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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 天河区初三英语期末测试听力录音材料 200801音乐讯号1-2分钟,然后宣布:天河区2006年初三英语期末考试听力测试现在开始。第一大题 听取信息听下面1段讲话。请根据题目要求,从所给的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷题号为A-E的空格中,每条横线上只能填写一个单词或一组数字。听讲话前, 你将有10秒钟的时间阅读题目。录音读两遍。你有100秒钟的作答时间。Man: Top Office Supplies. May I help you?Woman: Id like to place an order, please.Man: What did y

2、ou want to order?Woman: Ill give you the order reference numbers, shall I? First, its J1505. Thats a box of ballpoint pens.Man: What color? Red or Black?Woman: Neither. We would like blue, and three boxes, please. Man: Three boxes. Theyre ¥38 per box, so thats a total of ¥114.Woman: Right. Next, som

3、e paper. The reference number is P1961. Man:P1961 .Thats A4 paper. What color? White?Woman: Yes, white. Wed like ten boxes, please.Man: OK. At ¥30 each, thats ¥300. Right. Anything else?Woman:Yes. And just one more thing, I want a good office chair. The numbers C4083. Thats a high back chair.Man: A

4、high back chair. One. Do you want black or white?Woman: Black, please.Man: Black. Right. And the price for that is ¥480.Woman: Yes. Thats all.Man: Thank you very much. Well deliver those tomorrow morning.第二大题 对话理解听下面几段对话,每段对话后面有一至几小题。从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 每小题将给

5、出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第一段对话回答第12题。Ellen: Excuse me. I want to complain about these peppers.Boss: Whats the problem?Ellen: When I took off the paper bag, I found that two of them went bad. Look!Boss: Oh, Im very sorry about that. Ill take care of it right away. Can you show me your receipt?Ellen; Yes, h

6、ere it is.Boss: Thanks. Now if youll just wait, Ill be back in a moment.听第二段对话回答第3-4题。Arthur: Sorry Im late, Tony, but the minibus broke down, and there were no taxis.Tony: Thats all right, Arthur, Ive just got here myself, so I wasnt waiting for long.Arthur: And, Tony, Im terribly sorry, but Ive fo

7、rgotten to bring the tickets with me.Tony: Oh, dont say so. But why?Arthur: Its my memory. Its so bad these days. I cant remember anything any more.Tony: Then youd better go to see the doctor, hadnt you?听第三段对话回答第5-7题。John: Do you like your new flat?Jane: Oh, yes. Its nice to live in a new flat.John:

8、 No complaints about it?Jane: Well, sometimes its noisy at night, so its difficult to sleep.John: Its in Tianhe, isnt it?Jane: Thats right, but its easy to get to.John: Is it?Jane: Yes. Its near an underground station, so its possible to go there by train.John: Do you have good security?Jane: 24 hou

9、rs a day, so its safe to live there.John: Is the building full?Jane: Yes. Its impossible to find a new flat now.听第四段对话回答第8-10题。 Kelly: Tom, If you want to buy that computer game, you will need ¥170. Tom: But I dont have ¥170 ! I just spent most of my money on CDs, and I only have ¥70 left. Maybe you

10、 can help me.Kelly: If I help you, Ill want something in return! Ill lend you 50 yuan if you let me use your portable DVD player. Then I can listen to those new CDs you just bought.Tom: I didnt say you could listen to my CD! If I lend you my DVD player, you will have to listen to your own CD. But if

11、 you lend me another 50 yuan, I will think about letting you use some of mine.Kelly: If I lend you 100 yuan, I will use your DVD player, and Ill keep all your new CDs till Sunday. Do you agree?Tom: All right, but dont forget the computer game! If I buy the computer game, well play it together on you

12、r computer.第三大题 讲话理解听下面的一段讲话。讲话后有5个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡的相应位置。听讲话前,你将有20秒的时间阅读各小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。讲话读两遍。听下面独白回答第12-15题。Hints on keeping pet fishWhy keep them?People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish cannot be friendly, but they can be good pets. They have beautifu

13、l shapes and colors. They are a pleasure to watch as they swim in their tanks.What do they need?First of all, the fish need a suitable tank, and you must fill the tank with suitable water. It is also good for them to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure. A few snails in the tan

14、k are a good idea, too. They will keep it clean.What about feeding them?There are many kinds of fish food on sale in pet shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish. You should feed your fish once a day only. It is important not to give them too much food. Just give them as much as they can eat i

15、n about fifteen minutes. This will keep them healthy. ( 听力考试到此结束,请继续进行笔试)初三英语笔试参考答案一、听力测试 (共20题,35分)第一节:听取信息: Blue; paper; ten; C4083; 480第二节:对话理解: ABBBA CBCBC 第三节:讲话理解: CCCAB 二、语言知识与应用16-25 CDBBA DABAC 26-35 B A B D D B C C B D三、阅读(共50分)第一节:完形填空 36-45 CBDAD BCADC第二节:阅读理解 46-65 A D D B C ADCDB BCDBD DACDB四、写作部分(共30分) 第一节 单词拼写 (共5小题,5分;每小题1分)66. hundredth 67. disappointed 68. least 69.founded


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