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1、本科毕业设计(第2稿) 题 目: 大中型制造企业员工绩效考核的研究 院 (系): 机械工程学院 班 级: 工业工程09-1班 姓 名: 张智超 学 号: 2009022822 指导教师: 耿雷、李海越 教师职称: 教授 II摘 要金融危机爆发以来,企业之间的竞争变得越来越激烈。在后危机时代,若要在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,则需要发挥各种资源的作用,尤其是有着巨大潜能的人力资源。绩效考核是人力资源管理的重要内容,对于达成企业发展目标、提高员工技能水平起到不可忽视的作用,更多的管理人员逐渐认识到绩效考核对于企业管理的重要性。建立一套适合于自身企业的绩效考核体系,能够科学、规范、准确地评价员工的绩效,是

2、企业提高效率的关键所在。文章以大中型制造企业为研究对象,对绩效考核的相关理论进行细致研究,分析企业在绩效考核过程中的方法与弊端,并总结经验,最终设计一套符合企业自身特点、理念先进、简单易行的绩效考核体系,促进人力资源管理水平的提升,从而提高企业的经营效益。关键词:大中型制造企业;人力资源管理;绩效考核体系AbstractSince the outbreak of the financial crisis, the competition between enterprises becomes more and more fierce. In the post-crisis era, to ta

3、lent showing itself in the fierce competition, need to exert a variety of resources, especially with the infinite potential of human resources. Performance appraisal is an important part of human resource management, to reach the goal of enterprise development, improve the level of employee skills p

4、lay a role can not be ignored, more and more managers gradually realize the importance of performance evaluation for enterprise management. To establish a set of suitable for enterprise performance appraisal system, scientific, standardized, accurate evaluation of staff performance, is the key for e

5、nterprises to improve efficiency.In this article, taking the large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises as the research object, carefully study the related theory of performance appraisal, analysis method and disadvantages of enterprises in the performance appraisal process, summarize the expe

6、rience, designed a set of consistent with its own characteristics, simple performance appraisal system, and promote the companys human resources management level, so as to improve the business efficiency.Key words: Large And Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises;Human Resource Management;Performanc

7、e Appraisal System目 录摘要I第1章 绪论11.1 研究的背景、目的及意义11.2 国内外绩效考核研究现状21.2.1 国外发展现状21.2.2 国内发展现状31.3 研究的方法31.4 论文的总体思路及框架41.4.1 论文总体思路41.4.2 论文总体框架4第2章 绩效考核的相关理论62.1 人力资源管理的体系62.1.1 人力资源管理的概念62.1.2 人力资源管理体系的构成62.2 绩效考核的概念72.3 绩效考核的原则72.4 绩效考核的方法9第3章 大中型制造企业绩效考核的现状分析113.1 国内企业绩效考核的现状113.2 大庆东昊有限公司绩效考核的现状123.

8、2.1 公司的概况及其绩效考核制度123.2.2 该企业绩效考核中存在的问题13第4章 绩效考核体系的制定164.1 绩效考核体系的建立164.2 绩效考核指标的设计174.2.1 绩效考核指标的设计原则174.2.2 制定考核指标的步骤184.2.3 考核指标权重的制定194.3 岗位考核指标的制定224.3.1 业绩考核指标的设计224.3.2 行为考核指标的设计274.4 沟通与激励284.4.1 良好的沟通284.4.2 有效的激励制度294.5 建立有效的监察团体31第5章 绩效考核体系的评价335.1 考核效果评估的方法335.2 如何推动该体系执行335.3 执行的保障措施34结

9、论36致谢37参考文献38CONTENTSABSTRACTIICHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION11.1 The background, purpose and significance of research11.2 Evaluation of the performance of domestic situation21.2.1 The development of overseas21.2.2 The development status of domestic31.3 The research method31.4 The general idea and framework

10、of the paper.41.4.1 The general idea41.4.2 The overall framework of the paper4CHAPTER2 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL THEORIES62.1 Human resources management system62.1.1 The concept of human resources management62.1.2 Human resource management system62.2 The concept of performance appraisal72.3 The principl

11、e of performance appraisal72.4 The method of performance appraisal9CHAPTER3 ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT SITUATION OF LARGE AND MID SIZED MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES PERFORMANCE EVALUATION113.1 The current situation of domestic enterprise performance evaluation113.2 The current situation of performance app

12、raisal of Daqing Dong Hao Co. Ltd123.2.1 An overview of the company and its performance ppraisal system123.2.2 The existing problems in the performance appraisal of enterprise13CHAPTER4 DEVELOP PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM164.1 The establishment of the performance assessment system164.2 The design o

13、f performance evaluation indicators174.2.1 Design principles of performance evaluation index174.2.2 Set the evaluation steps184.2.3 To establish evaluation index weight194.3 Establish evaluation index224.3.1 Design of performance evaluation indicators224.3.2 Design behavior assessment index274.4 Com

14、munication and motivation284.4.1 Good communication284.4.2 Effective incentive system294.5 The establishment of an effective monitoring group31CHAPTER5 EVALUATION OF THE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM335.1 Method for examination of effect evaluation335.2 How to promote the implementation of the system335.3 Security measures implemented34CONCLUSION36THANKS37REFERENCES38第1章 绪 论1.1 研究的背景、目的及意义众所周知,21世纪企业的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,而人的能力主要是通过工



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