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1、一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1.He wished he didnt tell her the truth that brought her so much pain.2.BD3.4.1. A2. B3. C4. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:B;标准答案:B得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:B.改为hadnt told。Wish后面的从句要用虚拟语气,本句是对过去事情的虚拟。本句大意是“他希望自己当初没有告诉她那个给她带来这么多痛苦的事实。”5.Mary found it difficult to talk calmly about which she h

2、ad experienced at the station.6. A B C D7.8.1. A2. B3. C4. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:C;标准答案:C得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:C.改为what。what 引导后面的宾语从句,并且在该从句中做谓语had experienced的宾语。本句大意是“Mary发现很难平静地谈论自己在车站经历的事情。”1.There was too much dust that we couldnt see what was happening.2.A B C D3.4.1. A2. B3. C4. D知识点:Identifi

3、cation1学生答案:B;标准答案:B得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:B.改为so,因为“sothat”是一个固定结构,意思是“如此以致”。本句大意是“灰尘太多了,以致于我们根本看不清发生了什么?”1.There will be more than three hundreds students taking part in the sports meet.2. A B C D3.4.1. A2. B3. C4. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:B;标准答案:B得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:B.改为three hundred。“数字+Hundred”中的hundr

4、ed不用复数,但是却有“hundreds of”这样的短语,意思是“好几百, 许许多多”。本句大意是“运动会中将会有三百名学生参加。”1.After she got married, Lily went to see her mother each other week.2.A B C D3.4.1. A2. B3. C4. D知识点:Identification1学生答案:D;标准答案:D得分:5试题分值:5.0提示:答案:D.改为every other week,意思是“每隔一周”。“every other+单数名词”的意思是“每隔一”。本句大意是“婚后,Lily每隔一周去看她母亲一次。”

5、二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1.(错误)2.Seven weeks after the powerful 8.0 earthquake claimed more than 70,000 lives in China, Gail McGovern, the new president and CEO of the American Red Cross is in China seeing the needs of the survivors.3.“The purpose of this trip is to build bridges and to have an opening

6、for a dialogue with the people of China,” McGovern said. “Just to tell them how important China is to our country and how much we want to help the people of China.”4.McGovern and David Meltzer, senior vice president of International Services for the American Red Cross, along several other humanitari

7、an organizations and leaders of corporationsC such as Procter and Gamble, Honeywell, Cisco, Chevron and Johnson & Johnson traveled to China at the invitation of the U.S. Governments Agency for International Development (USAID)5.On Monday in city of Yingxiu, they talked to students and teachers who s

8、urvived the collapse of their schools during the quake. 6.“By far the most heartbreaking, emotional sight that I saw was at the primary school where one young girl described the terror and what happened,” McGovern said. “She described losing her brother and losing her friend and the sounds; that was

9、 really the moment that it hit me: This isnt just looking at construction, its looking at broken lives.” 7.The American Red Cross has committed $20 million to help the earthquake survivors recover and sent two relief experts to the affected area. Later this week, another relief worker will be headin

10、g to China to work with the Red Cross Society in China to support longer-term recovery efforts and help determine additional needs.8.Although the recovery is fading from the headlines, great needs still remain. Even though McGovern has only been in her new position two weeks, she says meeting these

11、survivors has reaffirmed her commitment to the organization.(共302字)9.1. What is the passage mainly about?10.A. the earthquake in China11.B. the new president and CEO of the American Red Cross12.C. the visit of the leader of the American Red Cross to the earthquake-affected area in China13.D. survivo

12、rs in the earthquake which hit China 14.2. What is the purpose of McGoverns visit to China?15.A. to show that she was the new leader of the American Red Cross16.B. to build some bridges for the earthquake-stricken area in China17.C. to do business with China18.D. to provide some help to the survivor

13、s in the earthquake 19.3. Which of the following did not come to China with McGovern?20.A. people from some humanitarian organizations21.B. leaders of some American companies22.C. David Meltzer23.D. Johnson24.4. What impressed McGovern most during her visit?25.A. students and teachers26.B. what a pr

14、imary school girl told her27.C. the collapse of buildings28.D. the sounds of the earthquake29.5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?30.A. McGovern came to China several weeks after the earthquake happened.31.B. The American Red Cross had already provided help to the survivors.32.C. The Chinese government invited McGovern to China.33.D. The earthquake recovery appeared less in the headlines.34.1.1. What is the passage mainly about? 2.1. the e



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