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1、七年级英语上期末测试题作者:日期:2013年秋季七年级英语上期末模拟测试题(第一部分、听句子,选出所听内容的最佳答语。每题读两遍。)1. A. Her n ame is Lily.)2. A. It s red.)3. A. Nice to meet you!)4. A. She likes it.)5. A. Yes, they areB. His n ame is Tom.B. It on the desk.B. Good morning.B. Because it in terest ing.B. Yes, these are.一、听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话念两遍。)6. A

2、. A volleyball)7. A. Lily saunt)8. A. Brow n)9. A. Yellow)10. A. Jan uary 3rd、听短文,选择正确的答案。(B. A soccer ballB. Lily sisterB. Gree nB. BlueB. June 3rd 每段对话念两遍。听力(20分)(5分)C. My n ame is Ala n.C. It 15yuan.C. Fine, tha nk you.C. No, she does nt.C. No, they are.(5分)C. A basketballC. Lily motherC.JennyC.

3、Gree nC. July 3rd(10 分)11. When does Bill school have classes?A. At eight o lockB. At nine o clock)12. Does Bill have classes on Tuesday after noon?A. We don tk nowB. No, he does ntC. At seve n o clockC. Yes, he does. )13. How many En glish classes does Bill have every week?A. FiveB. Four)14. What d

4、oes Bill th ink of En glish?A. It boring.B. It relaxing.)15. What subject does Bill like?A. P.E and artB. En glish and P.E第二部分笔试(100分)C. ThreeC. It difficult.C. Math and art.四、单项选择(15分)(Can I help you? A. Yes, please. B. Thank me.)17. I haveuseful book. A. the)18. A pencil is un der the chair. Is it

5、_ ? )19.Is this his dictio nary?A. it isB. it isn Where are the balls?)16.C. You are welcome.C. anD. Not at all.B. aD.)20.A. on aB. on theA. your B. yoursNo,.C. he isn They aretable.C.under a)21. Please call me3345-5648May 1st.A. at ; inB. at ; onC. in ; in)22. We can see somein the box. A. strawber

6、ries3345-5648C. youD. this isn D. onD. in ; onB. apple C. ice-creams()23. They watch sports showTV . A. inB. underC. for()24. My son is. Today is hisbirthday.A. twelve; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth()25. These gree n shorts aresale$10.A. on; atB. on; forC. for; ofD

7、. in; atD. herD. milksD. on()26.Happy birthday, Tom .A. Happy birthday, too. B. Thanks very much C.The same to you.()27. I havebasketball. Letsbaayetball. A./ ; /B. a; the C. a ; / D. / ; the()28.is the skirt?It S 18 dollars.A. How oldB. How muchC. How manyD. How about()29. Jimoran ges but hebanan a

8、s.A. likes; likesB. likes;doesn likeC. don Slike;likesD. likes;don Slike()30. A pair of shoesun der the bed. A. isB. am C.are D. be五、完形填空(10分)Shirley is my friend. She 31 eleven years old. 32 birthday is on February 18th. She lives with her family in Jin che ng. On weekdays, She gets up 33 six thirt

9、y. Then she has a hamburger and some milk for 34 a nd the n goes to school. Classes start at eight o clocka nd she 35 lunch at twelve at school. Shirley plays ball games at three thirty. She 36 home at five o clock.On Sun days, Shirley does n 37 early. She ofte n gets up at 38 eight o clocka nd cook

10、s breakfast for her family. After breakfast, she goes shopp ing with her mother. I n the afternoon, she goes to the park and plays basketball with her frien ds. In the evening, she ofte n goes to the 39 with her parents. Her father 40 mother like movies, too. She has a happy family.()31. A.isB. amC.

11、 areD.be()32. A.SheB. HerC. HersD.His()33. A.atB. onC. inD.for()34. A.lunchB. dinnerC. breakfastD.supper()35. A.isB. areC. haveD.has()36. A. go toB. goes toC. goD.goes()37. A. get upB. gets to school C. does homeworkD. goes home()38. A.tooB. aboutC. wellD.very()39. A.homesB. roomsC. moviesD.schools(

12、)40. A.butB. soC. orD.and六、阅读理解(30分)ADear Joh n,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me tell you someth ing about me. My sister and I are in the same school. We have classes from Mon day to Friday. I like Chin ese, because its very in teresti ng. But I dont like scie nee, because it difficult. All

13、my classes finish at 4:30. After class I play games with many Chin ese frien ds.On weekends, we don have any classes. I often go to the parks and I have a good time with my family there.How many classes do you have every week? Do you like them?Please write to me soon.Yours,Susan()41. This is a lette

14、r for.A. JimB. MikeC. TomD. Joh n()42. Susa nssister and Susa n are inschool.A. the same B. differe ntC. the middle D. the primary()43. Susa n likes,but she does n like.A. Chin ese, math B. Chin ese, scie nee C. math, scie nee D.music, Chin ese()44. From Mon day to Friday, Susa n can go home atin the after noon.A. 3:00B. 2:00C. 1:00D. 4:30()45. What does Susa n do on weeke nds?A. She usually plays games with some C



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