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1、 第九讲 人教版初一下 第八单元本讲内容内容基本要求Unit 8Is there a post office near here?1. 要求掌握重点单词和词组2. 掌握日常交际用语3. 教学重点:使用祈使句、条件状语从句等为他人指路,there be 句型考点透视1. -Do you like Janes new skirt? (2007 山东 枣庄) - Yes,very much. Ill ask Mum to buy _ for me.A. anotherB. itC. oneD. the other答案:C解释:该题主要考察one 用作替代词的用法。“我”想让妈妈买的裙子跟Jane的新

2、裙子属同类,但应是另一件,因此要选能表示同类但不是同一个的one。而it表示替代前文论述的同一个事物。2. There _ many students in the library after school every day. (2009 北京)A. has B. have C. is D. are答案:D解释:There be 句型本身表达的就是“有”的意思,所以不能再跟have和has连用,而后面为many students,复数形式应该选are。3. -Excuse me. _ is the park? -Its next to the supermarket. (2007 四川 乐山

3、)A. WhenB. WhatC. WhereD. Which答案:C解释:在完整的看过问句和答语后得知,在超市旁边,所以首句问的是地点,所以选择where。4. The moonlight is coming in _ the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful. (2007 成都) A. across B. through C. over答案:B解释:表达“从窗子穿过”,是从空间内穿过,应用介词through,介词over是指从物体的上方经过;across指从表面穿过。.5. There are some new students i

4、n our school this term. (改为否定句) (2007 重庆) There _ _ new students in our school this term.答案:arent any解释:考查There be 结构,其否定式是在be后加not, 第一空应填arent,第二空:因为该句已经改为否定句,所有需要将some改为any。6. I enjoy _ my bike in the mountains. Its not always easy, but exciting.(2008 长春) A. ride B. rode C. to ride D. riding答案:D.解

5、释:enjoy 本身为动词,后面要跟非谓语,根据句型enjoy+ doing 选择 riding。同步串讲Step1考点知识梳理Section AI. there be 句型: 表示存在,意为“有”。即“某处有某物”。 结构: there is /are +名词+介词短语(表示地点)/ 地点副词。 There is a pen and three books on the desk. 书桌上有一支钢笔和三本书。1. 否定形式:在be动词后面加not There is not a post office near here. 这儿附近没有邮局。2. 一般疑问句形式:将be动词移到there前:

6、-Are there two balls in the bag? 包里有两个球吗? -Yes, there are. (肯定回答)/ No, there arent.(否定回答)3. 对句子中的数字进行提问。 There are six pencils in the pencil box. (对画线部分提问) How many pencils are there in the pencil box?. Wheres . ? =Where is . ? 该句型用来询问某人或某物在哪里。回答时可以直接用Its + 介词短语(表示地点)/ 地点副词意思。例如: - Where is your new

7、 skirt? 你的新裙子在哪里? - Its on the bed, I think. 我想它在床上。. next to 意为“接近;在旁边,挨着的”。 这是一个介词短语,相当于beside,其后常接表示场所、顺序、价值的名词。例如:1. My desk is next to Kates. 我的桌在在凯特的临近。2. Which is the town next to London in size?哪座城市在面积上仅次于伦敦?. across 作介词,表示“横过”的意思。1. a bridge across the river. 一座横跨河上的桥。2. We swam across the

8、river. 我们游到河对岸。. in front of是 “在前面;当面”的意思。例如:1. He is standing in front of me. 他正站在我的面前。2. There is a tall tree in front of my house. 我家房前有一个课树。. between 介词,表示“在之间”的意思。例如:8. Its a secret between you and me. 这是你我之间的秘密。9. There is a railway between the two cities. 两城市之间有一条铁路。Section BI. quiet 形容词,表示“静

9、止的,宁静的,轻轻的;不出声的”的意思。1. Keep quiet! 保持安静!2. Children are now very quiet. 孩子们现在很安静。3. Jack does everything in his quiet way. 杰克做事总是一声不响的。. take a walk 散步 ,同义词:go for a walk。 I want to take a walk along the river bank. . with 介词1. 表示伴随状态 I come into the classroom with a book in hand. 我拿着一本书进了教室。2. 表示“具

10、有” There is a house with an interesting garden. 一个含有有趣的花园的房子。 China is a country with long history. . Play the guitar 弹吉他 play 在这里表示弹奏一种乐器。比如:play the piano; play the violin. Arrive 不及物动词,表示“到达,来到”的意思,如果后面要接地点名词的话,其后面要接介词in (大地点)或者at(小地点)1. Good weather has arrived at last. 好天气终于来到了。2. They will arr

11、ive in New York at noon.他们将于中午到达纽约。3. I just arrived at school.Step2重点难点解析难点一、There be 句型需要注意的几点:1. There be句型表示的是“有”的意思,翻译是不需要“这” There is a book on the table. 有一本书在桌子上。 不能翻译成:这有一本书在桌子上。2. 句型中的be动词应用: is:主语是可数名词单数或者不可数名词时are:主语是可数名词复数时 There is a pen on the desk. 有一支钢笔在桌上。 There is some bread on th

12、e table. 有一些面包在桌上。 There are two children in the room. 主谓一致: 如果there be 句型后的主语是几个并列的名词时,则根据离谓语be最近的动词的数确定be的形式,即该名词时单数,be用is;如果该名词是复数,be用are: There is a bird and two boys in the tree. 树上有一只鸟和一个男孩。 There are some apples and a bird in the tree. 3. 与have(has)的区别 两者都有“有”的意思,但there be 句型强调“某处有某物/某人”,着重“存

13、在”的状态;have 强调“某人有某物”,着重“所有、拥有” There are three children in my family. 我家有三个孩子。 I have three children. 我有三个孩子。 注意:正因为两者之间的这种区别,There be 句型中不能出现have或者has难点二、表示方位的介词或者介词短语1. at 在地点He stands at the end of the line. 他站在最后一排的最后。Lets meet at the school gate.2. in 在里面,在(大地点)We will have a meeting in the cla

14、ssroom. 我们将在教室开会。There are many Chinese restaurant in New York.3. on 在上面 Put the books on the shelf. 把书放在书架上。 My brother works on the farm. 4. between 在之间 The little girl is sitting between her parents. 这个小女孩做在她父母的中间。 The village lies between two mountains. 这个村子位于两座山之间。 The post office is between the bank and the book store. 5. behind 在后面 I stand behind her in line. 我排在她的后面。 She walks behind me. 她在我后面走。6. in front of . 在的前面,前部(空间范围外) There is a park in front of the house. 这所房子前面


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