out of work14. be harmful to do harm to do good to do wrong to15. fit大小、尺寸等正合适 suit指颜色、花样或款式等相配 match指两个东西相称例如:这件新夹克衫很和她的身。This new jacket jits

6、 her well.这件新夹克衫她穿着真漂亮。This new jacket suits her beautifully16. come into being形成;产生 come into effect开始生效或执行或实施Come into power / office就职;上台执政 come into use开始被使用17. long before相当于long long ago常用于过去时或过去完成时Before long相当于soon不久或不久以后常与将来时或过去时连用基础巩固题:一、单词填空:1.Li Mings father was _(雇佣) as a driver for a f

7、actory. employed2.The number of students is _(减少) now so some schools will be useless. decreasing3.The question must be _(保留) for future consideration. reserved4.The strong-room is as _(安全的) as we can make it. secure5.The dictionary is _(打算) for children. Intended / designed6.A_ to the weather forec

8、ast, it will rain the day after tomorrow. according7.The old teachers are i_ physically once a year. inspected8.You should pay special a_ to handwriting. attention9.He devoted all his life to wildlife p_. pretection10.My father told me some i_ that had happened in his journey. incidents二 、汉译英:1. 失败是

9、信心减弱。Failure decrease confidence.2. 工人们降低了他们在工资方面的要求。The workers reduced their wage demands.3. 结果,这些;濒危的动物甚至可能要灭绝。As a result these endangered animals may even die out.4. 为什么他们面临消失的危险?Why are they in danger of disappearing?5. 这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。The product was developed in response to customer deman

10、ds.6. 黛西如释重负,突然笑了起来。In relief Daisy burst into laughter.7. 我这样做可以防止蚊虫叮咬。Im protecting myself from mosquitoes.8. 如果你能教我如何使用电脑我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if you could teach me how to use the computer三、选择填空:1.Despite the heat wave, consumer use of air conditioners is predicted to _ this summer.尽管这股热浪来

11、临,但空调的消费者预计在这个夏天会减少A.rise B.decrease C.level D.increase2.The number of students admitted annually每年 to this school _ from more than 1,000 in the year 2000 to some 2,000 last year. 由2000年的1000多人增加到了去年的约2000A.increase B.has increased C.is increasing D.increased3.This kind of plants are _. Some day the

12、y will _ forever.A.dying off(家庭、种族等)相继死去草木枯死; die out B.dying down; die off C.dying down(兴奋、激动等情绪)减弱;渐息;平息; die out灭绝;逐渐消失 D.dying out; die downBe dying for渴望;很想 be dying to do sth.渴望做某事4.The bridge is _ so the children on it are _.A.dangerous; in danger B.dangerous; dangerous C.in danger; in danger

13、 D.in danger; dangerous5.It seemed that he was _ losing his life. Luckily, he was _ in the end. A.in the danger of; out of danger B.in danger of; out of danger C.in the danger of; out of the danger D.in danger of ; out of the danger6. No one has yet _ to our complaints, so I will write a letter to t

14、he newspaper.还没有人对我们的投诉做出答复,所以我将给报社写封信。A. answered B. settled C. solved D. responded7. _, Im glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you.因为它是作为对你的严重警告。A. In case B. In a way C. In return D. In relief8. The audience _ when they heard the humourous story.A. burst into laughing B. burst out laughting C. burst into laughter D. burst in laughing9.Dark glasses are sometimes worn to _ the eyes from


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