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1、PEP 小学英语五年级上册期中测试题学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _一判断下列每组划线部分发音,相同写“ T”,错误写“ F” (10)1.breadblue()2.dognot()3.beanssee()4.creamclean()5.sheegg()6.loudmonth()7.flowerfruit()8.Chinese school()9.knowsnow()10.cityclock()二选出不同类的单词。 (10)()1.A. Monday B.Friday C.Sunday D. day()2.A. MissB. music C. MrD. Mrs()3.A. fatB. tallC.

2、 bigD. bag()4.A. teaB. CokeC. milkD. egg()5.A. smart B. strictC. short D. sugar三单项选择。(10)()1.The first day of a week is.A. SundayB. SaturdayC. Monday()2.What do you havedinnerWednesdays?A. at; forB. on; atC. for; on()3.What classes do you haveTuesdays?A. forB. onC. of()4.Sometimes Ito the zoo with m

3、y mother.A. goB. likeC. play() 5.The ice-cream is.A. sourB. sweetC. salty()6.WhatZoom like?A. doB. doesC. have()7.Thursday is theday of the week.A. fifthB. seventhC. sixth()8.Coke is my favourite.A. fruitB. foodC. drink()9.He sitsa boat.A. inB. onC. at()10.Hes tallstrong. Hesvery active.hes very str

4、ict.A. and; butB. and; ButC. and; And四选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整。(14)A Thank you.B. Whats your favourite day?C. Nice to meet you.D. Whats your favourite food?E. Can I ask you some questions?F. What do you do on the weekends?G. Do you like weekends?A: Hello, Miss White. You are new in our school. _?B: Sure.A: _

5、?B: Yes, I like weekends.A: _?B: I often read books and do sports on the weekends.A: _?B: I like tomatoes. They are healthy.A: _.B: You are welcome.五 选择正确的单词将句子补充完整。 (10)( P.E., favourite ,am ,fun ,like ,healthy ,tofu,love ,Tuesdays , Fridays )Hello.I_ Amy. I like _very much . Mr Li is my P.E. teach

6、er. His class isvery_. We all_him.MrLi s_ foodis_. Its_. We have P.E.classes on_and _.I _myteachers七对答如流。(10 分)()1.What would you like for lunch?A.I like apples.()2.What do you do on Sundays?B.Hes young.()3.Whats your favourite food?C.I often read books.()4.Whats he like?DIt s Monday.()5.What day is

7、 it today?E.I d like some rice.八连词成句。(10 分)1. have, we, tomatoes, Sundays, on ._2. do, I, in, homework, evening, my, the ._3. have, English, do, you, classes, today ?_4. like, Toms, whats, father ?_5. is, it, what, tomorrow, day ?_六根据图画完成句子。( 16)九、以介绍自己为主题写一篇作文。内容包括描写自己的外貌,喜欢星期几,上什么课,做什么活动和喜欢的食物。要不少于 5 句话。(10 分)语文,数学语数音鱼,豆腐



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