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1、金宝园幼儿园合作连锁加盟经营意向表The purpose of this Request for Consideration (RFC) form is to provide general information to help us evaluate your qualifications as a potential Kindergarten Franchisee. This is not an application. Should you qualify and a mutual interest develops, we will request additional inform

2、ation. Please print or type the information requested in the boxes below.此意向表是每一位有意申请加盟金宝园幼儿园合作连锁经营者必须填写的。其目的是让我司能初步了解有意向者的基本资料。需要强 调这并非经营权申请书。经过初步意向及资格考量合格者,我司将进一步要求有意向者提供资料。请用正楷填写此表格。填表日期: 年 月 日Name姓名Chin ese中文Date of birth 出生日期Marital status 婚姻状况En glish 英文Address住址省市区路弄号室邮编Email address 电邮Spouse

3、 n ame 配偶姓名Busin ess phone办公室电话Home phone 家庭电话Mobile Pho ne手机. u.f. .( )Newspaper 报纸( )Frie nd referral 朋友介绍1. How did you become aware of this亠 、.,._()Magazine 杂志( Previous cooperation 曾经合作过fran chise opport un ity?、您是怎样获悉我司经营的招商信息的?()Website网站、口Please specified 请注明()Love children 喜欢孩子()Brand品牌效应(

4、)Have previous related experienee 以前有过经验()Ca n earn high retur n from the bus in ess2. Why do you apply for joining into一项投资回报率很咼的生意Gymchi na family? You may select multiple( )A stable bus in ess with good prospectoptio ns.个稳疋的生意但有很好的前景为何您要申请加入金宝园大家庭?此题(Diversify investment to reduce risk是我的一项低风险的投资

5、为多选题()To change my career改变我的事业( )A phila nthropy to return the com mun ity一种回馈社会的慈善事业()Other 其它Please specified 请注明:3. What is your strength in running a()Your strong related experienee 以前的经验Kin dergarte n?您运营一个金宝园幼儿园的优势是什 么?4. What resources do you possess in running a Kin dergarte n? You may sele

6、ct multiple opti ons.您有哪些资源可以帮助运营一个金宝园 幼儿园?请注明,并可多选5. A kindergarten s profitability mostly depe nds on:一个幼儿园的盈利能力取决于:6. It s possible to underperform financially in the first year, what is your financial bottom lin e?在第一年,您有可能会亏损,您所能接受 的最大亏损额是多少?()Can in vest multiple cen ters有能力投资几家分园()Strong soci

7、al relationship 很强的社会关系()Other 其它Please specified 请注明: ()Strong government connection 很好的政府关系()Superb TV and media network广阔的电视媒体关系()Excellent social relationship 很好的社会关系()Outstanding real estate connection 彳艮好的房地产关系()Solid bank relationship 紧密的银行关系()Other 其它Please specified 请注明: ()Brand品牌知名度()Marke

8、ting市场的状况( )Ma nageme nt of the kin dergarte n 幼儿园的管理( )My own ability自己的能力 ()Cost control费用的节省( )Site selection of the kindergarten 幼儿园的位置( )Less than RMB500K不高于50万人民币()RMB500K1M人民币50万到100万()RMB1M 1.5M人民币100万到150万7. How much is your annual profit target? 您的年度盈利目标是多少?()Less than RMB1M少于人民币100万()RMB1

9、M 1.5M 人民币100万到150万()RMB1.5M2M 人民币150万到200万()RMB2M 2.5M 人民币200万到250万()More than 2.5M 超过 250 万( )More than RMB 1.5M 高于人民币 150 万COPYRIGHT 2009金宝园幼儿园GymK-Reg105COPYRIGHT 2009金宝园幼儿园GymK-Reg1058. How are you going to hunt pote ntially qualified prin ciple? Deputy prin ciple? In structors?你怎样去寻找符合金宝园幼儿园要求

10、的 园长,副园长,教师,后勤人员?stable orga ni zati on?为维持一个稳定的组织,哪些是关键因 素?1. 2. 3. 4. 9. What are the key factors in maintaining a2. 3. 4. 10. Do you have any experienee in sales and/or Yes有销售经验()Yes有管理经验 ()No 没有()marketi ng?If yes, please expla in 女口有,请详述:您有销售/市场拓展或是管理方面的经验_吗?11. How do you rate your sales abili

11、ty/in terest()Weak 弱( Average 般您认为您的销售能力/兴趣如何:()Strong强()Very Strong非常强12. Do you pla n to have any equity part ners?您是否打算与他人合伙经营?()Yes是()No否13. If “ Yes, ” please identify all potential partners below 如是,请列出合伙人的资料:Name姓名Active in Operati on? 会积极参与经营吗?Address地址Mobile Pho ne手机Prelimi nary Finan cial

12、In formati on初估(. 资产财务资料(请务必填写)(儿啟山檢负债:()Net worth 净值 How soon would you like to be ready to start your()Withi n 6 mon ths 六个月之内own busi ness?()6 to 12 mon ths 六至十二个月您最快可以何时启动这个特许项目?()More than 12 mon ths 十二个月以上,()Less than RMB500K少 于人民币 50 万How much are you comfortable/able to in vest in一,_ c()RMB5

13、00K1.5M 人民币 50 万到 150 万your own bus in ess at this time?十,一您目前能够/愿意投资在这个特许项目的资金为:()RMB1.5M 2.5M人民币150万到250万 ()More than 2.5M 超过 250 万How will Kin dergarte n Fra nchise opport unity help you reach your bus in ess & personal goals? 金宝园幼儿园经营项目 将如何助您达成您的营商及个人目标?Additional information or comments that yo

14、u might like to share with us in evaluating your request for consideration 请加上任何您认为有助于您申请经营权的资料及意见:Returning This Completed Form表格投递方式Please mail, fax or email this completed form to:请把填好的表格邮寄、传真或发电邮至:GymChina (Shanghai) Management Consulting Co., LtdNo. 195A, Guangfu RoadShanghai 200070(86-21) 6381-7688 -8902(Office)(86-21) 6381-7288 (Fax)Email:上海全展企业管理咨询有限公司上海市光复路195A号邮编200070陈美玲小姐收(86-21) 6381-7688-8902 (电话)(86-21) 6381-7288 (传真)电邮:When returning this completed form, please attach a copy of your resume 请随表格附上您的个人简历Signature 签名: Date日期:



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