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1、 八 年级 下 学期英语 教学案 ( 1 课时)课题:Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?学 习 目 标:a. 掌握以下单词:amusement park, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, neither, have a great time.b. 掌握如何表达现在完成时,并能运用Have you ever been to an amusement park? Has he ever been to an amusement park? 的句式进行提问和应答。c. 能用英语谈论过去的经历,谈论你曾经去过某

2、地。学习重点:掌握如何表达现在完成时,并能运用Have you ever been to an amusement park? Has he ever been to an amusement park? 的句式进行提问和应答。学习难点:能用英语谈论过去的经历,谈论你曾经去过某地。教 学 流 程:学生活动教师活动一、自主预习 Show some pictures and teach the following words: (an) amusement park, space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, Disneyland.Have you ever

3、 been to a/an ? (a)space museum (a) water park(an) amusement park (an) aquarium(a) zoo (a) Disneyland智慧引领 采用竞赛的教学方法,既调动了学生的学习积极性,又创造“信息沟”刺激学生积极思考、分析判断、快速反应,做到在短时间内自觉掌握并运用新知识去解决目前面临的真实问题。二、自信展示Which of these places would you like to visit? Rank them from 1 to 5.space museum 太空博物馆 ( ) zoo 动物园 ( ) amus

4、ement park 娱乐公园 ( ) aquarium 水族馆 ( ) water park 水上公园 ( ) Ask a student to mark the words from 1 to 5. Check the answer together. Ss repeat after the teacher.让学生对所学的单词与句型做到音、形、义全面掌握,为下一步的听力训练做好准备。三、自我提高Listen. Have these students ever been to these places?Check () the boxes.amusement parkwater parksp

5、ace museumaquariumzooClaudiaSarah 听力训练是对前面的词汇教学,句型教学和情景对话的延伸,并且也是对前面各项学习的一个大检阅,让学生体验语言和感受语言。 八 年级 下学期英语 教学案 ( 2 课时)课题:Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?班级:八(1)班设计人:付顺海 审核人: 彭光发 学 习 目 标:(1)掌握本课的生词、短语和本课所出现的日常交际用语。(2)掌握有关于“某人曾经去过某地”的交际用语:Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have. / No,

6、I havent.Has he ever been to an amusement park? Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.学习重点:(1)熟练掌握和灵活运用现在完成时来描述某人曾经去过某地。(2)能区别现在完成时和一般过去时在表达过去经历的不同。学习难点:能区别现在完成时和一般过去时在表达过去经历的不同。教 学 流 程:学生活动教师活动一、自主预习 Practise in pairs)1. Ss look at the pictures below and role play the conversation . WanLu Garden the end of t

7、he earth water park、A: Have you ever been to a/an .? B: Yes, I have. I went to .last week.、A: Have you ever been to a/an .? B: No, I havent./ I have never been to a/an . A: Me neither. /Neither have I.2.Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.智慧引领 学生们通过小组中相互交流,用英语表达自己曾经去过某地,并询问他

8、人的情况,通过合作与交流,培养积极的情感态度,创导把自己融合在集体的智慧中,一起成长,一起进步。二、自信展示1. Lets go somewhere different today.2. Have you ever been to? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.3. How about/what about?4. How are we going to get there?5. We can take the subway/ 6. To train students listening and speaking skills师生共同评价能使学生学得主动而富有创造性,养

9、成独立分析问题与解决问题的习惯。三、自我提高Homework :Ask your classmates wheather(是否)they have been to these places.You can write a report like this: Name:Sanya,Dadong Sea, Monkeys Island, Space Museum, Zoo Report like this: Lily has been to Sanya.But Lucy hasnt been to Sanya.Neither of them has been to Beijing.So they

10、will go to Beijing this summer vacation.通过展示本课的词汇和重点句型,让学生回顾前面所学的内容并巩固本课的语言知识。 八 年级 下学期英语 教学案 ( 3课时)课题:Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?班级:八(1)班设计人:付顺海 审核人: 彭光发 学 习 目 标:(1) Key vocabulary: amusement; neither(2) Listening practice.(3) Target language:6. Lets go somewhere different today.7. Have

11、you ever been to? Yes, I have./ No, I havent.8. How about/what about?9. How are we going to get there?10. We can take the subway/ (4) To train students listening and speaking skills.教学重点:To be interested in taking part in all kinds of activities in English class.学习难点:(1) Key vocabulary: amusement; n

12、either(2) Listening practice.(3) Target language:教 学 流 程:学生活动教师活动一、自主预习 Lead-in1. Guess the places of the pictures; they are the British Museum, space museum, history museum, water park, zoo, amusement park while lead in sentence patterns:“ Have you ever been to ?”2. Speaking Get students to work in

13、 pairs to practice the conversation: “ Have you ever been to”“Yes, I have”/ Not, I havent.智慧引领 The Present Perfect Tense (现在完成时)构成:has/have+done ()I/You/We/They have doneHe/She/It has done 二、自信展示Listen and choose the best answer. The first and the second question aim to listening to time, and the th

14、ird one aims to listen for the relationship. This activity trains students listening ability for listening for specific relationship.1)When did Sarah visit the National Science Museum?A. Today B. Yesterday C. Last year2)When did Claudia visit the nature museum?A. last year B. last summer C. Last school trip 3)What may the relationship be between the two speakers?A. Friends B. Teacher and studentC. Mother and kid.I havent been


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