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1、1.The Force of HabitsHabits,whethergoodorbad,aregraduallyformed.The more we do a thing,the more we tend to like doing it; andif we do not continue to do it, we feeluncomfortable.Thisiscalledthe forceof habits,and theforceofhabitsshouldbe fought against.Thisapplieseven tosuch good thingsaswork or res

2、t. Some people form a badhabitof workingtoomuch, and othersofidlingtoo much. Bad habits,once formed,are difficult to get rid of.The wise man always remembers to checkany ba d habit. He warns himself“I amnow becomingidle” or “I liketoo manysweets” or “I smoke too much ”. Andthen adds, “I will get mys

3、elf out ofthis bad habit at once.”2.The Way to Achieve SuccessMany peoplesay thattheyowe much ofittothecultivationofcertaingoodhabits in early life. In forming goodhabits,Ithinkwe shouldpay attentiontofourthings,thatishonesty,industry, enthusiasm and thrift.“Honestyisthebest policy.” Thisisa proverb

4、towhichwe must pay attention.Thereareso many temptationsinsocietythat through a little carelessness wemay go astray. But when we are honest,people will not be dishonest to us.Industrygiveseverymanandwoman,every boy and girl, proper work to do.To do nothing is going to ruin oneself.Enthusiasm is a gr

5、eatforce.Ones soulwill expand if one devotes oneself to anoblecause. The difficultiesinourwayaretremendous,butwhat canwenotaccomplish, if with enthusiasm?Therearemany proverbs,whichset forththeadvantagesofthrift.Sincewe livein the world in which money is a verypowerfulthing,we shouldalwaystrytosave

6、a portion of our earnings for future use.These are the four things to which we must pay attention. It is only by this way that we can achieve success.3.TV - A Blessing or a Curse?As TV enters more and more families, people begin to wonder about itsadvantagesanddisadvantages.Somebelieve it is a bless

7、ing, others holdthat it is a curse to society.TV, as a mass media,can bringtopeoplenew information on economies, culture,arts,and many otherfields.Peoplecanenjoy their favorite programs at home.Insomecountries,someTVstationsprovidesuchprogramsaslookingfordangerous criminals and lost children,helping

8、tofindanideallover,andotherswhicharequitebeneficialtosociety,someTVstationsprovidevarious useful seminars for people ofvarious ages and social status. But ontheotherhand,TVmayexertbadinfluence on people. Some programs arefull of violence. As a result, people,especiallyjuveniles,areledtocommitcrimes.

9、 An increasing number of peopleareso indulgedinTV programsthat someeven neglect their duties.In my opinion, the attitude towards TVall depends on oneself. People shouldchoose those programs,which areuseful,andcanbringtothemthesenseofbeauty.4.On Test and Test TakingThe purposeofa testisto check how m

10、uchwe studentshave learnedabouta subject.Itnotonlyhelpsmake our newlyacquiredknowledgepermanent,but alsoenablesustofindoutwhat needs tospend more timeimproving.But some students do not deal with testcorrectly. Some of them are afraid offailingina test.They cheateven attherisk of being caught on exam

11、s. Thoughcheatingmightgiveone“bettergrades ”,itaddsnothingtoonesknowledge.Thisdishonestbehaviorwilldo one more harm than good.I think that we go to college in orderto have our furtherstudies,and prepareus to be qualified for the future job.Therefore,weshouldtakeacorrectattitudetowardstest.Aslongaswe

12、studydiligentlyand reviewourlessonsregularly, we are sure to be used toserve its real purpose.5.The DictionaryThedictionaryisalivingteacher.Whenever you come acrossa new word,justconsultitandyouwillgeta cleardefinition.Everystudent,whetherattendingschoolorself-taught,shouldalways have a dictionary at hand. As astudyaid,itisconvenient,inexpensiveand almost omniscient (all-knowing).Language skills will develop with yourconstant use of various dictionaries.The more you


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